Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 2...Complete

We started the day a little late, thanks to all kinds of traffic jams all over Vienna. Boooooo!

After quickly packing lunches and backpacks, we were off to the organic farm, where we were treated once again with the most delicious tomatoes. And since they are organic, you dont even have to wash them. Just pick them, wipe the dirt off, and eat away... Delightful.

Next, a hike to the Lobau. It didnt rain like last week, but it was HOT. When we finally made it to the park, we took a lunch break. Fine by me. It was nice to sit awhile after the hike.

Next up, capture the flag. It was an exciting game, especially since I cheated the system. I would have a blue tie on. When the yellow team would "catch" me, I refused to "go to jail." Instead, I pulled out a yellow tie and switched teams.

After playing for about an hour and neither team scoring, we decided to head back. It was quite a long way back, especially when you have tired, whiny kids. I was in the back with the slowest of the group, Dominick. He doesn't speak much English, but he hums a lot. We ended up being about 10 minutes behind everyone else. Our conversation would have been humorous to anyone listening, as I tried to say words he would understand, but only started speaking louder and slower. After realizing that he isn't "special," just doesnt speak English, I quieted down and the weird looks he was giving me ceased.

We finished the day by playing in the sprinkler. Seemed fitting.

Tonight, I got to spend the evening with Klaudia! And what a blessing it was! We went for Israeli food (my first time to have it), then for coffee at a traditional Viennese coffee shop. We talked and laughed for a few hours before we headed back to the outskirts of the city. It was so good to catch up with her, and just talk about what we are reading, what God is teaching us, etc. She may live on the other side of the ocean from me, but I truly would consider her a friend. I wish I could have hung out with her more.

Tomorrow, we are off to our city adventure. Ways to pray:
- It's going to be another hot one tomorrow... Pray for protection
- The team was all pretty worn out today. We need all the energy we can get for tomorrow.
- I have had a bit of a headache all afternoon. It feels like it may turn into a migraine, since it has gotten worse over the past few hours. Tomorrow would NOT be the best day for a migraine!

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