Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Now I am not a terribly political person, but I have been thinking lately. I am reading the Irresistible Revolution by Shaine Claiborne right now, which I definitly recommend.

But in one part, he goes on a political rant about the war in Iraq. And it made me think about something I had never thought about before. When all of this war stuff started, "God Bless America" was plastered everywhere. Claiborne explains in his book that on a trip to Iraq, he began to realize that "the reputation of our nation is not just of America but of Christianity..." Now I would not be one to automatically link America with Christianity, but with all the "God" thrown in with the war jargon, I can see how other countries would get that impression.

Shane goes onto say that while in Iraq, he meets am Iraqi mother who "threw her hands in the air and said, 'Your country is declaring war in the name of God and asking God's blessing, and that is the same thing my country is doing. What kind of God is this? What has happened to the God of love, to the Prince of Peace?'"

I am not pushing my political views out there, but you have to admit, this is an interesting thing to think about.

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