A lot of these people, sadly, I do not keep in touch with anymore. Even still, they made an impact on my life, which I am thankful for.
0160- Sarah Pierson- one of the first people I met at SFA. She took me in immediately and was one of my best friends during my time at SFA.
0161- Allie Brill - what a hoot! Her sweet spirit never went unnoticed. And her heart for others is inspiring.
0162- Kodee (Zachariah) Roraback - I was often envious of her care free attitude! She was always so kind.
0163 - Sam Hughes - He had a heart as big as the planet. I loved nothing more than to sit down with him and talk for hours.
0164 - Zach Wood - Talk about a character. His witty remarks could make me smile on the worst days.
0165- Landon Sandy - I haven't talked to that kid in a couple of years probably. But I feel like I owe a lot to him. He and I were Care Group partners my sophmore year. He burst my little Christian bubble REAL quick, which I am very thankful for.
0166- Sean Massengale - Another one I haven't talked to in a couple of years - but I had plenty of good times with him
0167 - Caleb Canter - Who wouldn't want to marry that guy...seriously
0168- Lauren Radtke - One of my dearest friends the last couple of years. Her quiet attitude did not go unnoticed. She may be a few years younger than me, but she spoke plenty of wisdom into my life. I miss her
0169 - Clay Stephens- Man I miss that guy. He is another one that could cheer anyone up on the crappiest of days.
0170- Lerin - I really got to know her my last year, and I regret not taking the opportunity sooner.
0171- Erinne - WHO DOESN'T LOVE THAT GIRL! Good times are always had with her
0172- Kyle Worsham - He's another one that I could sit and talk with for hours...and did.
0173- Terell - What a beautiful and fun lady!
0174- Covin - I have no words
0175 - Alexis - I see her as being so wise! I wish we could have been better friends
0176- Rob Ramsey - The nights spent at the 431 are countless, as are the good times had with this guy
0177 - Shawn Berry - I never knew him THAT well, but I remember a few times, he would call out of the blue, just to see how I was doing. What a nice guy
0178- Keith Dailey- Though we haven't spoken since probably my junior year, I can't talk about SFA without mentioning him. My freshmen and sophomore year were filled with many good times with this guy.
0179- Bryant Davis- We were off-and-on friends... by both of our admissions. But he is always so much fun to hang out with. I loved my senior year when he would come over, we would watch a movie, then take Belle on a walk.
That's it for now... maybe more later..