Monday, November 13, 2006

Church bashing....err..

Why is church bashing so easy to do?

James 4:12 says "But you—who are you to judge your neighbor?"

A few of us met yesterday for a conversation about the "generative community of people struggleing together in their faith journey could look like here in Nacogdoches."

I thought it went relatively well...for a bit

But somewhere along the way, it turned into church bashing...which wasn't the goal set in our minds.

Landon said it so well when he said something to the effect of "not just 'righting the wrongs' because that would be making the assumption that we are right, and everyone else is wrong." I really thought this was a brilliant statement

Because they aren't wrong. My parents attend a traditional southern Baptist church...hymns, organs, definitly no drums, the occasional fire and brimstone sermon, deacons have way too much power, suits and ties for men, dresses for the girls, etc. But my parents aren't wrong, and neither are the other people of that church. It took me a long time to come to this realization, but I am glad that I have. Because yes, people DO worship like this. I may not be able to, but there are plenty of people that do. God is active in their lives just as much as He is in mine. It's not like I am doing it the ONLY RIGHT way...

Basically, everyone has been burnt by a church at some point. But the church is made of people...humans... who screw up. It's what we do.

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