Sunday, August 22, 2010

0531- I GOT A JOB! You have probably already heard, but I will be a Head Start teacher here in Dallas. As I have sought after the Lord, I feel confident that this is where I am supposed to be. I am really excited to invest in those little ones!

0532- My job does not start until NEXT Monday, so I have this week to gear up! Hip! Hip! HOORAY!

0533- The CPC softball team WON TONIGHT!! Wait... WHAT? That's right! We were all surprised too. But they won! AND... the team they beat WAS undefeated!

0534 - I finished my nanny job with John Austin and Emily. They provided plenty of laughs.

0535 - Katie gave me some of her "teacher stuff" that she doesn't want anymore.. HOORAY FOR FREE STUFF!!

0536- I am having car problems... boo... $800 worth.... double boo. But my dad is going to help me out and get it taken care of... YAY!!!

0537 - Our CPC small group gets better and better every week!

0538 - I went to Women of Faith this weekend and got to see Karmen and Cindy! It was really good to catch up with them for a few minutes!

0539 - Mom and I got a FREE hotel room for Women of Faith. Free ticket AND free room? LOVE IT

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