Thursday, July 05, 2007


I have officially moved out of my closet of a room! YAY!! Now, I am living in an apartment with another girl, Becky. Katie, who went to Appleton with us, lives there too, but is gone for the most part! The apartment is in a suburb of the cities, Roseville. Therefore, I will be riding the bus to and from Dinkytown everyday. I may even get a bike to ride to my bus stop, because its kinda a long way off from the apt... I gotta say, I am excited about the possibility of a bike.

Nate, the guy whose house we have been living in, just got back. He's taken us out and about tonight, which is nice. Looks like he will be our "supervisor" now.

I am volunteering at the Basillica Block Party tomorrow night and Saturday night, which I am stoked about. I will be selling beer and raffle tickets. It should be an awesome opportunity to meet more people. So pray for that if you get a chance.

I am really liking Minneapolis... could I possibily live here one day? Maybe?! There is such a need up here. Only 5 % of CHURCHED people are evangelicals. Do you know how small that is?? REAL SMALL!! Church plants need to be popping up all over the place up here.

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