0336 - I FINALLY TALKED TO LINDSAY TONIGHT!! I'm SO glad to know that she is safe and well.
0337 - I had a great meeting with Megan today. (she is the BEAUTIFUL high school junior from my church) Our time together in the Word was so sweet
0338 - Zumba kicked my butt today... not sure if I should be thankful for that or not
0339 - We got to celebrate Roy's 84th birthday with him this week. I just love that man
0340 - I got a new Compassion kid!! He is from Indonesia and he is so cute!
0341 - When I went home this weekend, I got to sit down and help my mom write a letter and send a package to her Compassion kid. It was so sweet to be able to share that with my mom
0342 - I sent packages to my Compassion kids today... LOVE IT
0343 - I have a Bill application on my iPod. I log in my bills and when they are due, and it reminds me of them. I'd be lost without it
0344- Speaking of apps, I also have the Ellen app. Judge me. I don't care. She's hilarious. I lay in bed each night and watch clips from her show. More often than not, I literally laugh out loud
0345 - This week I had a question that I needed a guys opinion on. So who do I call? Rob Ramsey. Luckily, he answered... WHILE IN THE HOT TUB! haha
0346 - We started Beach Reach training tonight. We have a GREAT team and I am really excited about it.
0347- I am so thankful for the ladies at my church. I had a question for them on Sunday after church at "family dinner." They were so eager to share with me.
0348 - Brittany has helped so much in getting stuff ready for Beach Reach training. I am SO thankful for her
0349 - With my new car, I have better gas mileage... HALLELUJAH
0350 - HOLY MOLY!! I'M AT 350!!!
0351 - Whenever I go home, Belle is always SO happy to see me! I don't care what anyone else says..she misses me
0352 - I get to sleep in tomorrow...PRAISE THE LORD!
0353 - God no doubt have me what to speak about tonight at Overflow. It is always such a blessing to know that what is coming out of your mouth is from the Lord
0354 - I sure am thankful that Grey's and One Tree Hill are posted online.
0355 - Facebook... I stalk people. Let's be honest
Friday, February 26, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
0326 - What a great weekend I had! I got to go home (and make Nanny mad by bringing home my laundry)
0327- One of my favorite things about going home for a weekend is the few hours that I get to spend with my mom. This weekend, we went to Lowe's (twice) and I took her to the dentist. It wasn't much, but it was so refreshing.
0328- I LOVE FAMILY DINNERS... And by that, I mean the Sunday nights after church when families from church (FBCSS) get together and go to dinner. Definitely one of the highlights of my week.
0329 -
I found this pic on a blog I follow... tell me that's not hilarious
0330 - Nate Ray, the church planter I worked with in Minneapolis, posted this on his blog. Made me have a better understanding of Jesus' 40 days in the wilderness
0332 - The Leadership team is doing SUCH A GREAT JOB memorizing Romans 12. I am SO proud of them!
0333- The students found out where they will be serving this summer through Go Now! I am WAY excited for them!
0334 - Ed Young Jr...the rapper
0335 - This video makes me feel as if my procrastination is justified
0327- One of my favorite things about going home for a weekend is the few hours that I get to spend with my mom. This weekend, we went to Lowe's (twice) and I took her to the dentist. It wasn't much, but it was so refreshing.
0328- I LOVE FAMILY DINNERS... And by that, I mean the Sunday nights after church when families from church (FBCSS) get together and go to dinner. Definitely one of the highlights of my week.
0329 -

0330 - Nate Ray, the church planter I worked with in Minneapolis, posted this on his blog. Made me have a better understanding of Jesus' 40 days in the wilderness
0332 - The Leadership team is doing SUCH A GREAT JOB memorizing Romans 12. I am SO proud of them!
0333- The students found out where they will be serving this summer through Go Now! I am WAY excited for them!
0334 - Ed Young Jr...the rapper
0335 - This video makes me feel as if my procrastination is justified
Procrastination from Johnny Kelly on Vimeo.
Friday, February 19, 2010
0316 - It's FRIDAY!!! Need I say more?
0317 - I had lunch with the lovely Autumn today. It was so nice to catch up with her!
0318- I found this on a craft blog I follow. If you know me at all, you know that I have been bitten by the sewing bug. It's my new favorite thing to do. I could watch this thing all day. I am fascinated with knowing how a sewing machine works!

0319- So far we have 23 people going to beach reach!!! We need just one more guy! That's way more than we had last year! YAY!!
0320 -I can appreciate smart and funny pan handler

0321- Came across this site today http://www.pleaserobme.com You should check it out. It will make you rethink your next facebook status or tweet.
0322 - I got to sleep in today... HALLELUJAH!!!
0323 - Saw this video - Made me admire their heart for their soccer team
0324- I found out that in April, my church will be having a Beth Moore simulcast! I'm way excited
0325 - Look at this cake that Heather made Bubba for his birthday!! I'm so excited to go home this weekend and have some! She makes the BEST cakes!!
0317 - I had lunch with the lovely Autumn today. It was so nice to catch up with her!
0318- I found this on a craft blog I follow. If you know me at all, you know that I have been bitten by the sewing bug. It's my new favorite thing to do. I could watch this thing all day. I am fascinated with knowing how a sewing machine works!
0319- So far we have 23 people going to beach reach!!! We need just one more guy! That's way more than we had last year! YAY!!
0320 -I can appreciate smart and funny pan handler

0321- Came across this site today http://www.pleaserobme.com You should check it out. It will make you rethink your next facebook status or tweet.
0322 - I got to sleep in today... HALLELUJAH!!!
0323 - Saw this video - Made me admire their heart for their soccer team
0324- I found out that in April, my church will be having a Beth Moore simulcast! I'm way excited
0325 - Look at this cake that Heather made Bubba for his birthday!! I'm so excited to go home this weekend and have some! She makes the BEST cakes!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
0300 - HOLY COW!! I'M AT 300!!!!
0301 - I got the information to be a corresponding sponsor for another Compassion child!! Now mom and dad, don't freak. This simply means that this little boy already has a sponsor, but his sponsor, for whatever reason, does not write to him. So I get to be the lucky one to write to him!! He is the cutest little thing...from Indonesia!
0302 - Found this video today and it made me chuckle..so I thought I'd share.
0303 - MY APT IS OFFICIALLY CLEAN!! Now let's just see how long it lasts.
0304 - No headache today!! This may sound silly, but its quite a blessing! I have been getting headaches everyday lately...not so fun!
0305- Finally got my bank info to the car dealership...so they can take my car payment out of my checking account. Maybe they will stop hassling me now.
0306-Bubba came and stayed the night with me last night. It was good to hang out with him
0307- What a sweet night of worship tonight at Overflow! It was a little different, to say the least. And I bet some people think it was a failure because we didn't have as many people, but I met with the Lord. And that's what counts.
0308- After searching ALL DAY, I FOUND MY IPOD! Apparently Bubba had moved it in his sleep last night and didn't remember where he set it. Silly Bubba
0309- I GOT MY HAIRCUT! I know... not really that big of a deal. But I have been needing it for so long...it was nice to finally get to do it
0310- Isaac Godwin, a friend and former student of Katy Reed's is doing much better! I have been praying for him since I heard about his accident on Sunday. THE LORD HEARS OUR PRAYERS
0311 - My Zumba instructor sent me this video... tell me it's not hilarious. It gets better after the two minute mark. The leader gets extra sassy.
0312- I am thankful that we don't do THAT in Zumba
0313- The Lord is teaching me a lot lately on love and forgiveness...and how much I suck at both
0314- I finally got to talk to Liz today!!!! After playing phone tag for two weeks, I finally got to hear her sweet voice!!
0315- The leadership team did a GREAT job tonight with the worship stations! I barely had to do anything!
0301 - I got the information to be a corresponding sponsor for another Compassion child!! Now mom and dad, don't freak. This simply means that this little boy already has a sponsor, but his sponsor, for whatever reason, does not write to him. So I get to be the lucky one to write to him!! He is the cutest little thing...from Indonesia!
0302 - Found this video today and it made me chuckle..so I thought I'd share.
0303 - MY APT IS OFFICIALLY CLEAN!! Now let's just see how long it lasts.
0304 - No headache today!! This may sound silly, but its quite a blessing! I have been getting headaches everyday lately...not so fun!
0305- Finally got my bank info to the car dealership...so they can take my car payment out of my checking account. Maybe they will stop hassling me now.
0306-Bubba came and stayed the night with me last night. It was good to hang out with him
0307- What a sweet night of worship tonight at Overflow! It was a little different, to say the least. And I bet some people think it was a failure because we didn't have as many people, but I met with the Lord. And that's what counts.
0308- After searching ALL DAY, I FOUND MY IPOD! Apparently Bubba had moved it in his sleep last night and didn't remember where he set it. Silly Bubba
0309- I GOT MY HAIRCUT! I know... not really that big of a deal. But I have been needing it for so long...it was nice to finally get to do it
0310- Isaac Godwin, a friend and former student of Katy Reed's is doing much better! I have been praying for him since I heard about his accident on Sunday. THE LORD HEARS OUR PRAYERS
0311 - My Zumba instructor sent me this video... tell me it's not hilarious. It gets better after the two minute mark. The leader gets extra sassy.
0312- I am thankful that we don't do THAT in Zumba
0313- The Lord is teaching me a lot lately on love and forgiveness...and how much I suck at both
0314- I finally got to talk to Liz today!!!! After playing phone tag for two weeks, I finally got to hear her sweet voice!!
0315- The leadership team did a GREAT job tonight with the worship stations! I barely had to do anything!
0286- How could I have forgotten to mention how INCREDIBLY thankful I am for the snow days we had!!?! It was so fun to build snowmen, a fort, and have countless snow ball fights at the BSM.
0287- I got to chat it up with Miss Amy Hastings. I have realized recently how much I miss her being around.
0288- I got into the cleaning mode tonight...which is definitely a good thing. I cleaned the bathroom and kitchen and tidied up in general.
0289- I got SO into cleaning that I decided to clean out my drawers in my bedroom (the ones filled with lots of junk). I ended up checking EVERY marker, pen, and highlighter. Threw out a bunch. That's lame and brings out my true nerdiness- but I'm okay with that.
0290- I go to Zumba in Sulphur Springs now. I have a few friends from church that also go. They probably don't know it,but they kinda keep me accountable. I feel like if I don't go, I let them down. Plus it's just fun.
0291- Speaking of Zumba, we do one dance as our "cool down." In reality, we look like speed skaters in slow motion. We end it by bringing our hands together (like praying) and bowing. No matter where we are in the gym, Lauren and I turn to each other and say "Namas Dei" (sp?) Can't help but giggle.
0292- My WOM group - We meet once a month to talk about missions and hear whats going on in the world. It is so nice to get with other women with a heart for missions and pray for the nations.
0293- At our WOM this week, the Webbs spoke. They are a couple from our church that is serving East Asia. It was so encouraging to hear them talk about what the Lord is doing over there. Plus, we pray for them by name each month. It was so good to actually sit down and talk with the people we are always praying for.
- I saw this shirt on a blog I frequent. Made me sad.... then made me realize it's true.
0295- BEACH REACH IS SOON!! I am starting to put together training material and get final logistics down. I can't believe its already here!
0296 - My dad came to our Free Lunch on Monday. He was in the area, so he dropped by. It was refreshing to see him. Plus he kinda got to see what I do.
0297 I found this video... AND LOVED IT!
0298 - This may sound silly...but I am REALLY thankful that with Firefox, when you misspell a word, there is an annoying squiggly red line. Now I don't look stupid as often as I used to.
0299- I am also thankful that when you are typing a post up, it automatically saves. I just hit the backspace, and it took me back to the page I visited before this. Luckily though, it saved what I had already typed...otherwise, I'd be ticked
0287- I got to chat it up with Miss Amy Hastings. I have realized recently how much I miss her being around.
0288- I got into the cleaning mode tonight...which is definitely a good thing. I cleaned the bathroom and kitchen and tidied up in general.
0289- I got SO into cleaning that I decided to clean out my drawers in my bedroom (the ones filled with lots of junk). I ended up checking EVERY marker, pen, and highlighter. Threw out a bunch. That's lame and brings out my true nerdiness- but I'm okay with that.
0290- I go to Zumba in Sulphur Springs now. I have a few friends from church that also go. They probably don't know it,but they kinda keep me accountable. I feel like if I don't go, I let them down. Plus it's just fun.
0291- Speaking of Zumba, we do one dance as our "cool down." In reality, we look like speed skaters in slow motion. We end it by bringing our hands together (like praying) and bowing. No matter where we are in the gym, Lauren and I turn to each other and say "Namas Dei" (sp?) Can't help but giggle.
0292- My WOM group - We meet once a month to talk about missions and hear whats going on in the world. It is so nice to get with other women with a heart for missions and pray for the nations.
0293- At our WOM this week, the Webbs spoke. They are a couple from our church that is serving East Asia. It was so encouraging to hear them talk about what the Lord is doing over there. Plus, we pray for them by name each month. It was so good to actually sit down and talk with the people we are always praying for.

0295- BEACH REACH IS SOON!! I am starting to put together training material and get final logistics down. I can't believe its already here!
0296 - My dad came to our Free Lunch on Monday. He was in the area, so he dropped by. It was refreshing to see him. Plus he kinda got to see what I do.
0297 I found this video... AND LOVED IT!

0298 - This may sound silly...but I am REALLY thankful that with Firefox, when you misspell a word, there is an annoying squiggly red line. Now I don't look stupid as often as I used to.
0299- I am also thankful that when you are typing a post up, it automatically saves. I just hit the backspace, and it took me back to the page I visited before this. Luckily though, it saved what I had already typed...otherwise, I'd be ticked
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
I cannot tell a lie... I thought about giving up the thankfulness posts... BUT I'M BACK!!!
0270- I mentioned in my last post that I love when SNL folks crack themselves up. Here is a video I have watched over and over and still laugh each time.
0271 - Our Leadership Team is memorizing Romans 12. AND MOST OF THEM ARE ACTUALLY DOING IT! It is so encouraging to hear them say it each week.
0272- Since getting a new car, I don't get to go Goodwill anymore. BUT.. I STILL HAVE MY LITTLE BOOKSTORE ON AMAZON!!! I am thankful for the little bit of money that comes in from that!
0273- My church, FBC SS, brought the lunch yesterday for Free Lunch. And ALL of them spread out amongst the tables and talked to students. So encouraging!
0274- I may not be Catholic...and I may not practice Ash Wednesday...but this video is pretty funny.
0275- This past weekend was Discovery Weekend. I got the pleasure of interviewing eight students for summer missions. It was so exciting to hear what God is doing in each of their lives and I look forward to seeing how he will use them this summer
0276- I may have mentioned that our church is doing One Month to Live. The principle that we talked about this week was Love Completely. That, coupled with memorizing Romans 12, (particularly verse 9 that says Love must be sincere), has made me realize that when it comes to relationships, I don't do very well. Basically, I suck at love. But I am glad that I serve the God who IS love.
0277- This Sunday, after evening church, some of us girls got together for a Singles Valentines dinner. It was really nice. We went to Mochis, as usual. And I haven't laughed that much in a long time
0278- I read on Vanessa's facebook that she is done with treatments on the 25th! PRAISE THE LORD!
0279- Plans for Austria this summer are already under way. I am glad to get started on it!
0280- Last night, I was cleaning out some tubs in my closet that I haven't gone through since leaving Nac. I found some really sweet cards and letters from friends. Some were from people that I don't talk to anymore. They spoke of how much our friendship meant to them and how they can't imagine life without our friendship. It was a little bittersweet, to say the least.
0281 - I am hoping to go home this weekend...and I am pretty stinking excited.
0282 -Bubba went to Joel's church this weekend and loved it. I hope he keeps going there
0283- I got to watch One Tree Hill on REAL TV LAST NIGHT!! NOT A DVD OR THE INTERNET! It was pretty weird, having to watch commercials
0284- I am reading a book, Emotional Purity, that I recommend for all girls. I have learned so much from this book.
0270- I mentioned in my last post that I love when SNL folks crack themselves up. Here is a video I have watched over and over and still laugh each time.
0271 - Our Leadership Team is memorizing Romans 12. AND MOST OF THEM ARE ACTUALLY DOING IT! It is so encouraging to hear them say it each week.
0272- Since getting a new car, I don't get to go Goodwill anymore. BUT.. I STILL HAVE MY LITTLE BOOKSTORE ON AMAZON!!! I am thankful for the little bit of money that comes in from that!
0273- My church, FBC SS, brought the lunch yesterday for Free Lunch. And ALL of them spread out amongst the tables and talked to students. So encouraging!
0274- I may not be Catholic...and I may not practice Ash Wednesday...but this video is pretty funny.
0275- This past weekend was Discovery Weekend. I got the pleasure of interviewing eight students for summer missions. It was so exciting to hear what God is doing in each of their lives and I look forward to seeing how he will use them this summer
0276- I may have mentioned that our church is doing One Month to Live. The principle that we talked about this week was Love Completely. That, coupled with memorizing Romans 12, (particularly verse 9 that says Love must be sincere), has made me realize that when it comes to relationships, I don't do very well. Basically, I suck at love. But I am glad that I serve the God who IS love.
0277- This Sunday, after evening church, some of us girls got together for a Singles Valentines dinner. It was really nice. We went to Mochis, as usual. And I haven't laughed that much in a long time
0278- I read on Vanessa's facebook that she is done with treatments on the 25th! PRAISE THE LORD!
0279- Plans for Austria this summer are already under way. I am glad to get started on it!
0280- Last night, I was cleaning out some tubs in my closet that I haven't gone through since leaving Nac. I found some really sweet cards and letters from friends. Some were from people that I don't talk to anymore. They spoke of how much our friendship meant to them and how they can't imagine life without our friendship. It was a little bittersweet, to say the least.
0281 - I am hoping to go home this weekend...and I am pretty stinking excited.
0282 -Bubba went to Joel's church this weekend and loved it. I hope he keeps going there
0283- I got to watch One Tree Hill on REAL TV LAST NIGHT!! NOT A DVD OR THE INTERNET! It was pretty weird, having to watch commercials
0284- I am reading a book, Emotional Purity, that I recommend for all girls. I have learned so much from this book.
Sunday, February 07, 2010
0261 - It has been a pretty crappy week for the Stricklin family. But God is still good, for which I am thankful
0262 - My car, good ol Gina, passed away today. We mourned for awhile, then went out to get a new car. I AM THANKFUL THAT I FOUND A GOOD DEAL!!!!
0263 - My dad is quite the deal maker. I don't know how I would have done it today without him!
0264 - I had a dr appt on Friday. Another low point of the week. But luckily, I have a Dr that is very familiar with the $4 prescription plan at Walmart!
0265 - It has been one heck of a wet winter. But there have been a couple of beautiful days amidst the crappy ones. And I LOVE those days.
0266- While Gina was in the shop last week, it wasn't even an option to go to Zumba on Tuesday, or church on Wednesday. BUT... I DID get to spend a couple of nights just to myself... did some crafting..some painting...some reading... loved it
0267- I love the parts on SNL when they crack themselves up...
0268 - Over 30 churches in our area are getting together to do One Month to Live. We had the kick off rally last Sunday. What an incredible time of worship to praise the Lord with people from different races, different denominations, different languages...but one God.
0269- I am thankful for my parents supporting me in EVERYTHING. Today, I freaked out when I was told that Gina would cost an additional $1000 to fix. My parents dropped everything they were going to do today, and took me to dealerships, then sat with me for a couple of hours as I waited, signed, and BOUGHT A CAR!
0262 - My car, good ol Gina, passed away today. We mourned for awhile, then went out to get a new car. I AM THANKFUL THAT I FOUND A GOOD DEAL!!!!
0263 - My dad is quite the deal maker. I don't know how I would have done it today without him!
0264 - I had a dr appt on Friday. Another low point of the week. But luckily, I have a Dr that is very familiar with the $4 prescription plan at Walmart!
0265 - It has been one heck of a wet winter. But there have been a couple of beautiful days amidst the crappy ones. And I LOVE those days.
0266- While Gina was in the shop last week, it wasn't even an option to go to Zumba on Tuesday, or church on Wednesday. BUT... I DID get to spend a couple of nights just to myself... did some crafting..some painting...some reading... loved it
0267- I love the parts on SNL when they crack themselves up...
0268 - Over 30 churches in our area are getting together to do One Month to Live. We had the kick off rally last Sunday. What an incredible time of worship to praise the Lord with people from different races, different denominations, different languages...but one God.
0269- I am thankful for my parents supporting me in EVERYTHING. Today, I freaked out when I was told that Gina would cost an additional $1000 to fix. My parents dropped everything they were going to do today, and took me to dealerships, then sat with me for a couple of hours as I waited, signed, and BOUGHT A CAR!
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