Friday, May 29, 2009
Thankful Thursday
I am VERY thankful that this year, I have had the flexibility with work to take off when I need to. This year has been a rough one for my family, but my job at the BSM has been so flexible that I didn't have to think twice about taking off as needed when Margaret passed away or to help my parents close the shop. And now, with my job at my church, it's no big deal for me to take off (tomorrow) to work a memorial golf tournament for Margaret.
Lastly, today I reminded how thankful I am for Google reader. I am pretty much obsessed with blogs. (Maybe not so much with updating my own...) With Google Reader, I am able to go to ONE PLACE to catch up on all my blogs, instead of tracking each one down individually. I gotta say, Google, that was a brilliant idea.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Simplified Missional Living
* Eat with non-Christians
* Walk, don't drive ,around your neighborhood when possible.
* Be a "regular" at your local coffee shop, restaurant, market, hair cut, etc
* Hobby with non-Christians - find extra curriculars that you enjoy that you can do with all kinds of people
* Develop relationships with your co-workers and pray for them
* Volunteer with a non-profit once a month, and bring your family, friends and small group too!
* Instead of watching TV or playing XBOX, participate in city events, get in the mix
* Serve your neighbors - like weeding and fixing their cars.
Above all, strike-up conversations, be friendly, say "hi, my name's BLANK. What's your name?"
-- this was posted on the Catalyst blog...after they took it from the Resurgence blog
Thursday, May 14, 2009
I Want the Whole Gospel
Every single ounce of truth; give it to me straight just like it is in the Bible.
I want the whole gospel:
Don’t dilute the living water—it might not quench my thirsty soul.
I want the whole gospel:
Turn on the light of Jesus Christ and don’t shield my view—I need every beam of His radiant glory to dispel the darkness in me.
I want the whole gospel:
Don’t block the door, or I might not get through.
I want the whole gospel:
I need an accurate map to the narrow road, because only a few are finding it.
I want the whole gospel:
Because I am wholly lost, God’s verdict is wholly just, and my damnation is wholly certain.
My heart is wholly depraved and my sin is wholly mine.
My efforts are wholly futile and my escapes are wholly hopeless.
I need a whole Savior, whose whole suffering, wholly satisfies a holy God.
Please, please don’t cut the corners. It’s appointed unto man once to die and I have to be sure I get it right.
I have to have the whole gospel—give it to me straight. Nothing else will do!
Yes…God help us, let’s give the whole gospel.
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
mothers day survey
My mom likes to make others feel loved.
My mom always tells me, "I'm proud of you and I love you very much!"
The best thing she does is listens to me when I am having a bad day.
It makes her happy when she and I get to hang out... like shop, or get Starbucks...whatever
My mom loves to relax by watching weird TV shows :)
I like it when I am home and she wakes me up by coming and sitting on my bed and rubbing my back
The best thing she cooks is green chile enchiladas, chicken tortilla soup,
When my mom shops she likes to buy shoes!!!!
My mom’s favorite household chore is cleaning the bathroom (it's not really her fave...but it's the one she is most anal about!)
My mom’s favorite TV show is Ghost Whisperer....
If she could go on a trip, she would go to the beach!
I love my mom because she is always there for me... shes the best mom ever!
Thankful Thursday
But no worries...I'm back now.
This Thursday, I would like to highlight to awesome guys that I am eternally thankful for. Jeremy McMahan and Joel Halpin. I am constantly reminded by people at my home church (SGBC) how lucky I am to have had these two men invest so much in me (and others) during the critical times of my teenage years.
Jeremy was there as I wrestled with the idea of handing my life over to Christ and letting Him be the Lord of my life. He helped me realize my need for the grace of Christ as I decided to accept the amazing gift He offered. He and his wife, Catherine, truly poured all of their lives into me and my friends. He encouraged me through some pretty dark times in my life. I am so very thankful for Jeremy.
Joel came to SGBC during my senior year in high school. I was actually on the search committee that brought him in! I am VERY thankful for the role that Joel has played in my life. Though I was only a part of his youth group for a year, it was a very critical year in my life. I had some big decisions to make, and he gave me wisdom and guidance during those periods. Even after I graduated and went off to school, he continued to play a large role in my spiritual life. I would call or email him with random questions, knowing that he wouldn't think I was stupid or silly, no matter how far out the question was. (This idea turned out to be he laughed at my question about the Garden of Eden last summer!! ) I came back to SGBC as Joel's youth intern. He gave me my first opportunity to work in ministry. It was a tough summer, to say the least, but he guided and encouraged me. He was even a good sport when I decorated his office in pink! With Joel, there was Erica, which was an added bonus! By having them in my life, I have seen what a Godly marriage looks like, how to raise children in a Christ-centered (and super fun) way, and how to let your life be a ministry.
Bottom line, I am so very lucky to have been discipled by these two guys and I am extremely thankful for all the ways they have poured into me.
A weekend in Nac
...So much so that I would start thinking about it...over-analyzing it... and my chest would get extremely tight, so much so that it was difficult to breathe. I would sweat profusely. It was an all-around unpleasant experience.
There was one specific person that I was particularly anxious about crossing paths with. I had prepared myself for the fated reunion...well, I thought I did. When they didn't show up, I was oddly let down.
As I left Nacogdoches on Sunday, I did a lot of thinking. Nac wasn't the same as when I graduated. So much as changed, and not just the landmarks. The people are different. I'm definitely different (which I am extremely thankful for). But for some weird reason, I had a short breakdown. I knew that Nac would never be the same. Even just going back is kind of bittersweet. It reminds me of so many good memories, but also of many not-so-good ones. (Maybe because the last year seemed to be filled with more not-so-good ones).
Either way, I'm glad I went to Nac, but glad that I waited so long to return.