Friday, June 19, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Missed me last week? I was in Colorado for high school camp, which was AMAZING! Maybe more on that later.

I am VERY thankful for Chicken Express sweet tea. It somehow makes everything better when I am in a bad mood. I'm pretty sure that it will be in abundance.

I am also very thankful for my mom, who is willing to call me FORTY-ONE times in one morning to make sure I get up in time to get to VBS!

I am reminded how thankful I am for air conditioning. I don't have AC in my car, and haven't in quite a while. I'm not sure when I'm going to be able to get it fixed. But it's rather frustrating. I often can't wait to get into a building, simply for it's AC.

Lastly, I am VERY thankful that I live by myself. I love that I can come home after a long day and take a nap if I want... Or I can spread out all my stuff for Austria all over my living room and leave it there for days until I come back to it.

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