Monday, January 22, 2007

two days in a row?? NO WAY!

Can a guy and a girl be BFF and all turn out okay?

That seems to be the question of the year. I mean really, I have had good guy friends in the past...but they are still that, the past. None (yet at least) have carried over to the present. But is this just coincidence....or is there a reason?

Obviously there are some things that cannot be shared past the gender lines. Still, so much can be shared and experienced together...but should it? Can it actually be done in a purely platonic way?

I am beginning to think that no, it can not. At some point or another, someone develops feelings for the other. Then, it just gets all awkward and weird...and noone likes that. And let's say that somehow you ARE able to maintain a platonic relationship (of BFF quality) for quite some time. What happens when one of you is in a relationship? Are you able to maintain your friendship with this person and keep a healthy relationship with your significant other? I don't know...

It's all confusing. The whole idea of any kind of relationship with the opposite sex is confusing to me. Maybe that is why I have not been in one (of "significant" value) ever... or had a boy BFF that has lasted...maybe I am going about this all wrong...

1 comment:

Erinne said...

I've always had more close guy friends than girl friends. I find there's alot less complication that way most of the time. But yeah, it's really hard when you start to look at a "friend" as maybe more than a friend...especially when the affection is not returned. It's hard to know when to let go and when to hold on, but you ultimately have to decide how much you personally can handle.