0181 - Air fresheners - though I love sleeping in his room, his room STINKS. Thank goodness my mom is OBSESSED with air fresheners and there are TWO in his room!
0182- Midnight breakfast with Bryant - even though it was the worst funny face Ihop has ever served, it was still good to catch up with Bryant
0183- Speaking of the funny face, I am thankful that Ihop still lets me order off the kids menu, even though I am TWICE the age of the "12 year old cap"
0184- Two times this past week, I got really bored of sitting at home. So I went up to my mom's work and took her coffee. I'm glad that I can just show up and sit and hang out for an hour...
0185- QT Coffee- I would totally drink a Caramal Macchiatto from QT before I had ANY starbucks drinks
0186- I FINISHED MY SKIRT OF TIES!!!! Bryant made fun of it, BUT I LOVE IT!
0187- Though I didn't get to as often as I would have liked, I got to sleep in quite a few days over this break. I needed it, and I LOVED it
0188- I found out a couple of days ago that we have RAISED ENOUGH MONEY TO PAY ME THROUGH MAY!! YAY!!
0189- A new year brings new beginnings...
0190- A clothes washer- the one at my parents house has been out for a few days. It is very true that you don't know what you got til its gone!
0191- Avon hand lotion- it's pretty much amazing...and my mom has it all over the house
0192- Bubba's friends- I hung out with Bubba and his friends a couple of times over the break. It was nice that they welcome me in their group as if I was always a part
0195- I FINALLY MET LISA...Bubba's friend. He always talks about her. I was glad to finally meet her
0196- I got my student loans deferred for another year. Thank goodness for that!
0197- My new signature!! (at the bottom of the post) It was FREE!!'
0198- I got to talk to Lindsay again this week, which was an added bonus!
0199- I am glad to be back in my own apt. I love being at my parents, but I was tired of living out of a bag.
0200- I AM A FIFTH OF THE WAY TO 1000!!!!

#188--woo hoo!! this is a big deal! we're still working on it!
heeey. yaaay for being #195!
this is lisa, incase you didnt know.
anway, it was really nice to actually get to hang out with you too, finally!
bubbs is always talking about you. and how smart you are.
by the way, you still owe me a picture of your tie skirt. i would like to see that stat. please and thanks :)
this comment is forever long. im sorry.
lets do coffee next time youre in town!
<3 lisa
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