Wednesday, May 23, 2007

sad day

So I came to a stark realization the other day. I really am a poor college student.

I was home alone one evening (there's no telling where Lindsay and Kacey were). I got up and trudged to the kitchen, praying that a quality dinner option would appear before my eyes. With a mere twenty three cents to my name and minimum possibilities for dinner, I was expecting to have to eat rice, which is what I had eaten for the past week. As I opened the cabinet, I got a brilliant idea. What looked like another bland dinner, turned into quite a feast. I busted out some Mexican rice, ranch-style beans, tortillas, and diced tomatoes for my own entree de la everything. I laid out my options on the coffee table and made some mix of dinner. I gotta say, it wasn't terrible, until my lovely roommate Lindsay walked in and made fun of me for one heck of a meal.

Reminded me of this one time, when I was younger. I had a brilliant idea to make spaghetti, but my own way. I made some raman noodled and mixed in a can of diced tomatoes. It was the most disgusting I had ever made, to say the least.

So yes, I really am a sad, poor college student


Lindsay said...

We both know what Kacey was doing!

katy said...

shauna and i had the same experience the other night. i said we should just go buy something, but she insisted on trying out whatever we had around the house. it wasn't horrible.