Sunday, December 10, 2006

Tried a lil something new

So it's my last Sunday in Nac this semester...sounds like a perfect day to go to a brand new church...right?

Well maybe today wasn't the the most logical day to try a new church, but I did it anyways. I went to the Vineyard here in the good ol Nac-o-plex...

...And I loved it! Let me give you a brief run down of "church."

10 - continental breakfast
10:30 - worship
11 - coffee break for more fellowship
11:15 sermon

I loved it. Even if I already said it, I will say it again... I REALLY liked this church. It seemed like what a church should be than any other place I have been to. When we walked in, we were cheerfully greeted, but not overbearingly so. We got some breakfast and headed to the worship room/big room/whatever it is called. We sat at a table (who would have thought....tables in a "sanctuary"?!?!) More and more people came up to talk to us.

As I sat back to just watch and take it all in, I noticed a few things that made this church stand out. First, there were people there that would NOT fit in, much less feel comfortable in any other church. They weren't wearing matching clothes, their hair wasn't a "done" as it could have been, and there were a few that I wondered when the last time they washed their hair was.... But I loved that part of it!!

Also, the people greeted each other like family they hadn't seen in years. Big hugs, even between the men! An honest, "How are you doing? How is (whatever) going in your life?" They REALLY care about each other.

Then, my favorite part of the whole thing.... during the "coffee break," there were about 10 people who went outside for a smoke break.... REALLY?? I have never seen this done before? People smoking two feet away from the church? I admit, I at first had the (now shameful) thought of " WHAT ARE THEY DOING?!? YOU CANT DO THAT!!" but then I realized... yes they can.. they love Jesus just like I do.

Maybe that's where I will start going on a regular basis. I am not sure that being a junior in college and STILL church hopping in the best thing to do....

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