Wednesday, March 28, 2007

just some ramblings..

So.. be in the world but not of it... how often have you heard that? But more importantly, do you understand it? And if you do, could please fill me in.

Be a Jew to a Jew, a Gentile to Gentil, etc... but how?

How long do you love someone before sharing the truth...or do you ever?

I am sure you have heard that as believers, we should be in relationships with non-believers. And most people say that all is well, as long as "you are the one influencing them, not them influencing you." But is this okay?


David said...

A candle can sit in a dark room but not conform to the darkness of the room. But how do we translate that into action where we become the candles and this world becomes the dark room?

Perhaps the best way to answer that question is to examine the example in action. How might your question be answered in the story of Jesus and Zacchaeus?

And, is the Gospel really limited simply to the words we use to educate others about Jesus? Or is the Gospel alive in our lives like a tree bearing fruit.

Yes, Jesus had the advantage of living in a very religious society--but I don't think it would be prudent to underestimate his potential simply because they already knew about Yaweh. I believe Jesus would have been able to express the gospel to a complete stranger, who knew nothing of the old or new testament, from the very first moment he met them. How? Simply by exposing them to the unconditional nature of his love.

But, what do you think Ashlee?

korey said...

Oh the joys of ramblings. . .
I think that the verses that deal with being in the world, but not of it and becoming all things to all people force us to almost categorize the world into believers, and unbelievers. Which could that be wrong? Is that a flaw with taking certain hermaneutical stance in reading the Bible? I don't know, but like david said, Christ love is seemingly capable to stretching beyond all bounds, but I don't think that Christ necessarily saw these bounds, he just loved. Maybe if we just simply loved, without acknowledging that a certain person is a believer/unbeliever then love breaks through that boundary. I guess I just see a problem in viewing people as a mission and not loving them as a person. The love will be there if your heart is true/pure, whatever, but it seems like that categorizing hinders it from being so. Not too sure, always thought provoking.

katy said...

i feel like i've learned a lot about this by working at the p.o. this year...
the question "how long do you love someone before telling them about Jesus?" makes it seem almost,like Korey said, like a mission. like you have an agenda. i understand the struggle, though. but, i don't think i'd put a time frame on a relationship...i might feel like the time is approaching where it would be unloving of me not to share truth, but that would probably be the extent of it, for me.

anyway...i really have been thinking about this a lot...i'm in the same boat. maybe you can catch me in person sometime if you're interested in more convo.