Sunday, December 17, 2006

Jesus says that the "Harvest is plentiful..."

Why do we take this as a bad thing? We hear this and automatically have the mindset, "There are so many people out there dying and going to hell..."

But tell a farmer that his "harvest is plentiful"... HES STOKED!

No I am not saying we should be rejoicing because there are so many people suffering in the world...but why not look at it as if there are so many people that are ready to come to Christ. defines harvest as:

1. Also, har·vest·ing. the gathering of crops.
2. the season when ripened crops are gathered.
3. a crop or yield of one growing season.
4. a supply of anything gathered at maturity and stored:

so if you "harvest" a crop once it's good and ready...doesn't it only make sense to say that there are so many people out there that are ready and willing to be "harvested?"

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