But in other news... I LEAVE FOR AUSTRIA TODAY!! I can't believe it is already here!
Here's my lovely team at Orientation. Aubrey (purple hat), Rebecca (white hat), Danny, Carol, and Me
We fly out this afternoon, to London, where we will hang out for a bit (only in the airport,dont get too excited) , then fly into Vienna!
Ways to be praying for us:
*Team dynamic - this is HUGE as we try to work together to present the Gospel in our actions and attitudes.
* We have a lot of kids returning to camp this year. This is really exciting! It means they enjoyed in last year!
* We are being more intentional with our Bible story time this year. Pray it goes well.
* Ruth, our Austrian supervisor. She is an AMAZING woman who does so much for the community. Pray for her strength in body and mind during these next two weeks.
* Jet-lag. We really dont have a lot of time to re-coup once we get over there. We get in Saturday afternoon. Sunday morning, we head to church, then a full day of going over everything about the camp to make sure we are prepared.
* Culture shock- It is going to be inevitable and unavoidable. But pray that my team and I handle it properly.
* Thursday, we will be sharing the Gospel with the older kids, as well as our testimonies. Pray for them to be receptive.
*Friday night, we have a party for the families. During that time, the Gospel is shared in German to all of the adults. Pray that their hearts would softened to the Good News.
I'll try to blog as we are over there and keep prayers updates coming. Thank you so much for supporting us!
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