0251 - I am a fourth of the way done! HALLELUJAH!
0252 - Today is a perfect Saturday. I got to sleep in (first time in WEEKS!) I am now sitting on my couch, in my Snuggie, watching Drake and Josh. Later, I will be having a Girls Night Out, including a trip to Half Price Books and a Dave Barnes and Matt Wertz concert!
0253 - I found this site... and it can easily provide hours of wasted time. http://lab.andre-michelle.com/tonematrix
0254- Last weekend, we had a D Now at my church. I am thankful for a church that invests in the next generation.
0255- Speaking of D Now, I got to lead the College group. I was thankful that the church included college in the D Now
0256- I got to have lunch with Brynette again. It was another hour and a half of sweet time talking about the Lord.
0257- I am starting to meet with Megan, a junior in high school from my church. I am excited about hanging out with her each week.
0258- There was a tornado in Sulphur Springs a little over a week ago. I was at church, with 20 five year olds. We were safe and kept the kids calm. For that, I am VERY thankful
0259- I am SO thankful that God heals bitterness.
0260- I am thankful that Japan gets to enjoy the greatness of Glee... even if it is in a weird way. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWTslWUlV_E&feature=player_embedded
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
0236 - Danny has had some GOOD questions the last few days.. AND CLASSES HAVE NOT EVEN STARTED YET! I am so excited about his questions, because they challenge me.
0237- I am thankful for Josh Hamilton and his testimony. Why? Because I turned my brother on to God being real. And Bubba read his book... WHAT?? Yes..that's right..BUBBA READ A WHOLE BOOK...in one night no less!
0238- The little oil change sticker in the upper left hand corner of the windshield... I appreciate the reminder it gives
0239-On Sunday, Brynette sang the Revelation Song. I could worship all day with her singing that song
0240- Pastor Mark's love for the Word and his ability to expound on it is incredible. I love listening to him
0241-I had a good meeting with Joe on Sunday. We are on the same page on a lot of things, which I am praying will be the foresight of a good semester
0242- I GOT TO SEE ROY ON SUNDAY NIGHT!!! I just love that man
0243- Our leadership meetings are going to be on Sunday afternoons now. I could not be more excited about NOT staying up at the BSM til 10 30 on Monday nights!
0244- Our church has D now this weekend and I will be leading the college group. I am excited about it and thankful that they are letting me do that
0245- I put my One Month to Live sign out in my "yard" today - and within one hour, my neighbor knocked on my door asking me about it. It was so exciting to share with her about it!
0246- We had a really good leadership team meeting today... I am looking forward to a great semester!
0247- I finally got to talk to MB last night. It was much needed and quite lovely
0248- Speaking of MB, HER BROTHER GOT ENGAGED! I am so excited for them!
0249- I found out that one of my students, Joanna, goes to church and knows Ben and Katie, the couple I mentioned that is serving in Haiti. She said I can come to church with her this summer and meet them!!!
0250- And lastly, I am thankful that Jesus wants us to be a sunbeam

0237- I am thankful for Josh Hamilton and his testimony. Why? Because I turned my brother on to God being real. And Bubba read his book... WHAT?? Yes..that's right..BUBBA READ A WHOLE BOOK...in one night no less!
0238- The little oil change sticker in the upper left hand corner of the windshield... I appreciate the reminder it gives
0239-On Sunday, Brynette sang the Revelation Song. I could worship all day with her singing that song
0240- Pastor Mark's love for the Word and his ability to expound on it is incredible. I love listening to him
0241-I had a good meeting with Joe on Sunday. We are on the same page on a lot of things, which I am praying will be the foresight of a good semester
0242- I GOT TO SEE ROY ON SUNDAY NIGHT!!! I just love that man
0243- Our leadership meetings are going to be on Sunday afternoons now. I could not be more excited about NOT staying up at the BSM til 10 30 on Monday nights!
0244- Our church has D now this weekend and I will be leading the college group. I am excited about it and thankful that they are letting me do that
0245- I put my One Month to Live sign out in my "yard" today - and within one hour, my neighbor knocked on my door asking me about it. It was so exciting to share with her about it!
0246- We had a really good leadership team meeting today... I am looking forward to a great semester!
0247- I finally got to talk to MB last night. It was much needed and quite lovely
0248- Speaking of MB, HER BROTHER GOT ENGAGED! I am so excited for them!
0249- I found out that one of my students, Joanna, goes to church and knows Ben and Katie, the couple I mentioned that is serving in Haiti. She said I can come to church with her this summer and meet them!!!
0250- And lastly, I am thankful that Jesus wants us to be a sunbeam

Sunday, January 17, 2010
0226- I am thankful for Ben and Katie, who are serving in Haiti. I don't know them, but I read about them in the Dallas Morning News. They are a newlywed couple who went over at the end of December to teach in a Christian school there. Now, everything has changed.
0227- When I got back, I had ANOTHER LETTER FROM MINIFU!!!
0228- I went home this weekend and my mom and and I worked HARD to paint the kitchen cabinets. It looks so good! But I'm glad we are done!
0229- I was in a crappy mood today. I called Liz on my drive back to Commerce, but she didnt answer, which I am thankful for. I wouldnt have wanted to whine to her
0230 - Because Liz didn't answer, it gave me and hour to just sit and communicate with the Lord. It was good...much needed...and totally worth it
0231- By the time I got to Greenville, the sky was looking pretty dark up ahead. BUT TO MY LEFT WAS A RAINBOW!! I felt like it was God reminding me of His promises... which was JUST WHAT I NEEDED!!
0232- Tonight, I went to a movie, cleaned the apt a bit, AND watched SNL... now THAT's a good Saturday night!
0233- I recently realized that I have an abundance of clothes. And I am thankful for that... (but I will be cleaning out my closet this week!)
0234- I am thankful for scented candles. As I was cleaning tonight, I lit some. It just made everything seem so much nicer!
0235- And finally, I am thankful for technology
0227- When I got back, I had ANOTHER LETTER FROM MINIFU!!!
0228- I went home this weekend and my mom and and I worked HARD to paint the kitchen cabinets. It looks so good! But I'm glad we are done!
0229- I was in a crappy mood today. I called Liz on my drive back to Commerce, but she didnt answer, which I am thankful for. I wouldnt have wanted to whine to her
0230 - Because Liz didn't answer, it gave me and hour to just sit and communicate with the Lord. It was good...much needed...and totally worth it
0231- By the time I got to Greenville, the sky was looking pretty dark up ahead. BUT TO MY LEFT WAS A RAINBOW!! I felt like it was God reminding me of His promises... which was JUST WHAT I NEEDED!!
0232- Tonight, I went to a movie, cleaned the apt a bit, AND watched SNL... now THAT's a good Saturday night!
0233- I recently realized that I have an abundance of clothes. And I am thankful for that... (but I will be cleaning out my closet this week!)
0234- I am thankful for scented candles. As I was cleaning tonight, I lit some. It just made everything seem so much nicer!
0235- And finally, I am thankful for technology
Thanks Technology from John on Vimeo.

Friday, January 15, 2010
0202 - After being sick, I AM FINALLY FEELING BETTER!! PTL for that!
0203 - Melissa, my friend from church, who is a dentist, called me in a Z-pack on Sunday. Definitely a God senad!
0204- Said Z pack - who doesn't love over priced antibiotics?
0205 - Mucinex - My best friend for the past week
0206 - A GREAT week in Mexico - check the facebook pics
0207- A drive to and from Mexico without too much excitement - It was very easy drive. And I'll admit, I was pretty nervous about driving a van to Mexico and back
0208- The bathtub- Any time after spending awhile away from home, I always love coming back and taking a long bath...
0209- The Fain family - Over the past year, they have really taken me in as one of their own. Love them
0210 - Jared and Kristen Schweers - They are going with their Bible study group to Mozambique this summer. I got to go to a fundraiser for them this past week. It made me happy to see them and excited for them serving this summer
0211- Speaking of this summer, I AM GOING BACK TO AUSTRIA!! That's right! I have been asked to lead the trip again. I'm pretty excited!
0212- While we were in Mexico, a little of the Spanish that I knew came back. It was a definite blessing while hanging out with the kids.
0213- However, even with the little Spanish I know, I botched it A LOT. But luckily, the kids could have cared less as I butchered their language.
0214- My church. I know I have said it before, but after being gone for a couple of weeks, I was so glad to worship with them again last Sunday.
0215- My Reject van - It seems I am always driving the "reject" van ... It's hilarious.. and I love it
0216 - Shella - Our new secretary at the BSM. I am excited to have her around
0217 - Though I am thankful for the sleeping bag while in Mexico, I am VERY thankful to be NOT sleeping in a sleeping bag anymore
0218- I have spent the last couple of days at home, helping my mom paint the house. It has been tough work (she's quite the slave driver) but good to just hang out at home
0219- Been emailing back and forth with Katy Reed a lot lately.... It's definitely not as good as hanging out in person, but it will do....til I see her at Beach Reach!
0220- My dad took me and my mom to Chick Fila for lunch yesterday!!! HOORAY
0221- Then tonight, after painting all day, I convinced my parents to take us to Cicis!
0222- I may have talked to another student about doing Go Now this summer!! YAY!!
0223- Clayton King - I first heard him a few years ago at a summer camp. On the way to and from Mexico, we listened to some of his podcasts... that guy can PREACH!
0224- Donald Miller's response to Pat Robertson - AMAZING
0225- The outpouring of love and support from the Christian community for Haiti. I am so broken hearted for that country, but amazed at how people are stepping up.
0203 - Melissa, my friend from church, who is a dentist, called me in a Z-pack on Sunday. Definitely a God senad!
0204- Said Z pack - who doesn't love over priced antibiotics?
0205 - Mucinex - My best friend for the past week
0206 - A GREAT week in Mexico - check the facebook pics
0207- A drive to and from Mexico without too much excitement - It was very easy drive. And I'll admit, I was pretty nervous about driving a van to Mexico and back
0208- The bathtub- Any time after spending awhile away from home, I always love coming back and taking a long bath...
0209- The Fain family - Over the past year, they have really taken me in as one of their own. Love them
0210 - Jared and Kristen Schweers - They are going with their Bible study group to Mozambique this summer. I got to go to a fundraiser for them this past week. It made me happy to see them and excited for them serving this summer
0211- Speaking of this summer, I AM GOING BACK TO AUSTRIA!! That's right! I have been asked to lead the trip again. I'm pretty excited!
0212- While we were in Mexico, a little of the Spanish that I knew came back. It was a definite blessing while hanging out with the kids.
0213- However, even with the little Spanish I know, I botched it A LOT. But luckily, the kids could have cared less as I butchered their language.
0214- My church. I know I have said it before, but after being gone for a couple of weeks, I was so glad to worship with them again last Sunday.
0215- My Reject van - It seems I am always driving the "reject" van ... It's hilarious.. and I love it
0216 - Shella - Our new secretary at the BSM. I am excited to have her around
0217 - Though I am thankful for the sleeping bag while in Mexico, I am VERY thankful to be NOT sleeping in a sleeping bag anymore
0218- I have spent the last couple of days at home, helping my mom paint the house. It has been tough work (she's quite the slave driver) but good to just hang out at home
0219- Been emailing back and forth with Katy Reed a lot lately.... It's definitely not as good as hanging out in person, but it will do....til I see her at Beach Reach!
0220- My dad took me and my mom to Chick Fila for lunch yesterday!!! HOORAY
0221- Then tonight, after painting all day, I convinced my parents to take us to Cicis!
0222- I may have talked to another student about doing Go Now this summer!! YAY!!
0223- Clayton King - I first heard him a few years ago at a summer camp. On the way to and from Mexico, we listened to some of his podcasts... that guy can PREACH!
0224- Donald Miller's response to Pat Robertson - AMAZING
0225- The outpouring of love and support from the Christian community for Haiti. I am so broken hearted for that country, but amazed at how people are stepping up.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
I've been in Mexico for the last week, hence no posts. I will post more later, but I just HAD to post this one now..
0201- I am thankful for this video that was posted on another blog I read. It made me think of Katy Reed, Erinne, and Kayla Herring. Should I ever go on a mission trip with them again and there is a nightly talent show, I could see us doing something like this...

0201- I am thankful for this video that was posted on another blog I read. It made me think of Katy Reed, Erinne, and Kayla Herring. Should I ever go on a mission trip with them again and there is a nightly talent show, I could see us doing something like this...

Friday, January 01, 2010
0180 - Bubba let's me sleep in his bed when he is not there... For some reason, my day bed was the best ever when I was at SFA. But now, I can't stand it!
0181 - Air fresheners - though I love sleeping in his room, his room STINKS. Thank goodness my mom is OBSESSED with air fresheners and there are TWO in his room!
0182- Midnight breakfast with Bryant - even though it was the worst funny face Ihop has ever served, it was still good to catch up with Bryant
0183- Speaking of the funny face, I am thankful that Ihop still lets me order off the kids menu, even though I am TWICE the age of the "12 year old cap"
0184- Two times this past week, I got really bored of sitting at home. So I went up to my mom's work and took her coffee. I'm glad that I can just show up and sit and hang out for an hour...
0185- QT Coffee- I would totally drink a Caramal Macchiatto from QT before I had ANY starbucks drinks
0186- I FINISHED MY SKIRT OF TIES!!!! Bryant made fun of it, BUT I LOVE IT!
0187- Though I didn't get to as often as I would have liked, I got to sleep in quite a few days over this break. I needed it, and I LOVED it
0188- I found out a couple of days ago that we have RAISED ENOUGH MONEY TO PAY ME THROUGH MAY!! YAY!!
0189- A new year brings new beginnings...
0190- A clothes washer- the one at my parents house has been out for a few days. It is very true that you don't know what you got til its gone!
0191- Avon hand lotion- it's pretty much amazing...and my mom has it all over the house
0192- Bubba's friends- I hung out with Bubba and his friends a couple of times over the break. It was nice that they welcome me in their group as if I was always a part
0195- I FINALLY MET LISA...Bubba's friend. He always talks about her. I was glad to finally meet her
0196- I got my student loans deferred for another year. Thank goodness for that!
0197- My new signature!! (at the bottom of the post) It was FREE!!'
0198- I got to talk to Lindsay again this week, which was an added bonus!
0199- I am glad to be back in my own apt. I love being at my parents, but I was tired of living out of a bag.
0200- I AM A FIFTH OF THE WAY TO 1000!!!!
0181 - Air fresheners - though I love sleeping in his room, his room STINKS. Thank goodness my mom is OBSESSED with air fresheners and there are TWO in his room!
0182- Midnight breakfast with Bryant - even though it was the worst funny face Ihop has ever served, it was still good to catch up with Bryant
0183- Speaking of the funny face, I am thankful that Ihop still lets me order off the kids menu, even though I am TWICE the age of the "12 year old cap"
0184- Two times this past week, I got really bored of sitting at home. So I went up to my mom's work and took her coffee. I'm glad that I can just show up and sit and hang out for an hour...
0185- QT Coffee- I would totally drink a Caramal Macchiatto from QT before I had ANY starbucks drinks
0186- I FINISHED MY SKIRT OF TIES!!!! Bryant made fun of it, BUT I LOVE IT!
0187- Though I didn't get to as often as I would have liked, I got to sleep in quite a few days over this break. I needed it, and I LOVED it
0188- I found out a couple of days ago that we have RAISED ENOUGH MONEY TO PAY ME THROUGH MAY!! YAY!!
0189- A new year brings new beginnings...
0190- A clothes washer- the one at my parents house has been out for a few days. It is very true that you don't know what you got til its gone!
0191- Avon hand lotion- it's pretty much amazing...and my mom has it all over the house
0192- Bubba's friends- I hung out with Bubba and his friends a couple of times over the break. It was nice that they welcome me in their group as if I was always a part
0195- I FINALLY MET LISA...Bubba's friend. He always talks about her. I was glad to finally meet her
0196- I got my student loans deferred for another year. Thank goodness for that!
0197- My new signature!! (at the bottom of the post) It was FREE!!'
0198- I got to talk to Lindsay again this week, which was an added bonus!
0199- I am glad to be back in my own apt. I love being at my parents, but I was tired of living out of a bag.
0200- I AM A FIFTH OF THE WAY TO 1000!!!!

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