Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Look out Dinkytown!

The vacation is over.

We arrived in Dinkytown yesterday. A little explanation. Dinkytown is an area on the campus of the University of Minnesota. It is an art district..kinda. Lots of little shops, coffee shops, things like that. Real cute little place.
We are staying in a boarding house...which has proven to be an experience. The boys are on the first floor...big room... two couches, beds, a TV, fridge....the works. I am on the THIRD FLOOR (Yes, me, the laziest person ever, walking up and down 3 flights of stairs numerous times a day) in a closet. Seriously...its smaller than a room in Steen. I hope to put some pictures up soon, so you can share in this.

God is pushing just about every direction. The whole VBS thing, moving around from place to place (I move again in 2 weeks...i DISTINCTLY remember telling God that I did NOT want to move around this summer), working on relationships with the boys on my team, a comical living arrangement, lots of prayerwalking (I don't do well at staying focused)...
Really, its to the point now that it's funny. I should have known not to tell God what I wanted.

Things are different here in Minneapolis though. The speed limits on the highways are 55! I could never do that! They have lights on the ends of the on ramps, telling you when to come on the freeway, and EVERYONE WALKS EVERYWHERE! We walked around yesterday afternoon for a little over an hour, prayerwalking the campus and such. It really is a beautiful place.

Hopefully, I will remember to bring in my camera to the Upper Room (the ministry we are working at) so I can upload some pics for you all to see.

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