Friday, July 09, 2010

It is hard to believe that we are already half way through our time in Austria, which means...


Friday of English camp is always hectic. We wrap up our activities and games, get ready for the party, then enjoy a night with the parents and kids. And that is exactly what we did.

We had a busy day with all kinds of activities. At one point, I tied one of the more mischievous older boys up. It was all in good fun, I promise! I had him bound to a chair by his arms and legs. Little did I know that he thought the only fair thing to do in return was to tie me up. Except not only was I tied to the chair, but I was also blindfolded and tickled by NUMEROUS kids. After repeatedly yelling, " I will potty on you!" they ceased. And it's a good thing, because I probably would have wet myself, which would be a whole new level of embarrassment.

As per English camp tradition, we had a banana split party. Imagine groups of five or six kids, crowded around a 6 ft table lined with aluminum foil, covered in bananas, ice cream, whipped cream, chocolate syrup, etc. Imagine them all shoveling heaping spoonfuls into their mouths quicker than they can swallow. Then imagine the sugar-induced insanity that comes after. Needless to say, the banana split party stresses me out.

We practiced our two songs and the electric slide one last time before the parents came. Once they all arrived, we did our little "show," followed by Ruth sharing the Gospel. Then it was time to make bread on a stick and smores over a campfire. They love it.

I got to enjoy one last evening with Konrad and Philip. Last year, those boys drove me insane. This year, I TRULY enjoyed them. We joked a lot, but they also knew I meant business. I may even miss those boys!

Klaudia and Michael even came to the party! I was so excited! I was "manning the food table" when I saw Michael. I thought, "Well thats odd.." And then I saw Klaudia! HOORAY!

The party wound down and the kids all went home with their parents. It was a little sad to see some of them go, and a few of them, I was practically shoo-ing them out the door...

Now, we have a relaxing weekend to enjoy the city, and, dare I say it, sleep in.

Ways to pray:
- Rest... We were all dead-dog tired tonight. We need all the rest we can get.
- Aubrey has a friend that she met in the states that is from Germany. I dont think she is a believer. She and her boyfriend are driving to Vienna this weekend to spend time with Aubrey.
- Hearts to stir from the Gospel shared tonight. There were some really good conversations about faith shared tonight. Pray it doesnt stop there
- On a more personal note, I have been doing my own searching lately....trying to figure out what is next in my life...where to go from here...

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