0556- It's Friday. Need I say more?
0557 - ALL of my kids were asleep for nap time. A BIG HALLELUJAH!!
0558 - I just love our small group. I feel like I say that every week.
0560 - I am so proud of my brother. He has been through hell this week. No joke. But he has kept it together...WAY better than I would have. '
0561- Speaking of Bubba, he drives my car a lot. And when he does, he puts his CDs in there. I then fall in love with his music, steal the CD and hide it so I can keep it forever.
0562 - I got to chat a bit with Katy Reed and Katie Mc/Gravens this week. It was on google chat and during nap time, but hey, every bit counts.
0563 - My mom and a friend of hers came up to my school this week to sign up to volunteer. I can't wait to have my mom come to school with me one day!
0564 - I FINALLY MET MY REFUGEE FAMILY!! And before you get all bent out of shape because I said "refugee," let me explain. They are legit. They are Bhuatnese and have lived in a refugee camp in Thailand for the last 15 years! They just came to America at the end of June. They are precious. Don't speak a word of English, but I can't wait to hang out with them all the time
0565- I had a "conference call" with Aravind and Vivek today. Felt like I was in Commerce all over again
0566 - My kids tell me everyday when I leave that they love me and I better come back tomorrow. Even if they have been terrors all day, like today, they still melt my heart when they say that.
0567 -It sure is nice to have an assistant teacher, for days like today when I feel like CRAP, I can just ask her to do the large group stuff.
0568 - LIZ IS HOME!
0569- I got to have a great talk with Erica after church last Sunday. We talked about the adoption process and such. But what she said that stuck out the most was about Malachi 3:3, which refers to refining silver. There was someone that wanted to know exactly what went into refining silver. So she went to find out for herself. When she got there, she noticed that the man put the silver in the center of the fire, the hottest place. Why? Because that is how it purifies best. The lady then asked "When do you know that the silver is refined." And he replied with "You will see yourself in it." And with all the stress and worry I have had with work and such, I have thought back to this verse and what Erica said about it. That when God refines us, He does it so he can see himself in us.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. With the start of the new job, things have been a little chaotic. But no worries. I'm alive.
0540- I know I bring up my church, Connection Point, a lot. But I love it. I really feel like we are all coming together to build the church. It's great to see the Lord glorified in it.
0541- I LOVE the kids in my class. They are so cute. I know by the end of the year, I am going to feel like I have 18 children of my own.
0542- There is a girl that started the same time I did, Diana. We went through training together and have toughed out this week together. I am really thankful to have her to talk things through with. She gets what's going on.
0543- I had of my kids tell me yesterday as I was leaving that I "better come back tomorrow." Because "I love you." Melt my heart.
0544- Another highlight of my week. On my first day, I was sitting on the rug playing with three girls. They start playing with my hair and said, "Wow! Miss Ashlee. We have never felt hair like yours before. (they are all African-American) Let's play beauty shop. We will braid it and put hair grease in your hair." I giggled.
0545 - Even with the crazy weather on Wednesday night, we still had our small group. It was great to see Megan and Joey's new house and to start Crazy Love!
0546 - I GET TO SLEEP IN TOMORROW! I am so friggin excited.
0547 - Joel and Erica sent in their adoption application! It is so exciting to see God work in their lives as they follow his call to adopt.
0548 - PRAISE THE LORD FOR NAP TIME! My kids (should) take a nap each day for a couple of hours. This is my lunch break and planning time. I try to cram as much productivity in during that time as possible.
0549 - My mom filled my car up with gas! 'Nuff said!
0550 - I'm starting to teach a youth Bible study at good ol' SGBC on Sunday. We will be talking about being a strong witness for Christ in school and how to share our faith. It should be good!
0551 - My Vitamin C tablets are so darn tasty! They are chewable and so yummy! I feel like I'm eating candy. It's hard to just take one!
0552 - I haven't had an income in...well...quite awhile. (I get paid next Friday) But the Lord is SO good and has sustained me.
0553 - ONE TREE HILL STARTS NEXT WEEK. Judge me. I don't care
0554 - My mom and I got into storage last weekend and GOT A DRESSER FOR ME! This may sound lame. But if you saw my room this summer, you understand
0555 - I have made it to work on time every day this week!! And for me to be ANYWHERE by 7 AM is quite an accomplishment!
0540- I know I bring up my church, Connection Point, a lot. But I love it. I really feel like we are all coming together to build the church. It's great to see the Lord glorified in it.
0541- I LOVE the kids in my class. They are so cute. I know by the end of the year, I am going to feel like I have 18 children of my own.
0542- There is a girl that started the same time I did, Diana. We went through training together and have toughed out this week together. I am really thankful to have her to talk things through with. She gets what's going on.
0543- I had of my kids tell me yesterday as I was leaving that I "better come back tomorrow." Because "I love you." Melt my heart.
0544- Another highlight of my week. On my first day, I was sitting on the rug playing with three girls. They start playing with my hair and said, "Wow! Miss Ashlee. We have never felt hair like yours before. (they are all African-American) Let's play beauty shop. We will braid it and put hair grease in your hair." I giggled.
0545 - Even with the crazy weather on Wednesday night, we still had our small group. It was great to see Megan and Joey's new house and to start Crazy Love!
0546 - I GET TO SLEEP IN TOMORROW! I am so friggin excited.
0547 - Joel and Erica sent in their adoption application! It is so exciting to see God work in their lives as they follow his call to adopt.
0548 - PRAISE THE LORD FOR NAP TIME! My kids (should) take a nap each day for a couple of hours. This is my lunch break and planning time. I try to cram as much productivity in during that time as possible.
0549 - My mom filled my car up with gas! 'Nuff said!
0550 - I'm starting to teach a youth Bible study at good ol' SGBC on Sunday. We will be talking about being a strong witness for Christ in school and how to share our faith. It should be good!
0551 - My Vitamin C tablets are so darn tasty! They are chewable and so yummy! I feel like I'm eating candy. It's hard to just take one!
0552 - I haven't had an income in...well...quite awhile. (I get paid next Friday) But the Lord is SO good and has sustained me.
0553 - ONE TREE HILL STARTS NEXT WEEK. Judge me. I don't care
0554 - My mom and I got into storage last weekend and GOT A DRESSER FOR ME! This may sound lame. But if you saw my room this summer, you understand
0555 - I have made it to work on time every day this week!! And for me to be ANYWHERE by 7 AM is quite an accomplishment!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
0531- I GOT A JOB! You have probably already heard, but I will be a Head Start teacher here in Dallas. As I have sought after the Lord, I feel confident that this is where I am supposed to be. I am really excited to invest in those little ones!
0532- My job does not start until NEXT Monday, so I have this week to gear up! Hip! Hip! HOORAY!
0533- The CPC softball team WON TONIGHT!! Wait... WHAT? That's right! We were all surprised too. But they won! AND... the team they beat WAS undefeated!
0534 - I finished my nanny job with John Austin and Emily. They provided plenty of laughs.
0535 - Katie gave me some of her "teacher stuff" that she doesn't want anymore.. HOORAY FOR FREE STUFF!!
0536- I am having car problems... boo... $800 worth.... double boo. But my dad is going to help me out and get it taken care of... YAY!!!
0537 - Our CPC small group gets better and better every week!
0538 - I went to Women of Faith this weekend and got to see Karmen and Cindy! It was really good to catch up with them for a few minutes!
0539 - Mom and I got a FREE hotel room for Women of Faith. Free ticket AND free room? LOVE IT
0532- My job does not start until NEXT Monday, so I have this week to gear up! Hip! Hip! HOORAY!
0533- The CPC softball team WON TONIGHT!! Wait... WHAT? That's right! We were all surprised too. But they won! AND... the team they beat WAS undefeated!
0534 - I finished my nanny job with John Austin and Emily. They provided plenty of laughs.
0535 - Katie gave me some of her "teacher stuff" that she doesn't want anymore.. HOORAY FOR FREE STUFF!!
0536- I am having car problems... boo... $800 worth.... double boo. But my dad is going to help me out and get it taken care of... YAY!!!
0537 - Our CPC small group gets better and better every week!
0538 - I went to Women of Faith this weekend and got to see Karmen and Cindy! It was really good to catch up with them for a few minutes!
0539 - Mom and I got a FREE hotel room for Women of Faith. Free ticket AND free room? LOVE IT
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
0520: First of all, I am SO thankful for the kids (I'm babysitting) sleeping in until 11:30 this morning! I got over there at 8 and fell back asleep. When I woke up at 11:30 and went upstairs, they were just getting up!
0521: What a blessing it was to speak at SGBC last night. I love those people. And they love me. It was like speaking for a group of my closest family and friends.
0522: And at the end of last night, they prayed specifically for me. The sweet prayers they voiced moved me to tears. Seriously, I am lucky.
0523: I GOT A FREE HAIRCUT!! My mom had built up enough rewards on her Ulta card that she got a free hair cut...and she was kind enough to let me use it! HOORAY!!
0524: I interviewed last week with Head Start. They emailed today and asked me to come in tomorrow for a drug test. And Thursday I have an interview with Buckner! YAY!!!
0525: While I have these various job-prospect things going on, my dad will be watching the kids. I wish I could be a fly on the wall! But I am SO glad that he is more than willing to help me out!
0526: The girls and I made cookies today and took them up to the fire dept. It was so sweet to watch the girls give the cookies and their handmade card over to the fireman and tell them thank you for all they do.
0527: Man...there are definitely some perks to living at home. My mom makes a good home-cooked meal every night. LOVE IT!
0528: Ashlie and Andrew got married this weekend! It was such a blessing to get to witness that.
0530: After I spoke at SGBC last night, I was told that my ticket to Women of Faith had been paid for! SWEET!
0521: What a blessing it was to speak at SGBC last night. I love those people. And they love me. It was like speaking for a group of my closest family and friends.
0522: And at the end of last night, they prayed specifically for me. The sweet prayers they voiced moved me to tears. Seriously, I am lucky.
0523: I GOT A FREE HAIRCUT!! My mom had built up enough rewards on her Ulta card that she got a free hair cut...and she was kind enough to let me use it! HOORAY!!
0524: I interviewed last week with Head Start. They emailed today and asked me to come in tomorrow for a drug test. And Thursday I have an interview with Buckner! YAY!!!
0525: While I have these various job-prospect things going on, my dad will be watching the kids. I wish I could be a fly on the wall! But I am SO glad that he is more than willing to help me out!
0526: The girls and I made cookies today and took them up to the fire dept. It was so sweet to watch the girls give the cookies and their handmade card over to the fireman and tell them thank you for all they do.
0527: Man...there are definitely some perks to living at home. My mom makes a good home-cooked meal every night. LOVE IT!
0528: Ashlie and Andrew got married this weekend! It was such a blessing to get to witness that.
0530: After I spoke at SGBC last night, I was told that my ticket to Women of Faith had been paid for! SWEET!
Sunday, August 08, 2010
Its 2:30 AM. I can't sleep. So I figured I would blog. Seems like the logical thing to do.
0510: I am so INCREDIBLY thankful for Connection Point Church. The last few weeks, I have felt like the messages Joel has preached were hand written for me.
0511: On that same chord, I am LOVING our small group. Each week that I go, I fall more in love with it. (In a non creepy way) I leave each Wednesday night thinking how grateful I am for REAL community and I look forward to continue growing with these fine folks.
0512: We survived our weekend at the river. It was for Ashlie and Andrew's Bachelorette/ Bachelor party. We had a really good time (some more than others) and we all made it out in one piece..mostly
0513: With Bubba out of town this weekend, I have been sleeping in his room. It is MUCH cooler than mine.
0514: LIZ IS IN TOWN THIS WEEKEND! This means that we have spent most of the weekend together! It is not very often that we get to hang out, so when we do, we capitalize on it!
0515: With Liz in town, I think we have started a new tradition. For the last two times she was in good ol G-town, our families have gotten together for dinner. I love it. Many laughs come from it!
0516: MB and I have had some quality hang out time this week. We had a lovely night in relaxing in the pool a couple of nights ago. Good conversations are always had poolside. I love that girl
0517: I will be speaking at good ol SGBC tomorrow night. I am so fortunate to have people that love me and support me at that church
0518: I had two interviews this week. Even if I don't get to the job, it was nice to see SOME action on the job front
0519: My brother has been driving my car more than me lately. But with that, comes him filling it up with gas. Thank goodness! Because no job means no funds.
0510: I am so INCREDIBLY thankful for Connection Point Church. The last few weeks, I have felt like the messages Joel has preached were hand written for me.
0511: On that same chord, I am LOVING our small group. Each week that I go, I fall more in love with it. (In a non creepy way) I leave each Wednesday night thinking how grateful I am for REAL community and I look forward to continue growing with these fine folks.
0512: We survived our weekend at the river. It was for Ashlie and Andrew's Bachelorette/ Bachelor party. We had a really good time (some more than others) and we all made it out in one piece..mostly
0513: With Bubba out of town this weekend, I have been sleeping in his room. It is MUCH cooler than mine.
0514: LIZ IS IN TOWN THIS WEEKEND! This means that we have spent most of the weekend together! It is not very often that we get to hang out, so when we do, we capitalize on it!
0515: With Liz in town, I think we have started a new tradition. For the last two times she was in good ol G-town, our families have gotten together for dinner. I love it. Many laughs come from it!
0516: MB and I have had some quality hang out time this week. We had a lovely night in relaxing in the pool a couple of nights ago. Good conversations are always had poolside. I love that girl
0517: I will be speaking at good ol SGBC tomorrow night. I am so fortunate to have people that love me and support me at that church
0518: I had two interviews this week. Even if I don't get to the job, it was nice to see SOME action on the job front
0519: My brother has been driving my car more than me lately. But with that, comes him filling it up with gas. Thank goodness! Because no job means no funds.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
0501- Today, I am just going to list one thing. It has been on my heart for a week now.
I first learned about Invisible Children during my first couple of years at SFA. I quickly fell in love with their mission and personally sought out to further it on the campus at SFA. If you haven't checked it out, you should www.invisiblechildren.com
My junior year, I taught an SFA 101 course with Dr. Watson. The freshmen were required to do a community service project. After sharing with them my heart for Invisible Children, they decided to host a viewing on campus. We also made bracelets to be sold at the viewing. The proceeds went straight to IC.
I have always had a heart for the work of Invisible Children. I would love to go to Uganda and work with them.
After returning from Austria, I was catching up on my blogs (this took a couple of days!) And I saw that numerous people had posted about the death of Nate Henn.
Nate Henn was a normal 24 year old, like me. He also had his heart broken for the children of Uganda. If you know anything about the Invisible Children bracelet campaign, you may know the Ugandan child Innocent, who the first bracelet was in honor of. Innocent came to the states to tell his story a couple of years ago. Nate was the guy that took him around. They became like brothers. After spending a few months together, Innocent had to return home to Uganda. Nate promised to visit him.
Check this video out
I watched this video last week and just wept. How could I not? For days, I couldn't get it out of my mind. But I kept pretty quiet about it. What could I do? What can little ol' me do? But I am reminded that Invisible Children is all about people like little ol' me, coming together and not letting this happen anymore.
I first learned about Invisible Children during my first couple of years at SFA. I quickly fell in love with their mission and personally sought out to further it on the campus at SFA. If you haven't checked it out, you should www.invisiblechildren.com
My junior year, I taught an SFA 101 course with Dr. Watson. The freshmen were required to do a community service project. After sharing with them my heart for Invisible Children, they decided to host a viewing on campus. We also made bracelets to be sold at the viewing. The proceeds went straight to IC.
I have always had a heart for the work of Invisible Children. I would love to go to Uganda and work with them.
After returning from Austria, I was catching up on my blogs (this took a couple of days!) And I saw that numerous people had posted about the death of Nate Henn.
Nate Henn was a normal 24 year old, like me. He also had his heart broken for the children of Uganda. If you know anything about the Invisible Children bracelet campaign, you may know the Ugandan child Innocent, who the first bracelet was in honor of. Innocent came to the states to tell his story a couple of years ago. Nate was the guy that took him around. They became like brothers. After spending a few months together, Innocent had to return home to Uganda. Nate promised to visit him.
Check this video out
Nate Henn // 1985 - 2010 from INVISIBLE CHILDREN on Vimeo.
I watched this video last week and just wept. How could I not? For days, I couldn't get it out of my mind. But I kept pretty quiet about it. What could I do? What can little ol' me do? But I am reminded that Invisible Children is all about people like little ol' me, coming together and not letting this happen anymore.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
You've missed me haven't you? I understand. But I took this week to (somewhat) re-coop from the amazingly awesome yet extremely exhausting two weeks in Austria.
But I'm back now..no worries
And I'm back on the thankfulness train. So let's get rolling.
0485 - How blessed am I that the Lord uses me? Seriously. I am always blown away that God would want anything to do with little ol' me, much less use me to spread his name.
0486 - I know I may have said it before, but I am REALLY thankful for DVR. It's shallow. I know. But I missed two weeks of SYTYCD. But no worries... I caught up within a couple of days.
0487- Shortly after returning to the great state of Texas, I went to get snow cones with MB. I love snow cones. But more than snow cones, I love the time I get to spend with MB.
0488 - I started going to the Connection Point small group this week. Brittany and I tried a few weeks ago, got all kinds of lost, and gave up. So I tried again this week. First of all, I'm thankful that I found it. But most of all, I LOVED it. I know I have only gone once, but I really like the people in it. It seems like a place of real community.
0489- And continuing on that bandwagon, the girls from small group all went to dinner last night for some girl time. I had a great time getting to know them more and just having a good time.
0490 - And yet another trek on that bandwagon, I REALLY like Connection Point. And I'm not just saying that because Joel reads my blog. But I feel like it's a place that I connect (no pun intended). When I first moved home, I was really torn because I missed my church in Sulphur Springs. But now that I am going to CPC, I can really see myself staying here. I feel like it is a church that I can grow and serve at.
0491- I watched John Austin and Emily this week while their mom was recovering from surgery. Therefore, I am VERY thankful for kidsbowlfree.com. I had signed the kids up and got free bowling coupons for them for EVERY day of the summer. So it worked out great to take them bowling for a couple of hours while Lorie rested.
0492 - I am reading a book about Mother Teresa. It has some of writings and journal entries. It is kinda dark and very interesting. It is really making me search after my personal call. And I'm glad for that.
0493 - Liz and I went to Mississippi a few weeks ago to work with Jeremy and Catherine. It was a sweet time there.
0494 -I found this on the fail blog and just HAD to share it with you

0495- The Lord has been gracious in protecting my heart. I'll leave it at that
0496- I FINALLY UPLOADED AUSTRIA PICS TO FACEBOOK!! Go check them out. Here's Maxi, the little boy that went around giving out bread, because he wanted to be like Jesus.

0497- Last night, I went to the CPC softball scrimmage/practice thing. I got to hold baby Jonah! He is just 6 weeks old and is absolutely precious!
0498- Even though I am back in Dallas, Brynette still texts me and such, trying to encourage me and lift me up. I am thankful for a Godly woman like her in my life
0499- I got to facebook chat with Lindsay today!! I haven't talked to her in awhile, so it was good to catch up with her. Keep praying for her as she serves university students in South Asia!
But I'm back now..no worries
And I'm back on the thankfulness train. So let's get rolling.
0485 - How blessed am I that the Lord uses me? Seriously. I am always blown away that God would want anything to do with little ol' me, much less use me to spread his name.
0486 - I know I may have said it before, but I am REALLY thankful for DVR. It's shallow. I know. But I missed two weeks of SYTYCD. But no worries... I caught up within a couple of days.
0487- Shortly after returning to the great state of Texas, I went to get snow cones with MB. I love snow cones. But more than snow cones, I love the time I get to spend with MB.
0488 - I started going to the Connection Point small group this week. Brittany and I tried a few weeks ago, got all kinds of lost, and gave up. So I tried again this week. First of all, I'm thankful that I found it. But most of all, I LOVED it. I know I have only gone once, but I really like the people in it. It seems like a place of real community.
0489- And continuing on that bandwagon, the girls from small group all went to dinner last night for some girl time. I had a great time getting to know them more and just having a good time.
0490 - And yet another trek on that bandwagon, I REALLY like Connection Point. And I'm not just saying that because Joel reads my blog. But I feel like it's a place that I connect (no pun intended). When I first moved home, I was really torn because I missed my church in Sulphur Springs. But now that I am going to CPC, I can really see myself staying here. I feel like it is a church that I can grow and serve at.
0491- I watched John Austin and Emily this week while their mom was recovering from surgery. Therefore, I am VERY thankful for kidsbowlfree.com. I had signed the kids up and got free bowling coupons for them for EVERY day of the summer. So it worked out great to take them bowling for a couple of hours while Lorie rested.
0492 - I am reading a book about Mother Teresa. It has some of writings and journal entries. It is kinda dark and very interesting. It is really making me search after my personal call. And I'm glad for that.
0493 - Liz and I went to Mississippi a few weeks ago to work with Jeremy and Catherine. It was a sweet time there.
0494 -I found this on the fail blog and just HAD to share it with you
0495- The Lord has been gracious in protecting my heart. I'll leave it at that
0496- I FINALLY UPLOADED AUSTRIA PICS TO FACEBOOK!! Go check them out. Here's Maxi, the little boy that went around giving out bread, because he wanted to be like Jesus.
0497- Last night, I went to the CPC softball scrimmage/practice thing. I got to hold baby Jonah! He is just 6 weeks old and is absolutely precious!
0498- Even though I am back in Dallas, Brynette still texts me and such, trying to encourage me and lift me up. I am thankful for a Godly woman like her in my life
0499- I got to facebook chat with Lindsay today!! I haven't talked to her in awhile, so it was good to catch up with her. Keep praying for her as she serves university students in South Asia!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Did we really survive two weeks of camp? HECK YES!
Today was another HOT day...even hotter than yesterday I believe. But that didn't stop us from having an INCREDIBLE last day.
I filled up over 200 water balloons and we had an all out war.
After the water war, we didn't think about the ground being wet. Dumb, I know. But we started playing "Do-see-do tag" (much like elbow tag). Next thing I know, I'm chasing an 8 year old and fall in the mud into the splits. Not so fun. I think I pulled the muscle in my big toe...if thats possible. No lie...it hurts
The Bible story today was about Jesus feeding the five thousand....keep this in mind
Niki, a kid from last year, who also lives next door to Ruth (and me) was at camp again this year. He is a pretty good kid, just at that stage where he wants to be "cool." Well, at one point, he poured a cup of cold water down my back. I decided to teach him a lesson. He climbed up into the tree house. That didn't stop me from getting the water hose and soaking him until he said "sorry." Next thing I know, he is madder than a hornet at me. I thought it was comical. Well then, it is journal time. And what does he write in his journal? "Stupid Ashlee." Classic. I called him out on it, telling him that for the party tonight, he could show everyone his journal. He said sorry and were back to being good ol pals again. 10 year olds are funny.
The party tonight was GREAT! The best part was around the campfire. Maxi, an 8 year old, kept making bread on a stick (a normal thing for Austrians.) I was at the table and noticed he kept coming back for more bread. I wondered how an 8 year old could ever eat that much! I later found out that he "wanted to be like Jesus." (remember today's Bible story) So he made bread for everyone. He then went around, asked people if they wanted any, broke it (just like Jesus), gave thanks (just like Jesus) and handed it out. It was cute.
All in all, it has been a great two weeks. There are many memories and stories that I will never forget.
Like last night... I have had a weird rash on my feet for a few days. It itched like CRAZY! And coritzone was NO help. I think it is from the grasses in the capture the flag field. Ruth, being the natural remedy guru, decided that she would come to the rescue....with cheese. So last night, she covered my feet and ankles in cheese. I then put on a sock for a couple of hours, before washing it off. And believe it or not, it didn't itch that much today!!
Tomorrow, sight seeing and shopping before heading home EARLY sunday!
Today was another HOT day...even hotter than yesterday I believe. But that didn't stop us from having an INCREDIBLE last day.
I filled up over 200 water balloons and we had an all out war.
After the water war, we didn't think about the ground being wet. Dumb, I know. But we started playing "Do-see-do tag" (much like elbow tag). Next thing I know, I'm chasing an 8 year old and fall in the mud into the splits. Not so fun. I think I pulled the muscle in my big toe...if thats possible. No lie...it hurts
The Bible story today was about Jesus feeding the five thousand....keep this in mind
Niki, a kid from last year, who also lives next door to Ruth (and me) was at camp again this year. He is a pretty good kid, just at that stage where he wants to be "cool." Well, at one point, he poured a cup of cold water down my back. I decided to teach him a lesson. He climbed up into the tree house. That didn't stop me from getting the water hose and soaking him until he said "sorry." Next thing I know, he is madder than a hornet at me. I thought it was comical. Well then, it is journal time. And what does he write in his journal? "Stupid Ashlee." Classic. I called him out on it, telling him that for the party tonight, he could show everyone his journal. He said sorry and were back to being good ol pals again. 10 year olds are funny.
The party tonight was GREAT! The best part was around the campfire. Maxi, an 8 year old, kept making bread on a stick (a normal thing for Austrians.) I was at the table and noticed he kept coming back for more bread. I wondered how an 8 year old could ever eat that much! I later found out that he "wanted to be like Jesus." (remember today's Bible story) So he made bread for everyone. He then went around, asked people if they wanted any, broke it (just like Jesus), gave thanks (just like Jesus) and handed it out. It was cute.
All in all, it has been a great two weeks. There are many memories and stories that I will never forget.
Like last night... I have had a weird rash on my feet for a few days. It itched like CRAZY! And coritzone was NO help. I think it is from the grasses in the capture the flag field. Ruth, being the natural remedy guru, decided that she would come to the rescue....with cheese. So last night, she covered my feet and ankles in cheese. I then put on a sock for a couple of hours, before washing it off. And believe it or not, it didn't itch that much today!!
Tomorrow, sight seeing and shopping before heading home EARLY sunday!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Day 3 and 4...complete...but just barely!
Wednesday was quite a long day. We had our stations (western activities), then we sent the groups off to the city. It was funny to see them get started. They were all downstairs in the cellar, writing in their journals, just as we do each day. I would go down and bring a team at a time upstairs to go outside to "draw their team cow in their journal." That was when they discovered their ransom note. The youngest ones were definitely the funniest.
As each team headed out, I relished in the fact that I didnt have to go this time. We did not have a teenager helping this week, so I had to be the "bandit," waiting at the cows to exchange "gold for their cows. Basically, I took a nap! And I'm not afraid to say it. When each team came, they looked quite pathetic, all hot and sweaty..and tired as all get out.
We had our camp fire, told ghost stories, then played some games. We sent them to their tents and I came home for a REAL bed. I'm not sure I got more sleep at home than I would have at the camp out. Have I mentioned that the neighbors have a pond? And there are frogs at the pond at night? And it's mating season? And apparently the middle of the night is prime mating time for frogs?
Today was one of the longest days of my life. It was the hottest day of the week with a high of 97 degrees. Add to the heat 21 hot, tired, and VERY cranky kids, and it is a LONG day. We "rode the bull," made snakes out of ties, and various other activities. After almost two hours of technical difficulties, we watched Toy Story 2.
We also explained the Gospel to about 15 of the older kids. There were some really good questions.
I also got the privilege of talking to some parents yesterday. They explained that they were a part of the Roman Catholic church, "but a different kind." They asked me a lot of questions about my faith.
Ways to pray:
- Strength and patience - Maybe we are just more exhausted, but this week is a lot more trying for our team
- Kids who heard the Gospel today. Pray that it falls on good soil, and that though we may not see any visible fruit this week, that it would take root.
- The parents I talked to- we had a great conversation. Pray they come to the party tomorrow
- Tomorrow night we have the family party - Pray that good connections are made with the parents
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Day 2...Complete
We started the day a little late, thanks to all kinds of traffic jams all over Vienna. Boooooo!
After quickly packing lunches and backpacks, we were off to the organic farm, where we were treated once again with the most delicious tomatoes. And since they are organic, you dont even have to wash them. Just pick them, wipe the dirt off, and eat away... Delightful.
Next, a hike to the Lobau. It didnt rain like last week, but it was HOT. When we finally made it to the park, we took a lunch break. Fine by me. It was nice to sit awhile after the hike.
Next up, capture the flag. It was an exciting game, especially since I cheated the system. I would have a blue tie on. When the yellow team would "catch" me, I refused to "go to jail." Instead, I pulled out a yellow tie and switched teams.
After playing for about an hour and neither team scoring, we decided to head back. It was quite a long way back, especially when you have tired, whiny kids. I was in the back with the slowest of the group, Dominick. He doesn't speak much English, but he hums a lot. We ended up being about 10 minutes behind everyone else. Our conversation would have been humorous to anyone listening, as I tried to say words he would understand, but only started speaking louder and slower. After realizing that he isn't "special," just doesnt speak English, I quieted down and the weird looks he was giving me ceased.
We finished the day by playing in the sprinkler. Seemed fitting.
Tonight, I got to spend the evening with Klaudia! And what a blessing it was! We went for Israeli food (my first time to have it), then for coffee at a traditional Viennese coffee shop. We talked and laughed for a few hours before we headed back to the outskirts of the city. It was so good to catch up with her, and just talk about what we are reading, what God is teaching us, etc. She may live on the other side of the ocean from me, but I truly would consider her a friend. I wish I could have hung out with her more.
Tomorrow, we are off to our city adventure. Ways to pray:
- It's going to be another hot one tomorrow... Pray for protection
- The team was all pretty worn out today. We need all the energy we can get for tomorrow.
- I have had a bit of a headache all afternoon. It feels like it may turn into a migraine, since it has gotten worse over the past few hours. Tomorrow would NOT be the best day for a migraine!
We started the day a little late, thanks to all kinds of traffic jams all over Vienna. Boooooo!
After quickly packing lunches and backpacks, we were off to the organic farm, where we were treated once again with the most delicious tomatoes. And since they are organic, you dont even have to wash them. Just pick them, wipe the dirt off, and eat away... Delightful.
Next, a hike to the Lobau. It didnt rain like last week, but it was HOT. When we finally made it to the park, we took a lunch break. Fine by me. It was nice to sit awhile after the hike.
Next up, capture the flag. It was an exciting game, especially since I cheated the system. I would have a blue tie on. When the yellow team would "catch" me, I refused to "go to jail." Instead, I pulled out a yellow tie and switched teams.
After playing for about an hour and neither team scoring, we decided to head back. It was quite a long way back, especially when you have tired, whiny kids. I was in the back with the slowest of the group, Dominick. He doesn't speak much English, but he hums a lot. We ended up being about 10 minutes behind everyone else. Our conversation would have been humorous to anyone listening, as I tried to say words he would understand, but only started speaking louder and slower. After realizing that he isn't "special," just doesnt speak English, I quieted down and the weird looks he was giving me ceased.
We finished the day by playing in the sprinkler. Seemed fitting.
Tonight, I got to spend the evening with Klaudia! And what a blessing it was! We went for Israeli food (my first time to have it), then for coffee at a traditional Viennese coffee shop. We talked and laughed for a few hours before we headed back to the outskirts of the city. It was so good to catch up with her, and just talk about what we are reading, what God is teaching us, etc. She may live on the other side of the ocean from me, but I truly would consider her a friend. I wish I could have hung out with her more.
Tomorrow, we are off to our city adventure. Ways to pray:
- It's going to be another hot one tomorrow... Pray for protection
- The team was all pretty worn out today. We need all the energy we can get for tomorrow.
- I have had a bit of a headache all afternoon. It feels like it may turn into a migraine, since it has gotten worse over the past few hours. Tomorrow would NOT be the best day for a migraine!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Week 2, Day 1... COMPLETE!
And what a GREAT day it was!!
We just have 21 kids this week. A lot of them were here last year for camp, so I recognized them immediately. They are mostly all older kids again, 10-12 year olds. But we have a few 8 and 9 year olds. It was EXTREMELY hot today, and it is supposed to be all week, which is a downer. But we threw in some water games today, and it made everything better. Even with the heat and the craziness of a first day of camp, I had a really good time today, and I think the kids did too.
The Bible story today was about creation. We are using the Saddle Ridge Ranch curriculum. So Aubrey was talking about God creating everything and describing the garden while Rebecca drew it out. When she got to the part about God telling Adam and Eve not to eat of the tree, one kid asked, "Well then why did God put it there in the first place?" How do you explain that to an 11 year old? haha..but we had a good discussion about it. These are SMART kids.
Also, I am typically a bad adult coordinator, or really, a bad Go Now Missionary. Every time I have done Go Now, I ALWAYS wait until the last minute to do my ledger! BUT I AM CAUGHT UP!! CAN I GET AN AMEN?? I sat down this afternoon and balanced my ledger... It may not be a big deal to you..and you may not care... BUT I'M STINKING EXCITED ABOUT IT!
Later, when it came time to dismiss, one dad was talking to Ruth. He said he was from a Roman Catholic background (as most here are) and he wanted to talk to Ruth more about faith later in the week. He noticed (in one day!) that there is something "different" here. How (non)coincidental that this was the EXACT thing that we prayed last night during our prayer time, that families would just sense the Spirit's presence at the camp. I think our exact words in our prayer were "That they would see something different!" It's exciting! And we can only give God the glory. Because if it is us that they see different...just some goofy Americans, it will fall short and lose its luster fast.
Ways to pray:
- Pray for this father. That the God would "lift the veil," as it says in Corinthians.
- The kids - These are sharp kids. Pray for good connections with their leaders.
- THE HEAT!! It is REALLY REALLY hot here. And tomorrow, we hike to a national park, where we will play capture the flag. We are taking lots of precautions, but pray for God's protection, as the kids here are not used to this heat.
- Ruth - she has a lot on her plate right now and there are lots of decisions to be made about the future of English camp. Pray for the Lord to give her clear direction
- One person on our team is having a lot of heartache back home. I dont want to go into detail, but it has really been on my heart. Pray that God would heal in mighty ways, give direction, and draw all involved back to him.
Hopefully I will post some pictures soon!
And what a GREAT day it was!!
We just have 21 kids this week. A lot of them were here last year for camp, so I recognized them immediately. They are mostly all older kids again, 10-12 year olds. But we have a few 8 and 9 year olds. It was EXTREMELY hot today, and it is supposed to be all week, which is a downer. But we threw in some water games today, and it made everything better. Even with the heat and the craziness of a first day of camp, I had a really good time today, and I think the kids did too.
The Bible story today was about creation. We are using the Saddle Ridge Ranch curriculum. So Aubrey was talking about God creating everything and describing the garden while Rebecca drew it out. When she got to the part about God telling Adam and Eve not to eat of the tree, one kid asked, "Well then why did God put it there in the first place?" How do you explain that to an 11 year old? haha..but we had a good discussion about it. These are SMART kids.
Also, I am typically a bad adult coordinator, or really, a bad Go Now Missionary. Every time I have done Go Now, I ALWAYS wait until the last minute to do my ledger! BUT I AM CAUGHT UP!! CAN I GET AN AMEN?? I sat down this afternoon and balanced my ledger... It may not be a big deal to you..and you may not care... BUT I'M STINKING EXCITED ABOUT IT!
Later, when it came time to dismiss, one dad was talking to Ruth. He said he was from a Roman Catholic background (as most here are) and he wanted to talk to Ruth more about faith later in the week. He noticed (in one day!) that there is something "different" here. How (non)coincidental that this was the EXACT thing that we prayed last night during our prayer time, that families would just sense the Spirit's presence at the camp. I think our exact words in our prayer were "That they would see something different!" It's exciting! And we can only give God the glory. Because if it is us that they see different...just some goofy Americans, it will fall short and lose its luster fast.
Ways to pray:
- Pray for this father. That the God would "lift the veil," as it says in Corinthians.
- The kids - These are sharp kids. Pray for good connections with their leaders.
- THE HEAT!! It is REALLY REALLY hot here. And tomorrow, we hike to a national park, where we will play capture the flag. We are taking lots of precautions, but pray for God's protection, as the kids here are not used to this heat.
- Ruth - she has a lot on her plate right now and there are lots of decisions to be made about the future of English camp. Pray for the Lord to give her clear direction
- One person on our team is having a lot of heartache back home. I dont want to go into detail, but it has really been on my heart. Pray that God would heal in mighty ways, give direction, and draw all involved back to him.
Hopefully I will post some pictures soon!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Can I just start off with one complaint? Just to get it out of my system? MY FEET ARE KILLING ME! I dont know whats the reason, but the bottoms of my feet have been SUPER tender the past few days. And after a day of psuedo-sightseeing, I feel like they are sliced open with salt deep inside. No joke. It's pure pain.
Ok..now that I am done with that...
WE GOT TO SLEEP IN TODAY!! HALLELUJAH! We woke up at 10 30. It was so exciting, no joke.
Then it was off to the city. We have two art majors, so they wanted to hit the art museum. I really didnt care to go, so Veronika and I walked the streets near Stephansplatz and went in and out of shops. At one point, both of our feet were hurting, so we sat with our feet in the fountain for a good hour while we talked and laughed. I love walking the streets in downtown Vienna. There are TONS to people from all over the world, lots of shops, and interesting street performers.
Then it was off to the Bellvedere. I had been there before, so once again, Vero and I found a bench in the shade to relax. I pulled out my book. The quiet awe of the beautiful gardens and camera-ready tourists was quite nice.
We finished the day with Running Sushi! Now if you havent heard me rave about this yet, here we go. It's a restaurant where you sit with a conveyer belt of food running alongside your table. As you see something that looks appetizing, simply open the small glass door, reach in, and QUICKLY grab it. (Note the "quickly" because if you are rather slothful in the process, you spill California rolls or grapes or whatever is on the plate all over the conveyor belt. Not to mention that you back up the plates and make the workers mad when they have to clean up your mess. Not like I would know) Aubrey's two friends from Germany joined us as well. It was a great evening, in which we nearly made ourselves sick with all the food.
Now we are back at the apt, watching the World Cup and winding down. Tomorrow we have church, then to the Summer palace.
Ok..now that I am done with that...
WE GOT TO SLEEP IN TODAY!! HALLELUJAH! We woke up at 10 30. It was so exciting, no joke.
Then it was off to the city. We have two art majors, so they wanted to hit the art museum. I really didnt care to go, so Veronika and I walked the streets near Stephansplatz and went in and out of shops. At one point, both of our feet were hurting, so we sat with our feet in the fountain for a good hour while we talked and laughed. I love walking the streets in downtown Vienna. There are TONS to people from all over the world, lots of shops, and interesting street performers.
Then it was off to the Bellvedere. I had been there before, so once again, Vero and I found a bench in the shade to relax. I pulled out my book. The quiet awe of the beautiful gardens and camera-ready tourists was quite nice.
We finished the day with Running Sushi! Now if you havent heard me rave about this yet, here we go. It's a restaurant where you sit with a conveyer belt of food running alongside your table. As you see something that looks appetizing, simply open the small glass door, reach in, and QUICKLY grab it. (Note the "quickly" because if you are rather slothful in the process, you spill California rolls or grapes or whatever is on the plate all over the conveyor belt. Not to mention that you back up the plates and make the workers mad when they have to clean up your mess. Not like I would know) Aubrey's two friends from Germany joined us as well. It was a great evening, in which we nearly made ourselves sick with all the food.
Now we are back at the apt, watching the World Cup and winding down. Tomorrow we have church, then to the Summer palace.
Friday, July 09, 2010
It is hard to believe that we are already half way through our time in Austria, which means...
Friday of English camp is always hectic. We wrap up our activities and games, get ready for the party, then enjoy a night with the parents and kids. And that is exactly what we did.
We had a busy day with all kinds of activities. At one point, I tied one of the more mischievous older boys up. It was all in good fun, I promise! I had him bound to a chair by his arms and legs. Little did I know that he thought the only fair thing to do in return was to tie me up. Except not only was I tied to the chair, but I was also blindfolded and tickled by NUMEROUS kids. After repeatedly yelling, " I will potty on you!" they ceased. And it's a good thing, because I probably would have wet myself, which would be a whole new level of embarrassment.
As per English camp tradition, we had a banana split party. Imagine groups of five or six kids, crowded around a 6 ft table lined with aluminum foil, covered in bananas, ice cream, whipped cream, chocolate syrup, etc. Imagine them all shoveling heaping spoonfuls into their mouths quicker than they can swallow. Then imagine the sugar-induced insanity that comes after. Needless to say, the banana split party stresses me out.
We practiced our two songs and the electric slide one last time before the parents came. Once they all arrived, we did our little "show," followed by Ruth sharing the Gospel. Then it was time to make bread on a stick and smores over a campfire. They love it.
I got to enjoy one last evening with Konrad and Philip. Last year, those boys drove me insane. This year, I TRULY enjoyed them. We joked a lot, but they also knew I meant business. I may even miss those boys!
Klaudia and Michael even came to the party! I was so excited! I was "manning the food table" when I saw Michael. I thought, "Well thats odd.." And then I saw Klaudia! HOORAY!
The party wound down and the kids all went home with their parents. It was a little sad to see some of them go, and a few of them, I was practically shoo-ing them out the door...
Now, we have a relaxing weekend to enjoy the city, and, dare I say it, sleep in.
Ways to pray:
- Rest... We were all dead-dog tired tonight. We need all the rest we can get.
- Aubrey has a friend that she met in the states that is from Germany. I dont think she is a believer. She and her boyfriend are driving to Vienna this weekend to spend time with Aubrey.
- Hearts to stir from the Gospel shared tonight. There were some really good conversations about faith shared tonight. Pray it doesnt stop there
- On a more personal note, I have been doing my own searching lately....trying to figure out what is next in my life...where to go from here...
Friday of English camp is always hectic. We wrap up our activities and games, get ready for the party, then enjoy a night with the parents and kids. And that is exactly what we did.
We had a busy day with all kinds of activities. At one point, I tied one of the more mischievous older boys up. It was all in good fun, I promise! I had him bound to a chair by his arms and legs. Little did I know that he thought the only fair thing to do in return was to tie me up. Except not only was I tied to the chair, but I was also blindfolded and tickled by NUMEROUS kids. After repeatedly yelling, " I will potty on you!" they ceased. And it's a good thing, because I probably would have wet myself, which would be a whole new level of embarrassment.
As per English camp tradition, we had a banana split party. Imagine groups of five or six kids, crowded around a 6 ft table lined with aluminum foil, covered in bananas, ice cream, whipped cream, chocolate syrup, etc. Imagine them all shoveling heaping spoonfuls into their mouths quicker than they can swallow. Then imagine the sugar-induced insanity that comes after. Needless to say, the banana split party stresses me out.
We practiced our two songs and the electric slide one last time before the parents came. Once they all arrived, we did our little "show," followed by Ruth sharing the Gospel. Then it was time to make bread on a stick and smores over a campfire. They love it.
I got to enjoy one last evening with Konrad and Philip. Last year, those boys drove me insane. This year, I TRULY enjoyed them. We joked a lot, but they also knew I meant business. I may even miss those boys!
Klaudia and Michael even came to the party! I was so excited! I was "manning the food table" when I saw Michael. I thought, "Well thats odd.." And then I saw Klaudia! HOORAY!
The party wound down and the kids all went home with their parents. It was a little sad to see some of them go, and a few of them, I was practically shoo-ing them out the door...
Now, we have a relaxing weekend to enjoy the city, and, dare I say it, sleep in.
Ways to pray:
- Rest... We were all dead-dog tired tonight. We need all the rest we can get.
- Aubrey has a friend that she met in the states that is from Germany. I dont think she is a believer. She and her boyfriend are driving to Vienna this weekend to spend time with Aubrey.
- Hearts to stir from the Gospel shared tonight. There were some really good conversations about faith shared tonight. Pray it doesnt stop there
- On a more personal note, I have been doing my own searching lately....trying to figure out what is next in my life...where to go from here...
Thursday, July 08, 2010
Third AND fourth day of camp...done
Yesterday was quite a long day...to say the least.
After a nice morning, we set out on our city adventure. Each team had a lifesize wooden cow as their mascot. In the early afternoon, some scary cow thieves came and stole the cows! OH NO! The only way to get them back? Go on an adventure in downtown to hunt down clues so we could find the cows. I went with the youngest group. First stop, Stephansplatz, the tallest tower in downtown. 300 and something stairs...my legs still hurt. That clue led us to a fountain, where we were supposed to find a clue on a coin at the bottom...only somehow, the coin was gone. Good thing the adults knew where to go next. We were off to find a hidden cell phone behind a pay phone. It rang and we answered it to receive our next clue. Then we were off to the park between the museums to find the next clue in the last bush. That led us to an apartment, where the lady there told us to find a man with a cowboy hat on the street. He told us to go to the grocery store and buy a raspberry drink. When we all got the drinks, we took off the labels to find our last clue, which led us back near the church, where we handed over our gold to the cow bandits and got "Lilly" back. Five hours later, all four cows were back with us and we were headed back for dinner, chocolate bananas, and scary stories.
I opted out of staying the night at the camp out. I returned to camp this morning, where we had a pretty nice day. During Bible study, we pulled the older kids aside, where we explained salvation. Sounds easy. But try putting the Gospel in kid words, then in REALLY easy English...pretty tough. But they asked some really good questions. Wheels were turning for sure.
After camp today, we did a lot of laughing about the last 48 hours. We will have a nice, quiet night at home before our last day of week one of camp tomorrow.
Ways to pray:
- Tomorrow we wrap up the first week. I am going to be sad to see Konrad and Philip go. They were at camp last year, and I have REALLY enjoyed them this year.
- Tomorrow night, we have a party and the families join us. The Gospel is shared. Pray for open hearts.
- Some of the older kids are asking lots of questions about the Gospel. Pray we are obedient to the Spirit.
- After yesterday and last night, we are all pretty tired. Pray we rest up this weekend, as we get ready for another week of camp.
Yesterday was quite a long day...to say the least.
After a nice morning, we set out on our city adventure. Each team had a lifesize wooden cow as their mascot. In the early afternoon, some scary cow thieves came and stole the cows! OH NO! The only way to get them back? Go on an adventure in downtown to hunt down clues so we could find the cows. I went with the youngest group. First stop, Stephansplatz, the tallest tower in downtown. 300 and something stairs...my legs still hurt. That clue led us to a fountain, where we were supposed to find a clue on a coin at the bottom...only somehow, the coin was gone. Good thing the adults knew where to go next. We were off to find a hidden cell phone behind a pay phone. It rang and we answered it to receive our next clue. Then we were off to the park between the museums to find the next clue in the last bush. That led us to an apartment, where the lady there told us to find a man with a cowboy hat on the street. He told us to go to the grocery store and buy a raspberry drink. When we all got the drinks, we took off the labels to find our last clue, which led us back near the church, where we handed over our gold to the cow bandits and got "Lilly" back. Five hours later, all four cows were back with us and we were headed back for dinner, chocolate bananas, and scary stories.
I opted out of staying the night at the camp out. I returned to camp this morning, where we had a pretty nice day. During Bible study, we pulled the older kids aside, where we explained salvation. Sounds easy. But try putting the Gospel in kid words, then in REALLY easy English...pretty tough. But they asked some really good questions. Wheels were turning for sure.
After camp today, we did a lot of laughing about the last 48 hours. We will have a nice, quiet night at home before our last day of week one of camp tomorrow.
Ways to pray:
- Tomorrow we wrap up the first week. I am going to be sad to see Konrad and Philip go. They were at camp last year, and I have REALLY enjoyed them this year.
- Tomorrow night, we have a party and the families join us. The Gospel is shared. Pray for open hearts.
- Some of the older kids are asking lots of questions about the Gospel. Pray we are obedient to the Spirit.
- After yesterday and last night, we are all pretty tired. Pray we rest up this weekend, as we get ready for another week of camp.
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
Second day of camp was a bit of an adventure, and thats putting it lightly!
We got started a little late this morning, which goes against the Austrian culture...oops. After some fun games, we headed to a local organic garden. I HAVE NEVER HAD SUCH DELICIOUS TOMATOES! We could eat all that we wanted.... AMAZING! Then, it was to the Lobau (a national park) to play capture the flag and have a nice picnic. This is where things got interesting.
As we hiked up to the spot we were supposed to have a lovely afternoon, it started POURING. Not just a light mist, not even a nice summer rain.... It was the kind of rain that hurts when you get hit with it. So what do you do when you have 26 kids who speak another language all out in the middle of nowhere and it starts pouring FREEZING cold water? Huddle together in the open area (to avoid trees and such) under jackets, umbrellas, towels, extra shirts, anything we could grab. As I was huddle with two the teenage girls helping us this week, I couldn't help but laugh. It was such a funny scene.
It probably rained for 15-20 minutes. We were all soaked to the bone and REALLY cold. Capture the flag was out of the question. We split up and some of us went back on a bus, while the really cold ones went by car. We came back to the church and got into dry clothes while gulping down hot chocolate and coffee. (Did I mention Austrian coffee is TO DIE FOR?)
We had water games planned for the afternoon, but that was nixed, since the REAL water games happened earlier.
Luckily, the team did a GREAT job as we had to re-work the schedule to have the rest of the afternoon inside. I am REALLY blessed to have such a great team again this year. They are doing a great job with the team. In fact, today is Aubrey's birthday. They are all out sight seeing Vienna tonight. I stayed behind to get stuff done for the next two days...which will be a whole other adventure.
Ways to be praying:
- Tomorrow we are going on an "adventure" downtown. Our cows will be "stolen," and we will have to hunt down clues all around downtown in search of our cows. It should be pretty entertaining. PRAY FOR GOOD WEATHER. If it storms, it would REALLY put a damper on it.
- Like I said, the team is making GREAT connections with the kids. Keep praying for relationships.
- Ruth, our supervisor. I think she is kinda stressed out.
- Aubrey is REALLY allergic to mosquitos. But she is staying the night tomorrow night (oh yeah, the kids camp out tomorrow night at the church) She is sleeping inside, but I still worry
- Pray for our two teenage girls helping, Paula and Dominica. As far as I know, they are not yet believers. They have both been campers in the past and are back to help. We really have a good chance to invest in them, so pray we are obedient with that.
We got started a little late this morning, which goes against the Austrian culture...oops. After some fun games, we headed to a local organic garden. I HAVE NEVER HAD SUCH DELICIOUS TOMATOES! We could eat all that we wanted.... AMAZING! Then, it was to the Lobau (a national park) to play capture the flag and have a nice picnic. This is where things got interesting.
As we hiked up to the spot we were supposed to have a lovely afternoon, it started POURING. Not just a light mist, not even a nice summer rain.... It was the kind of rain that hurts when you get hit with it. So what do you do when you have 26 kids who speak another language all out in the middle of nowhere and it starts pouring FREEZING cold water? Huddle together in the open area (to avoid trees and such) under jackets, umbrellas, towels, extra shirts, anything we could grab. As I was huddle with two the teenage girls helping us this week, I couldn't help but laugh. It was such a funny scene.
It probably rained for 15-20 minutes. We were all soaked to the bone and REALLY cold. Capture the flag was out of the question. We split up and some of us went back on a bus, while the really cold ones went by car. We came back to the church and got into dry clothes while gulping down hot chocolate and coffee. (Did I mention Austrian coffee is TO DIE FOR?)
We had water games planned for the afternoon, but that was nixed, since the REAL water games happened earlier.
Luckily, the team did a GREAT job as we had to re-work the schedule to have the rest of the afternoon inside. I am REALLY blessed to have such a great team again this year. They are doing a great job with the team. In fact, today is Aubrey's birthday. They are all out sight seeing Vienna tonight. I stayed behind to get stuff done for the next two days...which will be a whole other adventure.
Ways to be praying:
- Tomorrow we are going on an "adventure" downtown. Our cows will be "stolen," and we will have to hunt down clues all around downtown in search of our cows. It should be pretty entertaining. PRAY FOR GOOD WEATHER. If it storms, it would REALLY put a damper on it.
- Like I said, the team is making GREAT connections with the kids. Keep praying for relationships.
- Ruth, our supervisor. I think she is kinda stressed out.
- Aubrey is REALLY allergic to mosquitos. But she is staying the night tomorrow night (oh yeah, the kids camp out tomorrow night at the church) She is sleeping inside, but I still worry
- Pray for our two teenage girls helping, Paula and Dominica. As far as I know, they are not yet believers. They have both been campers in the past and are back to help. We really have a good chance to invest in them, so pray we are obedient with that.
Monday, July 05, 2010
HALLELUJAH!! We survived the first day of camp!
We have a total of 26 campers this week. And for the most part, they are SO well behaved. We have some of the same kids from last year (Philip and Konrad, Markus, Kathi, and Paulina) It was really good to see them, and to see that they remembered me too! Konrad even asked where all the girls from last year were. I showed him a picture I have of the team, and he and Philip went pointed at each girl, said their name, and asked about them. It was quite cute.
The theme for camp this year is Saddle Ridge Ranch. Creative, I know. SGBC was kind enough to let me use all their VBS stuff, which has REALLY come in handy. We had a lot of fun today. Each team got a life size wooden cow, as their mascot for the week. Each day they will do a different activity with it. Today, they painted it and named it.
We did all kinds of western activities, from squirt gun fights, making "Wanted" signs, riding stick horses, and even learning the Electric Slide.
If you prayed for our weather, THANK YOU! I didnt rain until right when we dismissed camp. PRAISE THE LORD!
Tomorrow is going to be a long day, as we hike to a local organic farm, then onto a park to play capture the flag.
Ways to be praying:
*Rest - ALL of us woke up REALLY early this morning and had a hard time getting back to sleep.
* Weather tomorrow- Rain is likely tomorrow, and we REALLY need it to hold off
* Good conversations during the hike - This is a GREAT time for leaders to share with their kids
* Language barrier - it is not a BIG problem, but gets in the way at times. Pray we have patience, as well as the kids
* Strength and endurance - Tomorrow is going to be quite a day. We really need the strength of the Lord
We have a total of 26 campers this week. And for the most part, they are SO well behaved. We have some of the same kids from last year (Philip and Konrad, Markus, Kathi, and Paulina) It was really good to see them, and to see that they remembered me too! Konrad even asked where all the girls from last year were. I showed him a picture I have of the team, and he and Philip went pointed at each girl, said their name, and asked about them. It was quite cute.
The theme for camp this year is Saddle Ridge Ranch. Creative, I know. SGBC was kind enough to let me use all their VBS stuff, which has REALLY come in handy. We had a lot of fun today. Each team got a life size wooden cow, as their mascot for the week. Each day they will do a different activity with it. Today, they painted it and named it.
We did all kinds of western activities, from squirt gun fights, making "Wanted" signs, riding stick horses, and even learning the Electric Slide.
If you prayed for our weather, THANK YOU! I didnt rain until right when we dismissed camp. PRAISE THE LORD!
Tomorrow is going to be a long day, as we hike to a local organic farm, then onto a park to play capture the flag.
Ways to be praying:
*Rest - ALL of us woke up REALLY early this morning and had a hard time getting back to sleep.
* Weather tomorrow- Rain is likely tomorrow, and we REALLY need it to hold off
* Good conversations during the hike - This is a GREAT time for leaders to share with their kids
* Language barrier - it is not a BIG problem, but gets in the way at times. Pray we have patience, as well as the kids
* Strength and endurance - Tomorrow is going to be quite a day. We really need the strength of the Lord
Sunday, July 04, 2010
Guten Tag!
It is the end of our first full day in Austria. We arrived last night and headed over to the church, where I tried to give the team an idea of what is going to go on. We then split up to go to our host homes. I am staying with Ruth (the director of the camp) and her family. After dinner last night, Carol and I excused ourselves to get some rest. Even though I slept on most of BOTH plane rides, I was exhausted.
We woke up this morning at about 5:30, thinking we had overslept. I forgot how early the sun comes up over here! After finally getting up, we walked to church, where it was so good to see many familiar faces!! During the worship, I was reminded of how big God is. I just LOVE to hear people praising him other languages. I know it brings joy to His heart as well.
It was fitting that the sermon today was on the Holy Spirit, (at least that is what our translator said). After the sermon, I prayed and reflected a bit. I realized how much I had been trying to do all this on my own. I was doing all the planning. I was doing the organizing. I was going after MY vision. And I wondered why I was stressing out? So I took some serious time and gave it all to the Lord. I prayed that He would be the only one to get glory for English camp, not us. I quickly realized that it is ONLY through Him and with Him that English camp will be a success.
We finished the day out with a nice bike ride to a local natural swimming hole before riding back for dinner. Now it's off to bed to be ready for the FIRST DAY OF CAMP!
And a little side note. At lunch today, they lit a firecracker and put it in the cookies. We sang the Star Spangled Banner and had our little 4th of July moment. It was cute.
Ways to be praying:
Jet lag- some of us are still a little weary from the travel and time difference.
FIRST DAY OF CAMP TOMORROW!- It will be chaotic, but hopefully some sort of controlled chaos. We have quite a few returning campers, which will be nice.
Weather - There may be some unexpected rain showers, which will really thwart camp plans. The cooler weather would be nice, but a little inconvenient
Parents - As parents drop their kids off tomorrow, pray that they will truly feel the Spirit at camp. That they will see that their is a noticeable difference about what we are doing.
It is the end of our first full day in Austria. We arrived last night and headed over to the church, where I tried to give the team an idea of what is going to go on. We then split up to go to our host homes. I am staying with Ruth (the director of the camp) and her family. After dinner last night, Carol and I excused ourselves to get some rest. Even though I slept on most of BOTH plane rides, I was exhausted.
We woke up this morning at about 5:30, thinking we had overslept. I forgot how early the sun comes up over here! After finally getting up, we walked to church, where it was so good to see many familiar faces!! During the worship, I was reminded of how big God is. I just LOVE to hear people praising him other languages. I know it brings joy to His heart as well.
It was fitting that the sermon today was on the Holy Spirit, (at least that is what our translator said). After the sermon, I prayed and reflected a bit. I realized how much I had been trying to do all this on my own. I was doing all the planning. I was doing the organizing. I was going after MY vision. And I wondered why I was stressing out? So I took some serious time and gave it all to the Lord. I prayed that He would be the only one to get glory for English camp, not us. I quickly realized that it is ONLY through Him and with Him that English camp will be a success.
We finished the day out with a nice bike ride to a local natural swimming hole before riding back for dinner. Now it's off to bed to be ready for the FIRST DAY OF CAMP!
And a little side note. At lunch today, they lit a firecracker and put it in the cookies. We sang the Star Spangled Banner and had our little 4th of July moment. It was cute.
Ways to be praying:
Jet lag- some of us are still a little weary from the travel and time difference.
FIRST DAY OF CAMP TOMORROW!- It will be chaotic, but hopefully some sort of controlled chaos. We have quite a few returning campers, which will be nice.
Weather - There may be some unexpected rain showers, which will really thwart camp plans. The cooler weather would be nice, but a little inconvenient
Parents - As parents drop their kids off tomorrow, pray that they will truly feel the Spirit at camp. That they will see that their is a noticeable difference about what we are doing.
Friday, July 02, 2010
Ok so I will return to the whole thankfulness thing one day... I promise
But in other news... I LEAVE FOR AUSTRIA TODAY!! I can't believe it is already here!
Here's my lovely team at Orientation. Aubrey (purple hat), Rebecca (white hat), Danny, Carol, and Me
We fly out this afternoon, to London, where we will hang out for a bit (only in the airport,dont get too excited) , then fly into Vienna!
Ways to be praying for us:
*Team dynamic - this is HUGE as we try to work together to present the Gospel in our actions and attitudes.
* We have a lot of kids returning to camp this year. This is really exciting! It means they enjoyed in last year!
* We are being more intentional with our Bible story time this year. Pray it goes well.
* Ruth, our Austrian supervisor. She is an AMAZING woman who does so much for the community. Pray for her strength in body and mind during these next two weeks.
* Jet-lag. We really dont have a lot of time to re-coup once we get over there. We get in Saturday afternoon. Sunday morning, we head to church, then a full day of going over everything about the camp to make sure we are prepared.
* Culture shock- It is going to be inevitable and unavoidable. But pray that my team and I handle it properly.
* Thursday, we will be sharing the Gospel with the older kids, as well as our testimonies. Pray for them to be receptive.
*Friday night, we have a party for the families. During that time, the Gospel is shared in German to all of the adults. Pray that their hearts would softened to the Good News.
I'll try to blog as we are over there and keep prayers updates coming. Thank you so much for supporting us!
But in other news... I LEAVE FOR AUSTRIA TODAY!! I can't believe it is already here!
Here's my lovely team at Orientation. Aubrey (purple hat), Rebecca (white hat), Danny, Carol, and Me
We fly out this afternoon, to London, where we will hang out for a bit (only in the airport,dont get too excited) , then fly into Vienna!
Ways to be praying for us:
*Team dynamic - this is HUGE as we try to work together to present the Gospel in our actions and attitudes.
* We have a lot of kids returning to camp this year. This is really exciting! It means they enjoyed in last year!
* We are being more intentional with our Bible story time this year. Pray it goes well.
* Ruth, our Austrian supervisor. She is an AMAZING woman who does so much for the community. Pray for her strength in body and mind during these next two weeks.
* Jet-lag. We really dont have a lot of time to re-coup once we get over there. We get in Saturday afternoon. Sunday morning, we head to church, then a full day of going over everything about the camp to make sure we are prepared.
* Culture shock- It is going to be inevitable and unavoidable. But pray that my team and I handle it properly.
* Thursday, we will be sharing the Gospel with the older kids, as well as our testimonies. Pray for them to be receptive.
*Friday night, we have a party for the families. During that time, the Gospel is shared in German to all of the adults. Pray that their hearts would softened to the Good News.
I'll try to blog as we are over there and keep prayers updates coming. Thank you so much for supporting us!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
I am going to take a brief break from my posts of "thankfulness" to give a bit of a progress report on my life thus far.
It has been a month since I have left the BSM (read "one month without a job"), a little over two weeks of living at home, and not much closer to figuring out what is next.
I feel like a vagabond in so many ways, wandering from place to place, without a permanent home. I can't help but wonder if I will EVER "settle down." But then I am reminded of Philippians 3:20, which says that my citizenship is in Heaven. Maybe the Lord knows how tempted I am to put down roots here on this earth, which is why He seems to always be uprooting me.
I feel behind. Like everyone else my age is further ahead in life. They have a stable, long-term job, a serious relationship, heck, even a place of their own. But me? I am trying to figure out what the heck I am supposed to do, where I'm supposed to be, how I'm supposed to take care of my responsibilities. Because let me tell you, I could answer questions for Cha Cha all day and still not make enough to pay my car note!
So no. I don't know what is next. And asking me every day is not going to quicken the process. In fact, it just frustrates me, making me feel like more of a failure. I have applied for many jobs, but for every job application sent out, I have spent hours on my knees.
I think my number one fear is this time of transition uncertainty is not that I will be a failure, or that I won't find a job, or even that I will end up living at home for the rest of my life. My fear is that I will, out of my own selfish desires, veer of the path God has set ahead for me. I ONLY want to do what will bring the most glory and honor to Him.
It has been a month since I have left the BSM (read "one month without a job"), a little over two weeks of living at home, and not much closer to figuring out what is next.
I feel like a vagabond in so many ways, wandering from place to place, without a permanent home. I can't help but wonder if I will EVER "settle down." But then I am reminded of Philippians 3:20, which says that my citizenship is in Heaven. Maybe the Lord knows how tempted I am to put down roots here on this earth, which is why He seems to always be uprooting me.
I feel behind. Like everyone else my age is further ahead in life. They have a stable, long-term job, a serious relationship, heck, even a place of their own. But me? I am trying to figure out what the heck I am supposed to do, where I'm supposed to be, how I'm supposed to take care of my responsibilities. Because let me tell you, I could answer questions for Cha Cha all day and still not make enough to pay my car note!
So no. I don't know what is next. And asking me every day is not going to quicken the process. In fact, it just frustrates me, making me feel like more of a failure. I have applied for many jobs, but for every job application sent out, I have spent hours on my knees.
I think my number one fear is this time of transition uncertainty is not that I will be a failure, or that I won't find a job, or even that I will end up living at home for the rest of my life. My fear is that I will, out of my own selfish desires, veer of the path God has set ahead for me. I ONLY want to do what will bring the most glory and honor to Him.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Today is my last day at the BSM. I have spent the day packing up my office....which is sad and lame. I thought that for this post, I would list some of my favorite BSM memories from the past two years. The is the first installment!!
0451: The craziness of Dollar Steak Nights!
0452: MOVIE DAYS!!!
0453: Staying up all night for a couple of nights to help Lisa Donehoo finish her art piece
0454: When Bryce "shushed" me in a leadership team meeting. I think I scared them all
0455: My first Leadership Team retreat, when we went to Lakeview camp. And we did that stupid game where we had to lift the tent pole0
456: Tim ALWAYS wondering off the first year of Beach Reach
0457: Partying with the Indians!

0458: Hanging out with Amy pretty much EVERY NIGHT of last fall

0459: My favorite Indonesian... Yoshi ( i miss that guy!)

0460: Thinking I wouldn't be able to come back this year, but then GOD PROVIDED! And I was able to come back!! YAY!
0461:Making the HOPE shirts to raise money for Student missions!!

0462: Losing the van at Beach Reach. At the time, not a good moment. But looking back, its pretty funny
463: The Jar Wars Banquet last year. The girls did an AWESOME job,and it was WAY fun!
0465: When Aravind and Praveen came home with me for Thanksgiving. It was interesting and entertaining all at the same time!
0466: Last year's Focus. It was my first time to really get to know some of the students. We played the game of "reactions" in the van. I yelled something out, they had to react to it, and I would take a picture. It was pretty comical.
0467: THE SNOW DAY!! It was like we were all five years old again!

0468: Last fall, Aravind, Praveen, and Yoshi came over to help me decorate for Christmas. Bubba was in town visiting me before going hunting. Praveen was enamored with Bubba's guns. Then Bubba taught Aravind to Two-Step. It was cute

0469: The kids in Mexico. I would be dead-dog tired (and sick) in the afternoons. But they would come to the door of our house and ask if I could come play with them. I loved to go out there and sit and talk with the older girls (with butchered Spanish) and play tag with the younger ones.
0470: The International Retreat, last year. Explaining to them how to make a S'more. It was hilarious. (This is Praveen eating his first S'more EVER!)

0471 : Taking Yoshi to his first Halloween last year. It was hilarious. I made him dress up as a cow for our "Noah's Ark" Trunk at my church's Trunk-or-Treat
0475: I MET DONALD MILLER!! At the Right Now conference last fall, not only did I take a picture with my future husband, but He signed my journal! And it said "LOVE, Donald Miller!" HALLELUJAH!
0476: For the Christmas banquet this year, we got to wear PAJAMAS! It was a brilliant idea and I LOVED IT!
0477: I also learned to play cricket! Can't say I'm very good at it though!
0478: We did a couple of FREE pancake breakfasts on campus. The students did such a GREAT job of serving and meeting new people! I was so proud of them!
0479: I REALLY enjoyed the times that we made cookies and took them over to the sorority houses. It was a simple way to serve them, and it was totally worth it!
0480: The Sonic Carhop... It was a LOT of fun and we a good chunk of change for summer missions.
0481: At the Hayride last fall, the nice men at the cowboy church tried teaching everyone how to rope... Let's just say.... we won't be winning any roping contests soon.

0482: When the new student center opened last year, me, Joycelyn, and Wesley went over there to "tour the place." We ended up having chair races in one of the conference rooms.
0483: It was during my first semester here that Margaret passed away. The students and Joe were AMAZING. They supported me in so many ways. They even helped me when I had to bake goodies to take to her memorial in Dallas.
0484: It was AMAZINGLY hilarious to watch Jeananne do the Cholo...after we hounded her about it
0451: The craziness of Dollar Steak Nights!
0452: MOVIE DAYS!!!
0453: Staying up all night for a couple of nights to help Lisa Donehoo finish her art piece
0455: My first Leadership Team retreat, when we went to Lakeview camp. And we did that stupid game where we had to lift the tent pole0
456: Tim ALWAYS wondering off the first year of Beach Reach
0457: Partying with the Indians!
0458: Hanging out with Amy pretty much EVERY NIGHT of last fall
0459: My favorite Indonesian... Yoshi ( i miss that guy!)
0460: Thinking I wouldn't be able to come back this year, but then GOD PROVIDED! And I was able to come back!! YAY!
0461:Making the HOPE shirts to raise money for Student missions!!
0462: Losing the van at Beach Reach. At the time, not a good moment. But looking back, its pretty funny
463: The Jar Wars Banquet last year. The girls did an AWESOME job,and it was WAY fun!
0466: Last year's Focus. It was my first time to really get to know some of the students. We played the game of "reactions" in the van. I yelled something out, they had to react to it, and I would take a picture. It was pretty comical.
0468: Last fall, Aravind, Praveen, and Yoshi came over to help me decorate for Christmas. Bubba was in town visiting me before going hunting. Praveen was enamored with Bubba's guns. Then Bubba taught Aravind to Two-Step. It was cute
0469: The kids in Mexico. I would be dead-dog tired (and sick) in the afternoons. But they would come to the door of our house and ask if I could come play with them. I loved to go out there and sit and talk with the older girls (with butchered Spanish) and play tag with the younger ones.
0470: The International Retreat, last year. Explaining to them how to make a S'more. It was hilarious. (This is Praveen eating his first S'more EVER!)
0471 : Taking Yoshi to his first Halloween last year. It was hilarious. I made him dress up as a cow for our "Noah's Ark" Trunk at my church's Trunk-or-Treat
0476: For the Christmas banquet this year, we got to wear PAJAMAS! It was a brilliant idea and I LOVED IT!
0480: The Sonic Carhop... It was a LOT of fun and we a good chunk of change for summer missions.
0482: When the new student center opened last year, me, Joycelyn, and Wesley went over there to "tour the place." We ended up having chair races in one of the conference rooms.
0483: It was during my first semester here that Margaret passed away. The students and Joe were AMAZING. They supported me in so many ways. They even helped me when I had to bake goodies to take to her memorial in Dallas.
0484: It was AMAZINGLY hilarious to watch Jeananne do the Cholo...after we hounded her about it
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
0435 - It has been a rough week... AND IT'S ONLY WEDNESDAY! But God is getting me through. I can't imagine doing it without Him.
0436 - I love it. So true.

0437 - I got to go home for Mother's Day, which was quite delightful! My mom and I cleaned out our storage unit, which may sound lame, but gave us such a sense of accomplishment!
0438 - More truth... and an added chuckle

0439 - I hit an armadillo last night on the way home from SS. I am NOT thankful for that. After hitting it, something fell from underneath my car and I was dragging it. Once again, not thankful. BUT... JOE FIXED IT TODAY! For that, I AM thankful
0440-For the college Bible study at church, we have been studying Feast. We have learned about 6 of the Jewish feasts and how they relate to Christianity. I personally have learned so much through this study!

0441- In case you have been living under a rock for awhile, allow me to let you in on a secret...I'm moving home for the summer. I know..it's every 24-year-old's dream to move back home with mommy and daddy. BUT... i AM looking forward to going to Connection Point Church this summer! I am excited to see what Joel and Erica have got going on . And who knows?? If I am back in Dallas for good, maybe I'll get plugged in!

0442- this made me giggle... a lot!
0443 - Brittany, Jeananne, and Lisa made me a video... and it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
0444 - I took great comfort in the truth Francis Chan spoke here
0445 - I tweeted about this earlier, but every college student should check this out
0446- Call me crazy, but I look forward to driving a pimped out swagger wagon one day
0447 - An INCREDIBLE depiction of the prodigal
0448- Maybe you have seen this somewhere else in the blog-o-sphere. It's a sad, but true representation of churches today.
0450 - It's my last week at the BSM. Kinda sad. But be looking for a BSM-themed Thankful post coming up next!
0436 - I love it. So true.
0437 - I got to go home for Mother's Day, which was quite delightful! My mom and I cleaned out our storage unit, which may sound lame, but gave us such a sense of accomplishment!
0438 - More truth... and an added chuckle
0439 - I hit an armadillo last night on the way home from SS. I am NOT thankful for that. After hitting it, something fell from underneath my car and I was dragging it. Once again, not thankful. BUT... JOE FIXED IT TODAY! For that, I AM thankful
0440-For the college Bible study at church, we have been studying Feast. We have learned about 6 of the Jewish feasts and how they relate to Christianity. I personally have learned so much through this study!
0441- In case you have been living under a rock for awhile, allow me to let you in on a secret...I'm moving home for the summer. I know..it's every 24-year-old's dream to move back home with mommy and daddy. BUT... i AM looking forward to going to Connection Point Church this summer! I am excited to see what Joel and Erica have got going on . And who knows?? If I am back in Dallas for good, maybe I'll get plugged in!
0442- this made me giggle... a lot!
0443 - Brittany, Jeananne, and Lisa made me a video... and it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
0444 - I took great comfort in the truth Francis Chan spoke here
0445 - I tweeted about this earlier, but every college student should check this out
0446- Call me crazy, but I look forward to driving a pimped out swagger wagon one day
0447 - An INCREDIBLE depiction of the prodigal
0448- Maybe you have seen this somewhere else in the blog-o-sphere. It's a sad, but true representation of churches today.
"Sunday's Coming" Movie Trailer from North Point Media on Vimeo.
0449 - On Tuesday nights, me and four other girls get together, make a delicious dinner, and dig into Ephesians. We just have one more week. I have truly cherished our times together and I will miss them oh so much.0450 - It's my last week at the BSM. Kinda sad. But be looking for a BSM-themed Thankful post coming up next!
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
So I'm a couple of days late... but better late than never, right??
434 - I am SO VERY THANKFUL for my wonderful friend, MARIBETH!
If you don't know her, then I can assure you... you are missing out! She is one the most amazing, kind -hearted people I know.
I met Maribeth, (aka MB, M-beezy, Merr-beff, Mary) my freshmen year at SFA. She was a wise old sophomore. She was good friends with my Freshmen care group leader, Sarah. I remember the first time I really talked to her. She was getting ready to move from Steen to Kerr, where the party was at! haha
We were walking outside of Kerr, and I asked her why she had a raspy voice. She went on to tell me how she is an incredible miracle. If you want to hear her story and how she is using it to glorify the Lord, check out her blog. After she told me her story, I felt like crap. I mean, who did I think I was, asking her about her voice. I felt pretty guilty. But she assured me that it was cool. I realized that night that I wanted to be friends with her. But I had no idea that she would end up being one of my best friends.

Needless to say, we hit it off pretty quick. She was a BSM-er and she lived just a floor below me in Kerr. I'm pretty sure I was down there (in her private room!) every day! We watched Boy Meets World and Fresh Prince all the time, while giggling and talking about life.

While at SFA, MB was always there for me. Whether it was to go get a snowcone (everday!) or to come together and share our hearts, I knew I could count on MB. She ended up graduating a year before me. But even after she moved back to Dallas, I still talked with her on a regular basis. Nothing had really changed in our friendship.

Over the past six years, MB and I have shared so many good memories. Snowcones. Beach Reach. The Nacogdoches Christmas Light Parade. Boys. Watching the sunrise. Then the car not starting and meeting a crazy mountain woman. Football games. BSM. Pete's. Midnight phone calls. High School Musical!!! Trey singing us to sleep. Road trips. Track Meets. Sonic. Caleb Canter. Karaoke. The Lake at Labor Day. Shreveport for Brad's wedding. The A- Frame. "Studying" in the library. 431. Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Date Auction.

This past week, MB turned 25. I am so eternally thankful that the Lord brought her into my life. I look forward to many, MANY more years with MB in my life.
434 - I am SO VERY THANKFUL for my wonderful friend, MARIBETH!

I met Maribeth, (aka MB, M-beezy, Merr-beff, Mary) my freshmen year at SFA. She was a wise old sophomore. She was good friends with my Freshmen care group leader, Sarah. I remember the first time I really talked to her. She was getting ready to move from Steen to Kerr, where the party was at! haha

Needless to say, we hit it off pretty quick. She was a BSM-er and she lived just a floor below me in Kerr. I'm pretty sure I was down there (in her private room!) every day! We watched Boy Meets World and Fresh Prince all the time, while giggling and talking about life.

While at SFA, MB was always there for me. Whether it was to go get a snowcone (everday!) or to come together and share our hearts, I knew I could count on MB. She ended up graduating a year before me. But even after she moved back to Dallas, I still talked with her on a regular basis. Nothing had really changed in our friendship.

Over the past six years, MB and I have shared so many good memories. Snowcones. Beach Reach. The Nacogdoches Christmas Light Parade. Boys. Watching the sunrise. Then the car not starting and meeting a crazy mountain woman. Football games. BSM. Pete's. Midnight phone calls. High School Musical!!! Trey singing us to sleep. Road trips. Track Meets. Sonic. Caleb Canter. Karaoke. The Lake at Labor Day. Shreveport for Brad's wedding. The A- Frame. "Studying" in the library. 431. Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Date Auction.

This past week, MB turned 25. I am so eternally thankful that the Lord brought her into my life. I look forward to many, MANY more years with MB in my life.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
You've missed me. All 2 of you. Don't deny it.
But lo and behold... I'm back. So all those emails you have been just WAITING to send to me BEGGING me to return to my blog. Delete them. I know you have been waiting to find the "right time" to send them anyways, which is why I haven't heard from anyone asking what happened to my blogging capabilities.
Let's get back on track, shall we?
426- If you know me, you probably know I like Ellen. She's hilarious. And here's a perfect example of her hilarity
427- This, my friends, is genius

428- This will provide..well.. a few seconds of entertainment

Squint your eyes. Now who’s angry?
429- Even if I was/am a teeny bopper, even I know this isn't right
430- No comment

431 - I watched this over and over trying to figure it out
432- This reminds me of the Taylor Swift concert (dont judge me) Plus- its a good cause
433- All the more reason I want to marry Donald Miller
But lo and behold... I'm back. So all those emails you have been just WAITING to send to me BEGGING me to return to my blog. Delete them. I know you have been waiting to find the "right time" to send them anyways, which is why I haven't heard from anyone asking what happened to my blogging capabilities.
Let's get back on track, shall we?
426- If you know me, you probably know I like Ellen. She's hilarious. And here's a perfect example of her hilarity
427- This, my friends, is genius
428- This will provide..well.. a few seconds of entertainment
Squint your eyes. Now who’s angry?
429- Even if I was/am a teeny bopper, even I know this isn't right
430- No comment
431 - I watched this over and over trying to figure it out
432- This reminds me of the Taylor Swift concert (dont judge me) Plus- its a good cause
Solidarités International: Water talks from La Boite Concept on Vimeo.
433- All the more reason I want to marry Donald Miller
Thursday, March 25, 2010
0411 - About the 2 minute mark, I think of Katy Reed and Erinne
0412- You gotta admit..it's funny

0414- I wish I was smart enough to come up with something as brilliant as this

0415- Shella helped me SO MUCH as I worked on my application and survey.... HELPED A LOT
0416- While at Beach Reach, Oscar tweeted some the most hilarious tweets ever ...quoting Katy Reed's new bff... Jon Kim
0417 - Speaking of Beach Reach, did I mention how awesome my students did!
0418- And our team was GREAT! Leader's meeting each night was pretty much hilarious
0419- This year, Padre had the most people EVER for spring break. But God knew that, so he sent the most people EVER on Beach Reach!
0420 - I wish I was Japanese
0421- This was probably one of my favorite Saved by the Bell episodes

0422- I am so glad that NOW I know whats the problem with all the lame guys I have met
0423- Now here is your warning...there are some curse words and course language in this video.. but it made me giggle
0424- I have no words
0412- You gotta admit..it's funny
0414- I wish I was smart enough to come up with something as brilliant as this
0415- Shella helped me SO MUCH as I worked on my application and survey.... HELPED A LOT
0416- While at Beach Reach, Oscar tweeted some the most hilarious tweets ever ...quoting Katy Reed's new bff... Jon Kim
0417 - Speaking of Beach Reach, did I mention how awesome my students did!
0418- And our team was GREAT! Leader's meeting each night was pretty much hilarious
0419- This year, Padre had the most people EVER for spring break. But God knew that, so he sent the most people EVER on Beach Reach!
0420 - I wish I was Japanese
0421- This was probably one of my favorite Saved by the Bell episodes
0422- I am so glad that NOW I know whats the problem with all the lame guys I have met
0423- Now here is your warning...there are some curse words and course language in this video.. but it made me giggle
0424- I have no words
Sunday, March 21, 2010
0396 - What an AMAZING week we had at beach reach!
0397 - 3 of our students got baptized!
0398 - I got to spend a week with the renegade interns aka interns of the year. Definitely the most fun Beach Reach I have ever been a part of
0399- No wrecks... we had other van problems, but no wrecks. For this, I am VERY thankful
0400- I'M AT 400!!
0401 - In case there was any question on how to give a proper high five
0402 - I remember going to see the Goofy movie in theaters
0403 - I have gotten to sleep, A LOT, in the past couple of days. It was much needed
0404 - My dad let me borrow his GPS for Beach Reach. It definitely came in handy
0405 - Hilarious
0406 - Even though there was no evening worship tonight, we still got together for Sunday dinner at Mochis. It was so good to catch up with the SS folks. Plus, Brian was in town!
0407 - Me, Brittany, Jeananne, Meredith, and Lauren are all going to start a Bible study together. I am really excited about it
0408 - I got my car out of the shop! The good news..its not the brakes. Bad news... I need new tires
0409 - In honor of beach reach

0410 - I got to chat it up with Lindsay today! Gosh..i miss her
0397 - 3 of our students got baptized!
0398 - I got to spend a week with the renegade interns aka interns of the year. Definitely the most fun Beach Reach I have ever been a part of
0399- No wrecks... we had other van problems, but no wrecks. For this, I am VERY thankful
0400- I'M AT 400!!
0401 - In case there was any question on how to give a proper high five
0402 - I remember going to see the Goofy movie in theaters
0403 - I have gotten to sleep, A LOT, in the past couple of days. It was much needed
0404 - My dad let me borrow his GPS for Beach Reach. It definitely came in handy
0405 - Hilarious
0406 - Even though there was no evening worship tonight, we still got together for Sunday dinner at Mochis. It was so good to catch up with the SS folks. Plus, Brian was in town!
0407 - Me, Brittany, Jeananne, Meredith, and Lauren are all going to start a Bible study together. I am really excited about it
0408 - I got my car out of the shop! The good news..its not the brakes. Bad news... I need new tires
0409 - In honor of beach reach
0410 - I got to chat it up with Lindsay today! Gosh..i miss her
Monday, March 08, 2010
0380 - What a GREAT weekend! On Saturday morning, we (a group from the BSM) went to the Buckner warehouse and processed stuff to send to Haiti.
0381- Then, I met Brittany, Jeananne, Brandon, and Jonathan at my good friend Roy's. Roy is the dear man at my church, who is still livin it up at 84 years old. From the snow a few weeks ago, he had a LOT of limbs down. So we went to help him clean them up. It was such a sweet time.
0382 - Remember the Holy Spirit Hokey Pokey? This is from the same people
0384 - My parents and brother came to church to hear my solo. It meant so much to me to have them there!
0385- I have a feeling this will be me when I'm older
0387 - Lisa came over for our one-on-one tonight.. AND I ACTUALLY COOKED DINNER! Good times
0388 - Do you remember these?
0389 - Shella has helped me so much with my Sulphur Springs application. Hoping to turn it in tomorrow!
0390 - I FINALLY sanded and painted the bookcase I got at Goodwill a few weeks ago! It is quite the nice addition to my living room!
0391 - I actually had a GREAT night's rest last night... HALLELUJAH!
0392 - This is just funny
0393 - I went to church last night with quite the bad attitude. But I went to the prayer group and God did a work on my heart. I love it
0394 - There was something that was said by someone last night that I did not agree with. It would have been really easy for me to harp on that for the rest of the night, and possibly much longer. But right after it was said, I prayed that God would let me forget about it. That I would NOT harp on it. And now, though I know the general thing that was said, I cannot even TRY to remember what exactly was said...and I am thankful for that
0381- Then, I met Brittany, Jeananne, Brandon, and Jonathan at my good friend Roy's. Roy is the dear man at my church, who is still livin it up at 84 years old. From the snow a few weeks ago, he had a LOT of limbs down. So we went to help him clean them up. It was such a sweet time.
0382 - Remember the Holy Spirit Hokey Pokey? This is from the same people
0384 - My parents and brother came to church to hear my solo. It meant so much to me to have them there!
0385- I have a feeling this will be me when I'm older
0387 - Lisa came over for our one-on-one tonight.. AND I ACTUALLY COOKED DINNER! Good times
0388 - Do you remember these?
0389 - Shella has helped me so much with my Sulphur Springs application. Hoping to turn it in tomorrow!
0390 - I FINALLY sanded and painted the bookcase I got at Goodwill a few weeks ago! It is quite the nice addition to my living room!
0391 - I actually had a GREAT night's rest last night... HALLELUJAH!
0392 - This is just funny
0393 - I went to church last night with quite the bad attitude. But I went to the prayer group and God did a work on my heart. I love it
0394 - There was something that was said by someone last night that I did not agree with. It would have been really easy for me to harp on that for the rest of the night, and possibly much longer. But right after it was said, I prayed that God would let me forget about it. That I would NOT harp on it. And now, though I know the general thing that was said, I cannot even TRY to remember what exactly was said...and I am thankful for that
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