Friday, June 05, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Today, I am reminded how thankful I am that I have a car. With all the crazy events that have taken place over the past week, I was at home yesterday on "phone patrol." I had to basically sit at home all day so I could answer the phone when someone called. Well, if you know me at all, I'm not much of a sitter. By the end of the day, I felt like I was on house arrest. I was so thankful when more of the fam came home and I was able to get out! I went to a dollar movie (by myself) just to get the heck out!

I'm also thankful for a best friend who I can spend all night sitting in Braum's with...just laughing and talking about life. While we were there tonight, she even mentioned "You know, we could be out at a bar, drinking. But instead, we are here at Braum's in our scrubs having a grand time." I concur Liz, I concur.

Lastly, today I am thankful that I have my own room at my parents house. Though I sometimes get frustrated when I come home because it looks more like my mom's closet than my bedroom, it IS still mine. It is still my safe place... a place where I can hunker down in when I just need some time by myself, whether it be for a nap, to read, or whatever.

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