Sunday, July 12, 2009

WE MADE IT THROUGH THE FIRST WEEK! I must admit, there were some points when I wondered how we were going to do it. But it was simply by the strength of God that we made it!

We start our second week of camp tomorrow. I am thinking that it will be much better. We should all be more confident about what we are doing.

There are so many things I would like to share. The main thing is I ask you to pray for opportunities to share this week. We have a lot of older kids, so I am hoping that the team finds it easy to connect with the kids and seize the opportunity laid before them.

Pray for our team. What an amazing team we are! But I think the honeymoon stage is fading. Irritability and tiredness are rearing their ugly heads.

The Lord has laid some pretty tough stuff on my heart lately, and I am still sorting through some of it. Maybe I will post about it later.... until then... I must get to bed so we can catch our early bus tomorrow!

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