Tuesday, December 19, 2006

On the Homefront

Day 4 of being in Garland...and I can already feel the insanity overcoming me.

I went to Journey Sunday night. And I liked it...alot. We sang Christmas Carols, but we sang them as worship songs...if that is at all possible. The quaint-ness of the entire setting was nice. I snuck in a few minutes late, after getting quite lost. I did the typical visitor thing and sat in the very back on the end of the row. But afterwards, a couple of people made a point of coming over to chit-chat with me before I did the sly visitor routine and disappeared. I even stayed after a bit to listen in on a budget meeting. Sure, there was some arguing, but it was nice to know that this is a REAL church, one that deals with REAL issues like budget. It was comforting to see that it wasn't some fantasy church that secretly existed in a room within another church.

But the good stuff (insert sarcasm) came when I got home. See, I decided to go to Journey (on my own, mind you) instead of going to our (more so my family's) church for the candlelit Lord's Supper. When I came home, my dad made some rude remark about how I shoud have gone, which I responded with how I wanted to just try out this church.... A few shouts later and amongst the ignorant remarks made, my dad told me that he fears I "may join a cult..."


Since day one, I have known that my dad is not a fan of me being independent... "I will always be his little girl..." So apparently, I am supposed to believe what he believes, pray like he prays, and worhip like he worships, where he worships.

But I have NEVER accused him of doing the wrong thing by singing hymns, wearing a suit and tie to church, or any of that. I simply tell him that thats fine that it works for him, but it doesn't for me. Funny thing is, I was the one that constantly hounded him about coming to church...for a couple of years, before he finally came to visit, and later accepted Christ as his Savior...

There's some irony in this whole situation..and I don't like it. I guess I will turn to my "cult" for answers...

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