Saturday, December 30, 2006


Being home for the holidays has forced me to do a lot of thinking...most about my family. (And no, this isn't going to be a rant on the fam)

It's a normal thing for the four of us to sit around during this time and talk about memories. The "remember whens" bring back many laughs and smiles, and occasionally, a few tears. So thinking back to these cherished memories, I start thinking of my childhood as a whole.

Now I wasn't raised in a "Christian household." I don't know what it's like to have your parents wake you up for church, much less make you go. I have no idea how to pray with my family outside of our typical blessing over the Thanksgiving and Christmas meals. Hard times were just that...hard times..that sucked. And when it was good, it was because we were "lucky"..nothing else...

And tonight, some friends were over and we were watching Nick-at-Nite (thats the cool thing to do on a Saturday night, if you were unaware). Rosanne came on and one of my friends who WAS brought up in a Christian home said "We weren't allowed to watch this when I was young," to which I replied, "We watched this together as a family..." So I start thinking- what all DID we watch as a family? I remember being young and watching rated R movies with the fam. Sex, drugs, violence...all normal television for me. TV shows like Sightings and Married, with Children were regulars for us. But somehow, I turned out okay (at least I think so)

So I wonder, am I just lucky? Or is it really okay to expose kids to so much?

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