Sunday, January 17, 2010

0226- I am thankful for Ben and Katie, who are serving in Haiti. I don't know them, but I read about them in the Dallas Morning News. They are a newlywed couple who went over at the end of December to teach in a Christian school there. Now, everything has changed.

0227- When I got back, I had ANOTHER LETTER FROM MINIFU!!!

0228- I went home this weekend and my mom and and I worked HARD to paint the kitchen cabinets. It looks so good! But I'm glad we are done!

0229- I was in a crappy mood today. I called Liz on my drive back to Commerce, but she didnt answer, which I am thankful for. I wouldnt have wanted to whine to her

0230 - Because Liz didn't answer, it gave me and hour to just sit and communicate with the Lord. It was good...much needed...and totally worth it

0231- By the time I got to Greenville, the sky was looking pretty dark up ahead. BUT TO MY LEFT WAS A RAINBOW!! I felt like it was God reminding me of His promises... which was JUST WHAT I NEEDED!!

0232- Tonight, I went to a movie, cleaned the apt a bit, AND watched SNL... now THAT's a good Saturday night!

0233- I recently realized that I have an abundance of clothes. And I am thankful for that... (but I will be cleaning out my closet this week!)

0234- I am thankful for scented candles. As I was cleaning tonight, I lit some. It just made everything seem so much nicer!

0235- And finally, I am thankful for technology

Thanks Technology from John on Vimeo.

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