Saturday, November 11, 2006

Life is better..

I did something a couple of nights ago that I have never done before...I told someone else how I feel, in all honesty. I was terrified. I was nauseous. I said a few choice words in preparation. But when it was all over and done with, I felt alot better.

The next day, I finished lcasses and headed to the park. I was supposed to meet a friend, but she ended up not being able to make it. I decided to stay and just swing. Before long, I was swinging as high as I could, looking up to the sky with a little grin on my face. There were a three bagpipe players walking around the park, continually playing Amazing Grace.

I left the park that day thinking, "This is what life is about."

God didn't intend for me to carry around burdens for weeks on end. Life is better with honesty.

God is about enjoying the sun and the clouds and the trees. Life is better when you sit and take in the nature around you.

God is about swinging as high as you can, then laying back at those high points and relaxing. Life is better when you take time to swing, and swing high.

God is glorified when we continue to reflect on His grace. Life is better when you can enjoy bagpipe players playing Amazing Grace.

This week has had its ups and downs, like any other week. But I thank God that I was able to take some time to just be with Him, reflect on what life should be like, and praise Him for all of it.

1 comment:

katy said...

"There were a three bagpipe players walking around the park, continually playing Amazing Grace."
