Sunday, July 08, 2007

4 weeks left in minnesota...

...and I am a little sad about my short time left here. Didn't think I would ever say that.

I have a new favorite music artist...Jonny Lang. I highly recommend him to all of you! He played last night at the Basillica Block Party and he was REALLY good. I really like his sound.

Another night at the block party proved to be so fun. I worked with the same people, at the same beer tent. We worked so well together the night before, that we decided to work together again, and I am so glad we did. We were able to get to know each other more and more. By the end of the night, I had blisters all over both of my hands from opening countless beer bottles. I REEKED of beer and wine, but it was so worth it. I know some people would have looked down on the fact that I "sold beer" on a "mission trip." But I choose to think that this is where Jesus would have been...with the people. None of the people I worked with were churched. They were intrigued as to what would bring me, a Texan, to volunteer at the Block Party. I was able to share with them why I am here, where my heart is, and who Christ is to me.

At the end of the night, one of the ladies I worked closely with pulled me aside and started to shower me with compliments....just telling me about how she saw my heart... and it inspired her..and never change..yadda yadda. I felt that in that moment, God was affirming my decision to work in a "beer tent."

Still struggling with the bus system...

and now for some pics..

my bus station... first one
so excited about riding the bus
the basillica of st mary... isnt it beautiful

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