Tuesday, January 30, 2007

discipleship... THATS what is lacking

Sitting (or standing, rather) outside of a house tonight in the freezing cold with Zach tonight, we discussed the "GIG" (or small home group) that we had just left. This led to talking about the church. Zach said it best with, "You know what it's missing...DISCIPLESHIP!" He could not have been more right.

As a "church," we say, "Come to us... walk in our 'church' (building) and we will love you. But outside of these walls, we dont know you." We expect people to come to us before we will love them and accept them, and even then, it usually doesnt turn out that way.

We arent called to fill up church pews and make church-goers out of everyone- but to make disciples. Don't get me wrong- Church definitly has its place- but that is not what life is about.

So if we are called to make disciples out of others, why arent we? We have I been spending the last 3 years searching for JUST ONE of the hundreds of churches in Nac that will get me connected with an older woman. I NEED an older woman of Christ. I need her wisdom, her love, her compassion. I need to be able to talk to an older woman in Christ about spiritual matters. I don't have the luxury of talking to my mom about this sort of thing. So I am left talking to my peers all the time. And no, thats not a bad thing..in moderation. But if all I ever go to are ignorant (dont deny it) college kids, that will only do so good....

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