Monday, February 22, 2010

0326 - What a great weekend I had! I got to go home (and make Nanny mad by bringing home my laundry)

0327- One of my favorite things about going home for a weekend is the few hours that I get to spend with my mom. This weekend, we went to Lowe's (twice) and I took her to the dentist. It wasn't much, but it was so refreshing.

0328- I LOVE FAMILY DINNERS... And by that, I mean the Sunday nights after church when families from church (FBCSS) get together and go to dinner. Definitely one of the highlights of my week.

0329 -I found this pic on a blog I follow... tell me that's not hilarious

0330 - Nate Ray, the church planter I worked with in Minneapolis, posted this on his blog. Made me have a better understanding of Jesus' 40 days in the wilderness


0332 - The Leadership team is doing SUCH A GREAT JOB memorizing Romans 12. I am SO proud of them!

0333- The students found out where they will be serving this summer through Go Now! I am WAY excited for them!

0334 - Ed Young Jr...the rapper

0335 - This video makes me feel as if my procrastination is justified

Procrastination from Johnny Kelly on Vimeo.

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