Friday, September 22, 2006

So we are into the fourth week of school, yet I feel like I have been here a whole semester already...

This semester is like none other...thats for dang sure! When people ask how I am doing, I give my normal answer of, "Busy...!"

I was talking to a friend the other day. I had not talked to her in a few days, and she was just asking how things were going and such. I told her that, naturally, I have been insanely busy. I also shared with her with God has impressed upon me over the past few weeks....

When I wake up each morning, I open my beloved planner and look at what the day holds for me. And almost every morning, I let out a loud moan, mumble some corny phrases that are minor substitutes for some other "choice words," and have a minor anxiety attack about all that needs to be accomplished that day. Every night, as I am preparing for bed, I open my planner back up, crossing out what was accomplished, highlighting what wasn't, and look at what the next day has in store. This, too, leads to a minor anxiety attack.

But what's interesting is what occurs during the gap between those two points of my day. Now before, I would be consistent in the freaking out about what needs to be done. Stress was ever present all throughout the day...but that was before. I told my friend the other day that I am stuck somewhere between being completely overwhelmed and completely content. What an odd place to be stuck, right? But it's true. I look at my planner at those two crucial parts of my day, thinking, "How the heck am I going to do all of this?" But what is different, and slightly odd even, is that during the day, while I am actually carrying out all that needs to be done, I am not stressed or freaking out.

But why? I believe I have finally learned how to give it (my schedule) over to God. And all it took was a random comment made by an old friend. See, after not talking to him for months, he had asked how I was doing. Like usual, I said "busy!" to which he replied, "Ever since I have known you, (for 8 years now) you have always been busy!" How true is that?! Going back to the friend mentioned earlier, she asked me the other day "You like being busy, don't you?" I had to think about it. Maybe it is just that I do not know any other way...

But God is showing me how to let my schedule be about him, and not me...

I definitly don't get enough sleep, but I awake each morning feeling refreshed and ready to go. I don't spend enough time with my friends as I would like, but God has granted me friends that are understanding to all that I am doing. I don't get to spend enough alone time with Him as I would like, so He meets with me between classes, while walking on campus. I don't get to go home as often as I hoped to, but my family understands (for the most part).

If that's not God, I don't know what is

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