0556- It's Friday. Need I say more?
0557 - ALL of my kids were asleep for nap time. A BIG HALLELUJAH!!
0558 - I just love our small group. I feel like I say that every week.
0560 - I am so proud of my brother. He has been through hell this week. No joke. But he has kept it together...WAY better than I would have. '
0561- Speaking of Bubba, he drives my car a lot. And when he does, he puts his CDs in there. I then fall in love with his music, steal the CD and hide it so I can keep it forever.
0562 - I got to chat a bit with Katy Reed and Katie Mc/Gravens this week. It was on google chat and during nap time, but hey, every bit counts.
0563 - My mom and a friend of hers came up to my school this week to sign up to volunteer. I can't wait to have my mom come to school with me one day!
0564 - I FINALLY MET MY REFUGEE FAMILY!! And before you get all bent out of shape because I said "refugee," let me explain. They are legit. They are Bhuatnese and have lived in a refugee camp in Thailand for the last 15 years! They just came to America at the end of June. They are precious. Don't speak a word of English, but I can't wait to hang out with them all the time
0565- I had a "conference call" with Aravind and Vivek today. Felt like I was in Commerce all over again
0566 - My kids tell me everyday when I leave that they love me and I better come back tomorrow. Even if they have been terrors all day, like today, they still melt my heart when they say that.
0567 -It sure is nice to have an assistant teacher, for days like today when I feel like CRAP, I can just ask her to do the large group stuff.
0568 - LIZ IS HOME!
0569- I got to have a great talk with Erica after church last Sunday. We talked about the adoption process and such. But what she said that stuck out the most was about Malachi 3:3, which refers to refining silver. There was someone that wanted to know exactly what went into refining silver. So she went to find out for herself. When she got there, she noticed that the man put the silver in the center of the fire, the hottest place. Why? Because that is how it purifies best. The lady then asked "When do you know that the silver is refined." And he replied with "You will see yourself in it." And with all the stress and worry I have had with work and such, I have thought back to this verse and what Erica said about it. That when God refines us, He does it so he can see himself in us.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. With the start of the new job, things have been a little chaotic. But no worries. I'm alive.
0540- I know I bring up my church, Connection Point, a lot. But I love it. I really feel like we are all coming together to build the church. It's great to see the Lord glorified in it.
0541- I LOVE the kids in my class. They are so cute. I know by the end of the year, I am going to feel like I have 18 children of my own.
0542- There is a girl that started the same time I did, Diana. We went through training together and have toughed out this week together. I am really thankful to have her to talk things through with. She gets what's going on.
0543- I had of my kids tell me yesterday as I was leaving that I "better come back tomorrow." Because "I love you." Melt my heart.
0544- Another highlight of my week. On my first day, I was sitting on the rug playing with three girls. They start playing with my hair and said, "Wow! Miss Ashlee. We have never felt hair like yours before. (they are all African-American) Let's play beauty shop. We will braid it and put hair grease in your hair." I giggled.
0545 - Even with the crazy weather on Wednesday night, we still had our small group. It was great to see Megan and Joey's new house and to start Crazy Love!
0546 - I GET TO SLEEP IN TOMORROW! I am so friggin excited.
0547 - Joel and Erica sent in their adoption application! It is so exciting to see God work in their lives as they follow his call to adopt.
0548 - PRAISE THE LORD FOR NAP TIME! My kids (should) take a nap each day for a couple of hours. This is my lunch break and planning time. I try to cram as much productivity in during that time as possible.
0549 - My mom filled my car up with gas! 'Nuff said!
0550 - I'm starting to teach a youth Bible study at good ol' SGBC on Sunday. We will be talking about being a strong witness for Christ in school and how to share our faith. It should be good!
0551 - My Vitamin C tablets are so darn tasty! They are chewable and so yummy! I feel like I'm eating candy. It's hard to just take one!
0552 - I haven't had an income in...well...quite awhile. (I get paid next Friday) But the Lord is SO good and has sustained me.
0553 - ONE TREE HILL STARTS NEXT WEEK. Judge me. I don't care
0554 - My mom and I got into storage last weekend and GOT A DRESSER FOR ME! This may sound lame. But if you saw my room this summer, you understand
0555 - I have made it to work on time every day this week!! And for me to be ANYWHERE by 7 AM is quite an accomplishment!
0540- I know I bring up my church, Connection Point, a lot. But I love it. I really feel like we are all coming together to build the church. It's great to see the Lord glorified in it.
0541- I LOVE the kids in my class. They are so cute. I know by the end of the year, I am going to feel like I have 18 children of my own.
0542- There is a girl that started the same time I did, Diana. We went through training together and have toughed out this week together. I am really thankful to have her to talk things through with. She gets what's going on.
0543- I had of my kids tell me yesterday as I was leaving that I "better come back tomorrow." Because "I love you." Melt my heart.
0544- Another highlight of my week. On my first day, I was sitting on the rug playing with three girls. They start playing with my hair and said, "Wow! Miss Ashlee. We have never felt hair like yours before. (they are all African-American) Let's play beauty shop. We will braid it and put hair grease in your hair." I giggled.
0545 - Even with the crazy weather on Wednesday night, we still had our small group. It was great to see Megan and Joey's new house and to start Crazy Love!
0546 - I GET TO SLEEP IN TOMORROW! I am so friggin excited.
0547 - Joel and Erica sent in their adoption application! It is so exciting to see God work in their lives as they follow his call to adopt.
0548 - PRAISE THE LORD FOR NAP TIME! My kids (should) take a nap each day for a couple of hours. This is my lunch break and planning time. I try to cram as much productivity in during that time as possible.
0549 - My mom filled my car up with gas! 'Nuff said!
0550 - I'm starting to teach a youth Bible study at good ol' SGBC on Sunday. We will be talking about being a strong witness for Christ in school and how to share our faith. It should be good!
0551 - My Vitamin C tablets are so darn tasty! They are chewable and so yummy! I feel like I'm eating candy. It's hard to just take one!
0552 - I haven't had an income in...well...quite awhile. (I get paid next Friday) But the Lord is SO good and has sustained me.
0553 - ONE TREE HILL STARTS NEXT WEEK. Judge me. I don't care
0554 - My mom and I got into storage last weekend and GOT A DRESSER FOR ME! This may sound lame. But if you saw my room this summer, you understand
0555 - I have made it to work on time every day this week!! And for me to be ANYWHERE by 7 AM is quite an accomplishment!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
0531- I GOT A JOB! You have probably already heard, but I will be a Head Start teacher here in Dallas. As I have sought after the Lord, I feel confident that this is where I am supposed to be. I am really excited to invest in those little ones!
0532- My job does not start until NEXT Monday, so I have this week to gear up! Hip! Hip! HOORAY!
0533- The CPC softball team WON TONIGHT!! Wait... WHAT? That's right! We were all surprised too. But they won! AND... the team they beat WAS undefeated!
0534 - I finished my nanny job with John Austin and Emily. They provided plenty of laughs.
0535 - Katie gave me some of her "teacher stuff" that she doesn't want anymore.. HOORAY FOR FREE STUFF!!
0536- I am having car problems... boo... $800 worth.... double boo. But my dad is going to help me out and get it taken care of... YAY!!!
0537 - Our CPC small group gets better and better every week!
0538 - I went to Women of Faith this weekend and got to see Karmen and Cindy! It was really good to catch up with them for a few minutes!
0539 - Mom and I got a FREE hotel room for Women of Faith. Free ticket AND free room? LOVE IT
0532- My job does not start until NEXT Monday, so I have this week to gear up! Hip! Hip! HOORAY!
0533- The CPC softball team WON TONIGHT!! Wait... WHAT? That's right! We were all surprised too. But they won! AND... the team they beat WAS undefeated!
0534 - I finished my nanny job with John Austin and Emily. They provided plenty of laughs.
0535 - Katie gave me some of her "teacher stuff" that she doesn't want anymore.. HOORAY FOR FREE STUFF!!
0536- I am having car problems... boo... $800 worth.... double boo. But my dad is going to help me out and get it taken care of... YAY!!!
0537 - Our CPC small group gets better and better every week!
0538 - I went to Women of Faith this weekend and got to see Karmen and Cindy! It was really good to catch up with them for a few minutes!
0539 - Mom and I got a FREE hotel room for Women of Faith. Free ticket AND free room? LOVE IT
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
0520: First of all, I am SO thankful for the kids (I'm babysitting) sleeping in until 11:30 this morning! I got over there at 8 and fell back asleep. When I woke up at 11:30 and went upstairs, they were just getting up!
0521: What a blessing it was to speak at SGBC last night. I love those people. And they love me. It was like speaking for a group of my closest family and friends.
0522: And at the end of last night, they prayed specifically for me. The sweet prayers they voiced moved me to tears. Seriously, I am lucky.
0523: I GOT A FREE HAIRCUT!! My mom had built up enough rewards on her Ulta card that she got a free hair cut...and she was kind enough to let me use it! HOORAY!!
0524: I interviewed last week with Head Start. They emailed today and asked me to come in tomorrow for a drug test. And Thursday I have an interview with Buckner! YAY!!!
0525: While I have these various job-prospect things going on, my dad will be watching the kids. I wish I could be a fly on the wall! But I am SO glad that he is more than willing to help me out!
0526: The girls and I made cookies today and took them up to the fire dept. It was so sweet to watch the girls give the cookies and their handmade card over to the fireman and tell them thank you for all they do.
0527: Man...there are definitely some perks to living at home. My mom makes a good home-cooked meal every night. LOVE IT!
0528: Ashlie and Andrew got married this weekend! It was such a blessing to get to witness that.
0530: After I spoke at SGBC last night, I was told that my ticket to Women of Faith had been paid for! SWEET!
0521: What a blessing it was to speak at SGBC last night. I love those people. And they love me. It was like speaking for a group of my closest family and friends.
0522: And at the end of last night, they prayed specifically for me. The sweet prayers they voiced moved me to tears. Seriously, I am lucky.
0523: I GOT A FREE HAIRCUT!! My mom had built up enough rewards on her Ulta card that she got a free hair cut...and she was kind enough to let me use it! HOORAY!!
0524: I interviewed last week with Head Start. They emailed today and asked me to come in tomorrow for a drug test. And Thursday I have an interview with Buckner! YAY!!!
0525: While I have these various job-prospect things going on, my dad will be watching the kids. I wish I could be a fly on the wall! But I am SO glad that he is more than willing to help me out!
0526: The girls and I made cookies today and took them up to the fire dept. It was so sweet to watch the girls give the cookies and their handmade card over to the fireman and tell them thank you for all they do.
0527: Man...there are definitely some perks to living at home. My mom makes a good home-cooked meal every night. LOVE IT!
0528: Ashlie and Andrew got married this weekend! It was such a blessing to get to witness that.
0530: After I spoke at SGBC last night, I was told that my ticket to Women of Faith had been paid for! SWEET!
Sunday, August 08, 2010
Its 2:30 AM. I can't sleep. So I figured I would blog. Seems like the logical thing to do.
0510: I am so INCREDIBLY thankful for Connection Point Church. The last few weeks, I have felt like the messages Joel has preached were hand written for me.
0511: On that same chord, I am LOVING our small group. Each week that I go, I fall more in love with it. (In a non creepy way) I leave each Wednesday night thinking how grateful I am for REAL community and I look forward to continue growing with these fine folks.
0512: We survived our weekend at the river. It was for Ashlie and Andrew's Bachelorette/ Bachelor party. We had a really good time (some more than others) and we all made it out in one piece..mostly
0513: With Bubba out of town this weekend, I have been sleeping in his room. It is MUCH cooler than mine.
0514: LIZ IS IN TOWN THIS WEEKEND! This means that we have spent most of the weekend together! It is not very often that we get to hang out, so when we do, we capitalize on it!
0515: With Liz in town, I think we have started a new tradition. For the last two times she was in good ol G-town, our families have gotten together for dinner. I love it. Many laughs come from it!
0516: MB and I have had some quality hang out time this week. We had a lovely night in relaxing in the pool a couple of nights ago. Good conversations are always had poolside. I love that girl
0517: I will be speaking at good ol SGBC tomorrow night. I am so fortunate to have people that love me and support me at that church
0518: I had two interviews this week. Even if I don't get to the job, it was nice to see SOME action on the job front
0519: My brother has been driving my car more than me lately. But with that, comes him filling it up with gas. Thank goodness! Because no job means no funds.
0510: I am so INCREDIBLY thankful for Connection Point Church. The last few weeks, I have felt like the messages Joel has preached were hand written for me.
0511: On that same chord, I am LOVING our small group. Each week that I go, I fall more in love with it. (In a non creepy way) I leave each Wednesday night thinking how grateful I am for REAL community and I look forward to continue growing with these fine folks.
0512: We survived our weekend at the river. It was for Ashlie and Andrew's Bachelorette/ Bachelor party. We had a really good time (some more than others) and we all made it out in one piece..mostly
0513: With Bubba out of town this weekend, I have been sleeping in his room. It is MUCH cooler than mine.
0514: LIZ IS IN TOWN THIS WEEKEND! This means that we have spent most of the weekend together! It is not very often that we get to hang out, so when we do, we capitalize on it!
0515: With Liz in town, I think we have started a new tradition. For the last two times she was in good ol G-town, our families have gotten together for dinner. I love it. Many laughs come from it!
0516: MB and I have had some quality hang out time this week. We had a lovely night in relaxing in the pool a couple of nights ago. Good conversations are always had poolside. I love that girl
0517: I will be speaking at good ol SGBC tomorrow night. I am so fortunate to have people that love me and support me at that church
0518: I had two interviews this week. Even if I don't get to the job, it was nice to see SOME action on the job front
0519: My brother has been driving my car more than me lately. But with that, comes him filling it up with gas. Thank goodness! Because no job means no funds.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
0501- Today, I am just going to list one thing. It has been on my heart for a week now.
I first learned about Invisible Children during my first couple of years at SFA. I quickly fell in love with their mission and personally sought out to further it on the campus at SFA. If you haven't checked it out, you should www.invisiblechildren.com
My junior year, I taught an SFA 101 course with Dr. Watson. The freshmen were required to do a community service project. After sharing with them my heart for Invisible Children, they decided to host a viewing on campus. We also made bracelets to be sold at the viewing. The proceeds went straight to IC.
I have always had a heart for the work of Invisible Children. I would love to go to Uganda and work with them.
After returning from Austria, I was catching up on my blogs (this took a couple of days!) And I saw that numerous people had posted about the death of Nate Henn.
Nate Henn was a normal 24 year old, like me. He also had his heart broken for the children of Uganda. If you know anything about the Invisible Children bracelet campaign, you may know the Ugandan child Innocent, who the first bracelet was in honor of. Innocent came to the states to tell his story a couple of years ago. Nate was the guy that took him around. They became like brothers. After spending a few months together, Innocent had to return home to Uganda. Nate promised to visit him.
Check this video out
I watched this video last week and just wept. How could I not? For days, I couldn't get it out of my mind. But I kept pretty quiet about it. What could I do? What can little ol' me do? But I am reminded that Invisible Children is all about people like little ol' me, coming together and not letting this happen anymore.
I first learned about Invisible Children during my first couple of years at SFA. I quickly fell in love with their mission and personally sought out to further it on the campus at SFA. If you haven't checked it out, you should www.invisiblechildren.com
My junior year, I taught an SFA 101 course with Dr. Watson. The freshmen were required to do a community service project. After sharing with them my heart for Invisible Children, they decided to host a viewing on campus. We also made bracelets to be sold at the viewing. The proceeds went straight to IC.
I have always had a heart for the work of Invisible Children. I would love to go to Uganda and work with them.
After returning from Austria, I was catching up on my blogs (this took a couple of days!) And I saw that numerous people had posted about the death of Nate Henn.
Nate Henn was a normal 24 year old, like me. He also had his heart broken for the children of Uganda. If you know anything about the Invisible Children bracelet campaign, you may know the Ugandan child Innocent, who the first bracelet was in honor of. Innocent came to the states to tell his story a couple of years ago. Nate was the guy that took him around. They became like brothers. After spending a few months together, Innocent had to return home to Uganda. Nate promised to visit him.
Check this video out
Nate Henn // 1985 - 2010 from INVISIBLE CHILDREN on Vimeo.
I watched this video last week and just wept. How could I not? For days, I couldn't get it out of my mind. But I kept pretty quiet about it. What could I do? What can little ol' me do? But I am reminded that Invisible Children is all about people like little ol' me, coming together and not letting this happen anymore.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
You've missed me haven't you? I understand. But I took this week to (somewhat) re-coop from the amazingly awesome yet extremely exhausting two weeks in Austria.
But I'm back now..no worries
And I'm back on the thankfulness train. So let's get rolling.
0485 - How blessed am I that the Lord uses me? Seriously. I am always blown away that God would want anything to do with little ol' me, much less use me to spread his name.
0486 - I know I may have said it before, but I am REALLY thankful for DVR. It's shallow. I know. But I missed two weeks of SYTYCD. But no worries... I caught up within a couple of days.
0487- Shortly after returning to the great state of Texas, I went to get snow cones with MB. I love snow cones. But more than snow cones, I love the time I get to spend with MB.
0488 - I started going to the Connection Point small group this week. Brittany and I tried a few weeks ago, got all kinds of lost, and gave up. So I tried again this week. First of all, I'm thankful that I found it. But most of all, I LOVED it. I know I have only gone once, but I really like the people in it. It seems like a place of real community.
0489- And continuing on that bandwagon, the girls from small group all went to dinner last night for some girl time. I had a great time getting to know them more and just having a good time.
0490 - And yet another trek on that bandwagon, I REALLY like Connection Point. And I'm not just saying that because Joel reads my blog. But I feel like it's a place that I connect (no pun intended). When I first moved home, I was really torn because I missed my church in Sulphur Springs. But now that I am going to CPC, I can really see myself staying here. I feel like it is a church that I can grow and serve at.
0491- I watched John Austin and Emily this week while their mom was recovering from surgery. Therefore, I am VERY thankful for kidsbowlfree.com. I had signed the kids up and got free bowling coupons for them for EVERY day of the summer. So it worked out great to take them bowling for a couple of hours while Lorie rested.
0492 - I am reading a book about Mother Teresa. It has some of writings and journal entries. It is kinda dark and very interesting. It is really making me search after my personal call. And I'm glad for that.
0493 - Liz and I went to Mississippi a few weeks ago to work with Jeremy and Catherine. It was a sweet time there.
0494 -I found this on the fail blog and just HAD to share it with you

0495- The Lord has been gracious in protecting my heart. I'll leave it at that
0496- I FINALLY UPLOADED AUSTRIA PICS TO FACEBOOK!! Go check them out. Here's Maxi, the little boy that went around giving out bread, because he wanted to be like Jesus.

0497- Last night, I went to the CPC softball scrimmage/practice thing. I got to hold baby Jonah! He is just 6 weeks old and is absolutely precious!
0498- Even though I am back in Dallas, Brynette still texts me and such, trying to encourage me and lift me up. I am thankful for a Godly woman like her in my life
0499- I got to facebook chat with Lindsay today!! I haven't talked to her in awhile, so it was good to catch up with her. Keep praying for her as she serves university students in South Asia!
But I'm back now..no worries
And I'm back on the thankfulness train. So let's get rolling.
0485 - How blessed am I that the Lord uses me? Seriously. I am always blown away that God would want anything to do with little ol' me, much less use me to spread his name.
0486 - I know I may have said it before, but I am REALLY thankful for DVR. It's shallow. I know. But I missed two weeks of SYTYCD. But no worries... I caught up within a couple of days.
0487- Shortly after returning to the great state of Texas, I went to get snow cones with MB. I love snow cones. But more than snow cones, I love the time I get to spend with MB.
0488 - I started going to the Connection Point small group this week. Brittany and I tried a few weeks ago, got all kinds of lost, and gave up. So I tried again this week. First of all, I'm thankful that I found it. But most of all, I LOVED it. I know I have only gone once, but I really like the people in it. It seems like a place of real community.
0489- And continuing on that bandwagon, the girls from small group all went to dinner last night for some girl time. I had a great time getting to know them more and just having a good time.
0490 - And yet another trek on that bandwagon, I REALLY like Connection Point. And I'm not just saying that because Joel reads my blog. But I feel like it's a place that I connect (no pun intended). When I first moved home, I was really torn because I missed my church in Sulphur Springs. But now that I am going to CPC, I can really see myself staying here. I feel like it is a church that I can grow and serve at.
0491- I watched John Austin and Emily this week while their mom was recovering from surgery. Therefore, I am VERY thankful for kidsbowlfree.com. I had signed the kids up and got free bowling coupons for them for EVERY day of the summer. So it worked out great to take them bowling for a couple of hours while Lorie rested.
0492 - I am reading a book about Mother Teresa. It has some of writings and journal entries. It is kinda dark and very interesting. It is really making me search after my personal call. And I'm glad for that.
0493 - Liz and I went to Mississippi a few weeks ago to work with Jeremy and Catherine. It was a sweet time there.
0494 -I found this on the fail blog and just HAD to share it with you
0495- The Lord has been gracious in protecting my heart. I'll leave it at that
0496- I FINALLY UPLOADED AUSTRIA PICS TO FACEBOOK!! Go check them out. Here's Maxi, the little boy that went around giving out bread, because he wanted to be like Jesus.
0497- Last night, I went to the CPC softball scrimmage/practice thing. I got to hold baby Jonah! He is just 6 weeks old and is absolutely precious!
0498- Even though I am back in Dallas, Brynette still texts me and such, trying to encourage me and lift me up. I am thankful for a Godly woman like her in my life
0499- I got to facebook chat with Lindsay today!! I haven't talked to her in awhile, so it was good to catch up with her. Keep praying for her as she serves university students in South Asia!
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