I am growing more and more anxious with each day.
A family friend writes for the Garland Newspaper, and she decided to write an article about my trip to Moldova. She called today to "interview me." One question she asked continues to ring in my head. "What is your purpose for going, like, what ONE thing do you want to accomplish?" Maybe it was a bad sign...like that I am a "bad Christian" or something, but I was taken aback by this question. It wasn't that I couldnt believe she was asking that, it was I was clueless as to what my answer was. Why AM I going? I thought for a second and responded with a heartfelt answer. "I want to show the people of Tranistria/Moldova that there is hope. That they are not forgotten." I didn't mention Christ, and maybe that's why this question and my response continues to loom over me. Does that make me a bad person? In some people's eyes, probably. Let's be honest. There will probably be someone I know who picks up the newspaper and reads that article. They will be probably be sadly disappointed at my lack of "Christian-ese" in my response(s). But you know what? I am okay with that.