Sunday, September 23, 2007

200 and some odd days til I graduate, which means 200 and some odd days til I leave Nac...for good. Weird

Been praying a lot about what the heck is gonna happen come May when I have a degree and no ideas of the future. I did find out that Teach for America (which is a big possibility) is looking into expanding to the Twin Cities beginning next fall. Can you say "perfect?"

I can't help but to continue to evaluate and possibly modify current relationships. After talking to Sammons, I came to the conclusion that you can't necessarily outgrow a "place," though you can outgrow people..which sucks. I have always heard how some people are in your lives for a lifetime, while others are here only for seasons. It is very tempting to look around at the people I surround myself with and wonder..."how long are YOU around for?"

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