But I'm back now..no worries
And I'm back on the thankfulness train. So let's get rolling.
0485 - How blessed am I that the Lord uses me? Seriously. I am always blown away that God would want anything to do with little ol' me, much less use me to spread his name.
0486 - I know I may have said it before, but I am REALLY thankful for DVR. It's shallow. I know. But I missed two weeks of SYTYCD. But no worries... I caught up within a couple of days.
0487- Shortly after returning to the great state of Texas, I went to get snow cones with MB. I love snow cones. But more than snow cones, I love the time I get to spend with MB.
0488 - I started going to the Connection Point small group this week. Brittany and I tried a few weeks ago, got all kinds of lost, and gave up. So I tried again this week. First of all, I'm thankful that I found it. But most of all, I LOVED it. I know I have only gone once, but I really like the people in it. It seems like a place of real community.
0489- And continuing on that bandwagon, the girls from small group all went to dinner last night for some girl time. I had a great time getting to know them more and just having a good time.
0490 - And yet another trek on that bandwagon, I REALLY like Connection Point. And I'm not just saying that because Joel reads my blog. But I feel like it's a place that I connect (no pun intended). When I first moved home, I was really torn because I missed my church in Sulphur Springs. But now that I am going to CPC, I can really see myself staying here. I feel like it is a church that I can grow and serve at.
0491- I watched John Austin and Emily this week while their mom was recovering from surgery. Therefore, I am VERY thankful for kidsbowlfree.com. I had signed the kids up and got free bowling coupons for them for EVERY day of the summer. So it worked out great to take them bowling for a couple of hours while Lorie rested.
0492 - I am reading a book about Mother Teresa. It has some of writings and journal entries. It is kinda dark and very interesting. It is really making me search after my personal call. And I'm glad for that.
0493 - Liz and I went to Mississippi a few weeks ago to work with Jeremy and Catherine. It was a sweet time there.
0494 -I found this on the fail blog and just HAD to share it with you
0495- The Lord has been gracious in protecting my heart. I'll leave it at that
0496- I FINALLY UPLOADED AUSTRIA PICS TO FACEBOOK!! Go check them out. Here's Maxi, the little boy that went around giving out bread, because he wanted to be like Jesus.
0497- Last night, I went to the CPC softball scrimmage/practice thing. I got to hold baby Jonah! He is just 6 weeks old and is absolutely precious!
0498- Even though I am back in Dallas, Brynette still texts me and such, trying to encourage me and lift me up. I am thankful for a Godly woman like her in my life
0499- I got to facebook chat with Lindsay today!! I haven't talked to her in awhile, so it was good to catch up with her. Keep praying for her as she serves university students in South Asia!
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