* Eat with non-Christians
* Walk, don't drive ,around your neighborhood when possible.
* Be a "regular" at your local coffee shop, restaurant, market, hair cut, etc
* Hobby with non-Christians - find extra curriculars that you enjoy that you can do with all kinds of people
* Develop relationships with your co-workers and pray for them
* Volunteer with a non-profit once a month, and bring your family, friends and small group too!
* Instead of watching TV or playing XBOX, participate in city events, get in the mix
* Serve your neighbors - like weeding and fixing their cars.
Above all, strike-up conversations, be friendly, say "hi, my name's BLANK. What's your name?"
-- this was posted on the Catalyst blog...after they took it from the Resurgence blog
ha! that's awesome (stealing from resurgence)
"become a regular at your local coffee shop"...unless all of the regulars at the local coffee shop are also members of your church, small group, and close circle of friends. (welcome to lubbock.)
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