Friday, February 26, 2010

0336 - I FINALLY TALKED TO LINDSAY TONIGHT!! I'm SO glad to know that she is safe and well.

0337 - I had a great meeting with Megan today. (she is the BEAUTIFUL high school junior from my church) Our time together in the Word was so sweet

0338 - Zumba kicked my butt today... not sure if I should be thankful for that or not

0339 - We got to celebrate Roy's 84th birthday with him this week. I just love that man

0340 - I got a new Compassion kid!! He is from Indonesia and he is so cute!

0341 - When I went home this weekend, I got to sit down and help my mom write a letter and send a package to her Compassion kid. It was so sweet to be able to share that with my mom

0342 - I sent packages to my Compassion kids today... LOVE IT

0343 - I have a Bill application on my iPod. I log in my bills and when they are due, and it reminds me of them. I'd be lost without it

0344- Speaking of apps, I also have the Ellen app. Judge me. I don't care. She's hilarious. I lay in bed each night and watch clips from her show. More often than not, I literally laugh out loud

0345 - This week I had a question that I needed a guys opinion on. So who do I call? Rob Ramsey. Luckily, he answered... WHILE IN THE HOT TUB! haha

0346 - We started Beach Reach training tonight. We have a GREAT team and I am really excited about it.

0347- I am so thankful for the ladies at my church. I had a question for them on Sunday after church at "family dinner." They were so eager to share with me.

0348 - Brittany has helped so much in getting stuff ready for Beach Reach training. I am SO thankful for her

0349 - With my new car, I have better gas mileage... HALLELUJAH

0350 - HOLY MOLY!! I'M AT 350!!!

0351 - Whenever I go home, Belle is always SO happy to see me! I don't care what anyone else says..she misses me

0352 - I get to sleep in tomorrow...PRAISE THE LORD!

0353 - God no doubt have me what to speak about tonight at Overflow. It is always such a blessing to know that what is coming out of your mouth is from the Lord

0354 - I sure am thankful that Grey's and One Tree Hill are posted online.

0355 - Facebook... I stalk people. Let's be honest

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love it, love you :)