Thursday, July 19, 2007

Good News...

Good news folks....

First, I SAW TONY TODAY!! YAY!!! I was wandering around Dinkytown this afternoon when lo and behold, there he was outside of Espresso Royale. I was able to sit and talk with him for about an hour. I hope to go back and talk with him some more tomorrow.

Still no sign of my Mormon friends.

Second bit of good news...WE HAVE PLANS!! That's right! The next two weekends, we will be in Appleton. You may remember that a few weeks ago, we did some survey work in this rural western Minnesota town, for the possibility of a new church plant. Well, they are going to have two preview services in the next two weekends. And guess what I am in charge guessed it...childcare. But I am actually excited about it. Not only do I get to connect with some of the families again, but I get to dabble in church planting some more and the logistics that go with it.

Thirdly, Jesus Camp went REALLY well. The movie itself was, as predicted, sketchy. However, it did provide for some QUALITY conversation afterwards with Grant and Alex. Let me explain a bit. Both of these guys grew up Catholic, altar boys even. Grant, at some point in recent years, decided that Christianity doesn't hold much validity is now a self-proclaimed agnostic. Alex is searching more than anyone I have ever met. I don't think I have ever known someone who is so HONESTLY searching. We had a great conversation with both of them after the video. A lot of the conversation was actually between the two of them, as they discussed and debated back and forth.

I left tonight realizing more and more the true need for community among people, both believers and non-believers. It often takes a TRUE relationship with people to hold a conversation with them on spiritual matters. Honestly, I feel that even after almost 10 weeks, we dont have that relationship with people here. However, Nate does. And to see the way he composes himself and is careful with his words is amazing. But he knows that no matter what, they will be friends after their conversation, because they have a relationship. THAT'S COMMUNITY...THAT'S MISSIONAL LIVING

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