Thursday, July 08, 2010

Third AND fourth day of camp...done

Yesterday was quite a long say the least.

After a nice morning, we set out on our city adventure. Each team had a lifesize wooden cow as their mascot. In the early afternoon, some scary cow thieves came and stole the cows! OH NO! The only way to get them back? Go on an adventure in downtown to hunt down clues so we could find the cows. I went with the youngest group. First stop, Stephansplatz, the tallest tower in downtown. 300 and something legs still hurt. That clue led us to a fountain, where we were supposed to find a clue on a coin at the bottom...only somehow, the coin was gone. Good thing the adults knew where to go next. We were off to find a hidden cell phone behind a pay phone. It rang and we answered it to receive our next clue. Then we were off to the park between the museums to find the next clue in the last bush. That led us to an apartment, where the lady there told us to find a man with a cowboy hat on the street. He told us to go to the grocery store and buy a raspberry drink. When we all got the drinks, we took off the labels to find our last clue, which led us back near the church, where we handed over our gold to the cow bandits and got "Lilly" back. Five hours later, all four cows were back with us and we were headed back for dinner, chocolate bananas, and scary stories.

I opted out of staying the night at the camp out. I returned to camp this morning, where we had a pretty nice day. During Bible study, we pulled the older kids aside, where we explained salvation. Sounds easy. But try putting the Gospel in kid words, then in REALLY easy English...pretty tough. But they asked some really good questions. Wheels were turning for sure.

After camp today, we did a lot of laughing about the last 48 hours. We will have a nice, quiet night at home before our last day of week one of camp tomorrow.

Ways to pray:
- Tomorrow we wrap up the first week. I am going to be sad to see Konrad and Philip go. They were at camp last year, and I have REALLY enjoyed them this year.
- Tomorrow night, we have a party and the families join us. The Gospel is shared. Pray for open hearts.
- Some of the older kids are asking lots of questions about the Gospel. Pray we are obedient to the Spirit.
- After yesterday and last night, we are all pretty tired. Pray we rest up this weekend, as we get ready for another week of camp.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like you guys are having a great time! praying for ya!