Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Married with children

I am not married...big shock there, right? Don't see it happening anytime soon either, which is totally fine with me, but it really seems to bother others.

Yesterday, I was at my home church talking with someone I really respect, just the usual catch-up on life. Of course, he asked what many people are asking lately, which is what am I going to do after I graduate. I told him of some of my dreams, including the Peace Corps, teaching in Uganda, or who knows what else.

Now this is what kills me. When I told him about what I want to do with my life, he replied by saying, "Now Ashlee, you have to think about marriage. I mean, if you want to get married, it will probably have to happen in the next five years. And when you get married, that is going to change all of your plans. Like, what if he wants to work at a bank in Dallas? You will have to settle on some of your dreams."

I was floored. Why is it that even within the church, marriage is the pinnacle of life? Shouldn't the emphasis be put on finding your self complete in Christ, not in a spouse?

I responded to this comment by telling him that I am perfectly okay with the possibility of not getting married. And if, by chance, it is in God's plan for me to get married, it will happen whereever I am, be it Uganda or Dallas. Besides, shouldn't by possible husband and I share the same passions?


Becky Rabb said...

oh my gosh, im so ticked at those marriage comments too. i have never had a boyfriend. people ask my why, i tell them its because i have never found anyone who meets my standards. they, believe it or not, tell me i should lower my standards. are you kidding me??

marriage is not a necessity.

i hope you dont end up with a banker in dallas.

Shawn said...

This life we live is about the adventure that Christ has instore for us and following His lead... for sombody to think that His lead is marriage after college and the typical American life then he needs to re think his reasoning. That is rediculous... Follow your heart Ashley and stay close to your true Love.

Katie said...

ooo, girl I would have been on my soap box with that one....you were probably more polite than I would have been...and you are RIGHT...if that is what happens than it will. No matter where you are!

Yea, to a "non-status quo" life...i'm in there with ya!

katy said...

you know, ashlee. he's right. you really should work on being submissive. we can talk if you need to.

just kidding. you should mention it sunday morning. ha.

thanks for the blog shout out.