Monday, July 16, 2007

I have been to WISCONSIN!!

Well, the cook out went REALLY well. We had a great amount of people show up. It really was a lot of fun. People stayed around for over hours, just talking and such. It really was a good time.

Our camping and canoeing trip was really fun too. We had four girls, so me and Carina (the youth minister's fiance) had it pretty easy. We canoed the St. Croix River, which borders Minnesota and Wisconsin. It was absolutely beautiful! We went on a nice hike on Saturday night, which magnified the beauty of this place. Early Sunday morning, we packed up and headed out for the River. We canoed a WHOPPING 17 MILES! It took all day... no joke. But it was a good time and we got to see more and more of God's beauty. However, by the end of the day, I was SERIOUSLY moreso than ever before. I hurt all over now...which is no fun.
No real plans as of yet for the week... so we shall see what happens!

1 comment:

Katie said...

did you eat some cheese?!

praying for ya!