Friday, June 22, 2007


Yup... I was productive yesterday! HALLELUJAH!! It may not have been the most amazing thing to do...but I did it anyways. And I am thinking that my OCD-ness got the best of me on this one..but once again, thats okay. What did I do? I organized my supervisors bookshelves. Yeah.. you're jealous, I know. But I was in his office yesterday afternoon and was developing a bit of a twitch from the random and highly cluttered stacks of books all over the shelves. There was no system to it. So after he left, I came back in his office, took EVERYTHING off of the shelves (and man, he has a lot of books) and grouped them by catergory, only to resehelve them with their group, and in alphabetical order by author. I live an exciting life, I know.

Last night, the Catholic ministry across the street was having a concert, so I wandered over there afterwards. It was a really pleasant experience. Very small setting...maybe twelve people. The last set the girl sang was all worship. I hadn't worshipped like that in a long time. It was very refreshing, especially given the circumstances I find myself in this summer.

Read another book last night... a whole one. Once again, you are jealous of my exhilirating life, I know.

But let me tell you something that actually IS exciting...about my new best friend. And no, not Tony. It's this thing called Red Box. I saw it in McDonalds here a few nights ago. Its basically a vending machine for renting movies. And get this, its only a DOLLAR A DAY! That's right..a dollar. And they have all the same movies as Blockbuster or Hollywood. I was so excited.. I came home with a movie, beaming with joy. I thought I had just discovered a treasure in this Red Box. It wasn't until I saw Grant, a housemate, that my dreams was squelched. Red Box has been around for over a year here. And then I talked to Liz, who told me they have them in Houston. DANG IT! I thought I was on the up-and-up!

1 comment:

Shawn said...

I am glad that you are doing well and enjoying your time. You have been on my mind and heart recently... know that I am thinking of you and am very impressed with the person you have become in Christ. Down time is good I promise... Enjoy and experience.