Monday, June 04, 2007

The summer has officially begun...

Well, I'm here... okay...not quite Minneapolis. I am actually still in Dallas to be honest.

We are working with FBC Urbandale in the heart of Dallas this week doing VBS until we leave for Minneapolis on Friday. I have to admit, I thought doing VBS would be a "few hour a day" job, but no. I was up at the church today for well over thirteen hours...not that it's a bad thing. But needless to say, I am tired.

I am getting to know the guys on my team more and more. However, circumstances make it difficult, which can easily be viewed as a bummer. See, Bryan and Kasey are staying at another host home this week, so I really only see them up at church. But, this has given me a lot of time to myself, to pray, study the Word, and just listen to what God has to say. He has already pushed me in ways I would not have expected. Let's just say that He showed up before Orientation was even over.

Funny story... so we are at Chili's today (my team and some church members). I am sitting next to Kasey, a guy on my team. Somehow, we, as a table, start talking about piercings. Ok..timeout.. let me say.. I have a clear spacer in my nose, so I am not sure anyone has noticed or not.... So, next thing I know, Kasey says, "I hate noserings. They are just SO ugly." Now I may not know the kid very well, but I turn to him like he was any ol' friend and sarcastically say, "Well tell me how you really feel!" Granted I was just joking, but poor thing, he felt so bad. He was mortified. He had forgotten all about my nose ring. However, it was hilarious.

Well, I gotta jet... got an early day canvasing the area around the church tomorrow. I hope to hear from some of you occassionally.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haahaa poor Kasey! Well, at least it was him who somewhat knows you as opposed to someone else on the team who had actually just met you! Thanks for sharing that great story! LOVE YOU