Wednesday, February 17, 2010

0300 - HOLY COW!! I'M AT 300!!!!

0301 - I got the information to be a corresponding sponsor for another Compassion child!! Now mom and dad, don't freak. This simply means that this little boy already has a sponsor, but his sponsor, for whatever reason, does not write to him. So I get to be the lucky one to write to him!! He is the cutest little thing...from Indonesia!

0302 - Found this video today and it made me I thought I'd share.

0303 - MY APT IS OFFICIALLY CLEAN!! Now let's just see how long it lasts.

0304 - No headache today!! This may sound silly, but its quite a blessing! I have been getting headaches everyday lately...not so fun!

0305- Finally got my bank info to the car they can take my car payment out of my checking account. Maybe they will stop hassling me now.

0306-Bubba came and stayed the night with me last night. It was good to hang out with him

0307- What a sweet night of worship tonight at Overflow! It was a little different, to say the least. And I bet some people think it was a failure because we didn't have as many people, but I met with the Lord. And that's what counts.

0308- After searching ALL DAY, I FOUND MY IPOD! Apparently Bubba had moved it in his sleep last night and didn't remember where he set it. Silly Bubba

0309- I GOT MY HAIRCUT! I know... not really that big of a deal. But I have been needing it for so was nice to finally get to do it

0310- Isaac Godwin, a friend and former student of Katy Reed's is doing much better! I have been praying for him since I heard about his accident on Sunday. THE LORD HEARS OUR PRAYERS

0311 - My Zumba instructor sent me this video... tell me it's not hilarious. It gets better after the two minute mark. The leader gets extra sassy.

0312- I am thankful that we don't do THAT in Zumba

0313- The Lord is teaching me a lot lately on love and forgiveness...and how much I suck at both

0314- I finally got to talk to Liz today!!!! After playing phone tag for two weeks, I finally got to hear her sweet voice!!

0315- The leadership team did a GREAT job tonight with the worship stations! I barely had to do anything!

1 comment:

katy said...

way to keep the list going!

and thanks for the prayers for isaac. means a lot.