It's crazy, but in just a few days, I will be home!
Did the Appleton thing again this past weekend. Kasey led worship, I gave a testimony, and Bob preached. Carla, Nate's mom and Bob's wife, also went. She and I had a good time goofing off and having good conversations this weekend as well.
Still wrestling with Scripture a lot, which isn't a terrible thing. Looking into the roles of women in ministry lately. I am sure that has some of you freakin out. Don't worry, I don't know where I stand on that just yet.
We made one last trip to the Mall of America today. The Go Now team from Fargo met us there. We actually went into the amusement park of the mall today, which was fun. Then, I hustled to get to the ride of my life, the train and bus ride back to the apartment.
That is one thing that I will DEFINITLY not miss...the long haul to the bus stop from the apartment. Riding the bus and train isn't so bad, if the bus stop was close by...but walking 30 minutes to a bus stop before riding a bus for an hour... I think I will pass.
I made new friends once again yesterday. And once again, they were middle-aged men. I don't know how I always end up meeting men old enough to be my dad...a little weird. I was out by the pool when they came out. We made small talk for a bit, before they realized I was from the South, which led into a long conversation about a lot of things. I was able to share why I am up here, which led to even more conversation...good conversation though. They both said that they grew up in church, but didn't see the need for it now. They shared with me some of their ideas about Christians. Like that we tend to live in "communes," surrounding ourselves with ONLY other Christians. I had to agree. They also said that we live by a lot of rules. I was able to share with them a little on that, which was nice. They said I "put a new face on Christianity," which wasn't so much a compliment to me, but to the Spirit, who was totally guiding the conversation. After a couple hours of talking, they excused themselves to go watch the Twins game. I sat by the pool and prayed for my new friends, and I would ask that you would too.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007

I am Game Day Central-ized out.... As much as I love VBS, I am glad that I have only done one... err..two I guess. That up there, that's me and my "best friend" Sammy. She's five and one heck of a crazy kid. But we had fun this week.
Heading back to Appleton this weekend for another preview service. If you could send up a little prayer for that, it would be great.
Thanks to everyone for the prayers and support while my dad was in the hospital and such. He's out now, in case you didn't know.
This time next week, I will be back home. It's totally crazy to think about. I feel like I still have so much I want to do here. Never did get to go hear John Piper preach at his church. Doesn't help that he's out of town a lot.
Just found out about a conference in dallas... in september...called "Lead Now." ... I am thinking about going.. check it out
Been wrestling with some scripture lately.. like in Mark 7 when a lady asks Jesus to cast a demon out of her daughter.. Jesus (in a round about way) compares her to a dog..but she insists that even dogs eat crumbs left from the He heals the little girl. What the heck is up with that? Not sure how I feel about it. And the story of the rich young ruler... still trying to figure out what I think about that. To be honest, it kind of makes me uncomfortable, and it would be nice if others didn't give me "easy" answers. If others would wrestle with me, that would be nice.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
just for laughs
found this video today... watch it till the end...the last bit is hilarious...i can see kodee doing this
Monday, July 23, 2007
crazy times
Well, this weekend has proven to be a crazy one.
As we were leaving the cities on Friday and heading for Rochester, I found out that my dad had been admitted to the hospital. For the past few months, he has been having trouble catching his breath and generally "not feeling well." So my mom pretty much made him go to the ER when he got home from work on Friday. So there I was, in the back seat of a car with two boys (who don't have a clue what to do with a crying fact...I am pretty sure they were terrified), with my mom telling me that my dad is having heart troubles. We found out that night that he has some congestive heart failure and something (I don't know the technical term) where his heart doesn't beat regularly, it pretty much just vibrates. It looked like his hospital stay would be "more than a couple of days." We pulled up to Nate's family's home (whom I had never met) and I was an emotional wreck. I felt kinda bad introducing myself with a blotchy face and mascara everywhere, but they knew what was going on and they understood. His family actually came to be somewhat of a comfort during this time, as they offered support and many prayers.
We headed for Appleton on Saturday. I can't say the four hour road trip was a pleasant one. Once we finally got to the town, I settled in my motel room and tried to relax a bit.
Sunday, we got up and had the first preview service of what could be a new church. We had 11 people, which was pleasing. I didn't have to do childcare, since all the parents opted to keep the kids with them.
The four hour road trip back to Rochester was rough too. I haven't slept well the past two nights, worrying about my dad and such, so I'll admit, I was cranky. Plus, I got a phone call from my mom saying that my dad would be having a "procedure" on Monday morning to check for clogged arteries. If found, they would go ahead and fix them then. His heart is pretty weak, so there's a small chance he may have to be on a respirator afterwards.
And there I was, in the middle of butt-crack Minnesota, wanting so badly to go home right then, but with no way of that happening.
After a lot of talking with my mom, a lot of praying, and a lot of tears, my parents insisted that there was no need for me to come home now. "Everything is going to fine," they continued to insist. It's still hard though.. I want to be home, with my daddy and my family.
We finally made it back to the cities at 12:15. Good thing I didn't NEED to fly out tonight...wouldn't have happened.
As we were leaving the cities on Friday and heading for Rochester, I found out that my dad had been admitted to the hospital. For the past few months, he has been having trouble catching his breath and generally "not feeling well." So my mom pretty much made him go to the ER when he got home from work on Friday. So there I was, in the back seat of a car with two boys (who don't have a clue what to do with a crying fact...I am pretty sure they were terrified), with my mom telling me that my dad is having heart troubles. We found out that night that he has some congestive heart failure and something (I don't know the technical term) where his heart doesn't beat regularly, it pretty much just vibrates. It looked like his hospital stay would be "more than a couple of days." We pulled up to Nate's family's home (whom I had never met) and I was an emotional wreck. I felt kinda bad introducing myself with a blotchy face and mascara everywhere, but they knew what was going on and they understood. His family actually came to be somewhat of a comfort during this time, as they offered support and many prayers.
We headed for Appleton on Saturday. I can't say the four hour road trip was a pleasant one. Once we finally got to the town, I settled in my motel room and tried to relax a bit.
Sunday, we got up and had the first preview service of what could be a new church. We had 11 people, which was pleasing. I didn't have to do childcare, since all the parents opted to keep the kids with them.
The four hour road trip back to Rochester was rough too. I haven't slept well the past two nights, worrying about my dad and such, so I'll admit, I was cranky. Plus, I got a phone call from my mom saying that my dad would be having a "procedure" on Monday morning to check for clogged arteries. If found, they would go ahead and fix them then. His heart is pretty weak, so there's a small chance he may have to be on a respirator afterwards.
And there I was, in the middle of butt-crack Minnesota, wanting so badly to go home right then, but with no way of that happening.
After a lot of talking with my mom, a lot of praying, and a lot of tears, my parents insisted that there was no need for me to come home now. "Everything is going to fine," they continued to insist. It's still hard though.. I want to be home, with my daddy and my family.
We finally made it back to the cities at 12:15. Good thing I didn't NEED to fly out tonight...wouldn't have happened.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Beautiful Mess
Heading to Rochester tonight, then to Appleton tomorrow. I am telling you, by the end of the summer, I will have been ALL OVER Minnesota!
We fly back home two weeks from today. And I must admit, I am a little sad at the thought of leaving. I have decided that although there are still SO MANY things I want to do while I am here, places I want to go, things I want to do/see, I am NOT going to do them all. I want to have a reason (or two) to come back. Bob and Nate are still trying to convince me to move here. Just today, we were talking about seminaries. I admitted to really considering Truett, with the main reason being that they have a pretty cross. (Don't deny it, you know it's a beautiful symbol-thing. Afterall, if I ever got a tattoo, I would want that cross... but I feel like I can't get that cross without going to Truett...) I was saying that when I look into seminaries, I always look at what kind of lifestyle statement students much adhere to. Nate brought to my attention that at Bethel (a seminary here in the cities) you can drink. Thanks for making me sound like an alcoholic Nate! haha! He also said that even though Bethel is not a "Southern Baptist" seminary, the MWBC has kinda latched onto it, and if I am a member of a Baptist church up here (like the church plant that Nate is starting on campus) I can get a significant scholarship to Bethel....just a thought...
So I am reading "This Beautiful Mess" right now, by Rick McKinley. He is the pastor at Imago Dei, where Donald Miller goes to church. I am only a little ways into the book, but I must say, it is a GREAT book. It is all about the "kingdom of God." A little excerpt, just for you:
"In the genius of Jesus we find ourselves grasping aspects of the kingdom through a living definition that is growing and changing all the time. Not neat (that's dogma), not reduced (that's formula), not disassembled (that's dead).
But beautiful."
That's the kind of life I want to live. A beautifully messy one.
We fly back home two weeks from today. And I must admit, I am a little sad at the thought of leaving. I have decided that although there are still SO MANY things I want to do while I am here, places I want to go, things I want to do/see, I am NOT going to do them all. I want to have a reason (or two) to come back. Bob and Nate are still trying to convince me to move here. Just today, we were talking about seminaries. I admitted to really considering Truett, with the main reason being that they have a pretty cross. (Don't deny it, you know it's a beautiful symbol-thing. Afterall, if I ever got a tattoo, I would want that cross... but I feel like I can't get that cross without going to Truett...) I was saying that when I look into seminaries, I always look at what kind of lifestyle statement students much adhere to. Nate brought to my attention that at Bethel (a seminary here in the cities) you can drink. Thanks for making me sound like an alcoholic Nate! haha! He also said that even though Bethel is not a "Southern Baptist" seminary, the MWBC has kinda latched onto it, and if I am a member of a Baptist church up here (like the church plant that Nate is starting on campus) I can get a significant scholarship to Bethel....just a thought...
So I am reading "This Beautiful Mess" right now, by Rick McKinley. He is the pastor at Imago Dei, where Donald Miller goes to church. I am only a little ways into the book, but I must say, it is a GREAT book. It is all about the "kingdom of God." A little excerpt, just for you:
"In the genius of Jesus we find ourselves grasping aspects of the kingdom through a living definition that is growing and changing all the time. Not neat (that's dogma), not reduced (that's formula), not disassembled (that's dead).
But beautiful."
That's the kind of life I want to live. A beautifully messy one.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Good News...
Good news folks....
First, I SAW TONY TODAY!! YAY!!! I was wandering around Dinkytown this afternoon when lo and behold, there he was outside of Espresso Royale. I was able to sit and talk with him for about an hour. I hope to go back and talk with him some more tomorrow.
Still no sign of my Mormon friends.
Second bit of good news...WE HAVE PLANS!! That's right! The next two weekends, we will be in Appleton. You may remember that a few weeks ago, we did some survey work in this rural western Minnesota town, for the possibility of a new church plant. Well, they are going to have two preview services in the next two weekends. And guess what I am in charge guessed it...childcare. But I am actually excited about it. Not only do I get to connect with some of the families again, but I get to dabble in church planting some more and the logistics that go with it.
Thirdly, Jesus Camp went REALLY well. The movie itself was, as predicted, sketchy. However, it did provide for some QUALITY conversation afterwards with Grant and Alex. Let me explain a bit. Both of these guys grew up Catholic, altar boys even. Grant, at some point in recent years, decided that Christianity doesn't hold much validity is now a self-proclaimed agnostic. Alex is searching more than anyone I have ever met. I don't think I have ever known someone who is so HONESTLY searching. We had a great conversation with both of them after the video. A lot of the conversation was actually between the two of them, as they discussed and debated back and forth.
I left tonight realizing more and more the true need for community among people, both believers and non-believers. It often takes a TRUE relationship with people to hold a conversation with them on spiritual matters. Honestly, I feel that even after almost 10 weeks, we dont have that relationship with people here. However, Nate does. And to see the way he composes himself and is careful with his words is amazing. But he knows that no matter what, they will be friends after their conversation, because they have a relationship. THAT'S COMMUNITY...THAT'S MISSIONAL LIVING
First, I SAW TONY TODAY!! YAY!!! I was wandering around Dinkytown this afternoon when lo and behold, there he was outside of Espresso Royale. I was able to sit and talk with him for about an hour. I hope to go back and talk with him some more tomorrow.
Still no sign of my Mormon friends.
Second bit of good news...WE HAVE PLANS!! That's right! The next two weekends, we will be in Appleton. You may remember that a few weeks ago, we did some survey work in this rural western Minnesota town, for the possibility of a new church plant. Well, they are going to have two preview services in the next two weekends. And guess what I am in charge guessed it...childcare. But I am actually excited about it. Not only do I get to connect with some of the families again, but I get to dabble in church planting some more and the logistics that go with it.
Thirdly, Jesus Camp went REALLY well. The movie itself was, as predicted, sketchy. However, it did provide for some QUALITY conversation afterwards with Grant and Alex. Let me explain a bit. Both of these guys grew up Catholic, altar boys even. Grant, at some point in recent years, decided that Christianity doesn't hold much validity is now a self-proclaimed agnostic. Alex is searching more than anyone I have ever met. I don't think I have ever known someone who is so HONESTLY searching. We had a great conversation with both of them after the video. A lot of the conversation was actually between the two of them, as they discussed and debated back and forth.
I left tonight realizing more and more the true need for community among people, both believers and non-believers. It often takes a TRUE relationship with people to hold a conversation with them on spiritual matters. Honestly, I feel that even after almost 10 weeks, we dont have that relationship with people here. However, Nate does. And to see the way he composes himself and is careful with his words is amazing. But he knows that no matter what, they will be friends after their conversation, because they have a relationship. THAT'S COMMUNITY...THAT'S MISSIONAL LIVING
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
in PAIN....
Well folks... it's a new week...and I am still feeling it from the weekend.
I might have mentioned that I got terribly sunburnt from our canoeing trip, but turns out, I got sun poisoning as well. I have spent the last two days in bed, with a fever, feeling like I have the flu, exhausted as all get out, and everything down to my bones hurting. I am in a constant state of lathering in aloe. It stinks.
Did I mention that I got a bike? So now, I ride my bike to the bus stop. However, that's a bit of a mixed blessing. I haven't ridden a bike in YEARS... I forgot how much of a workout riding a bike is! Sheesh! This morning, I rode ALL THE WAY TO THE FRIGGIN BUS STOP and realized.... I DONT HAVE MY BUS PASS!! So I had to come back to the apt, wait a bit, then I am heading back to catch a bus to the U.
We are watching the documentary "Jesus Camp" tonight with the folks in the house. Pretty excited about that. If you aren't familiar with the documentary, I totally suggest looking into it. It's about little kids going to camp and getting all psyched out about Jesus.... looks a little sketchy to me. The people in the house are interested in I am praying for some opportunities for some good conversations with the housemates tonight.
I might have mentioned that I got terribly sunburnt from our canoeing trip, but turns out, I got sun poisoning as well. I have spent the last two days in bed, with a fever, feeling like I have the flu, exhausted as all get out, and everything down to my bones hurting. I am in a constant state of lathering in aloe. It stinks.
Did I mention that I got a bike? So now, I ride my bike to the bus stop. However, that's a bit of a mixed blessing. I haven't ridden a bike in YEARS... I forgot how much of a workout riding a bike is! Sheesh! This morning, I rode ALL THE WAY TO THE FRIGGIN BUS STOP and realized.... I DONT HAVE MY BUS PASS!! So I had to come back to the apt, wait a bit, then I am heading back to catch a bus to the U.
We are watching the documentary "Jesus Camp" tonight with the folks in the house. Pretty excited about that. If you aren't familiar with the documentary, I totally suggest looking into it. It's about little kids going to camp and getting all psyched out about Jesus.... looks a little sketchy to me. The people in the house are interested in I am praying for some opportunities for some good conversations with the housemates tonight.
Monday, July 16, 2007
I have been to WISCONSIN!!

Our camping and canoeing trip was really fun too. We had four girls, so me and Carina (the youth minister's fiance) had it pretty easy. We canoed the St. Croix River, which borders Minnesota and Wisconsin. It was absolutely beautiful! We went on a nice hike on Saturday night, which magnified the beauty of this place. Early Sunday morning, we packed up and headed out for the River. We canoed a WHOPPING 17 MILES! It took all day... no joke. But it was a good time and we got to see more and more of God's beauty. However, by the end of the day, I was SERIOUSLY moreso than ever before. I hurt all over now...which is no fun.
No real plans as of yet for the week... so we shall see what happens!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
If you didnt like that video, there is something wrong with you.
Well... haven't felt productive lately, which is no fun. I am pretty bummed about it. If you think of it, pray that I will find something to do.
That's right..we have something to do!! HALLELUJAH!
We are having a cook out at Nate's house, in hopes of making some contacts with people, which is why we are here.
Haven't seen Tony in a while...which makes me sad. I got word yesterday that he was outside Espresso Royale, but by the time I got over there, he was gone. I sat down and pouted, like the mature person that I am.
Haven't seen my Mormon friends either...more sadness.
3 weeks left here in the Twin Cities... let's pray they are a good three weeks.
Well... haven't felt productive lately, which is no fun. I am pretty bummed about it. If you think of it, pray that I will find something to do.
That's right..we have something to do!! HALLELUJAH!
We are having a cook out at Nate's house, in hopes of making some contacts with people, which is why we are here.
Haven't seen Tony in a while...which makes me sad. I got word yesterday that he was outside Espresso Royale, but by the time I got over there, he was gone. I sat down and pouted, like the mature person that I am.
Haven't seen my Mormon friends either...more sadness.
3 weeks left here in the Twin Cities... let's pray they are a good three weeks.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Sunday, July 08, 2007
4 weeks left in minnesota...
...and I am a little sad about my short time left here. Didn't think I would ever say that.
I have a new favorite music artist...Jonny Lang. I highly recommend him to all of you! He played last night at the Basillica Block Party and he was REALLY good. I really like his sound.
Another night at the block party proved to be so fun. I worked with the same people, at the same beer tent. We worked so well together the night before, that we decided to work together again, and I am so glad we did. We were able to get to know each other more and more. By the end of the night, I had blisters all over both of my hands from opening countless beer bottles. I REEKED of beer and wine, but it was so worth it. I know some people would have looked down on the fact that I "sold beer" on a "mission trip." But I choose to think that this is where Jesus would have been...with the people. None of the people I worked with were churched. They were intrigued as to what would bring me, a Texan, to volunteer at the Block Party. I was able to share with them why I am here, where my heart is, and who Christ is to me.
At the end of the night, one of the ladies I worked closely with pulled me aside and started to shower me with compliments....just telling me about how she saw my heart... and it inspired her..and never change..yadda yadda. I felt that in that moment, God was affirming my decision to work in a "beer tent."
Still struggling with the bus system...
I have a new favorite music artist...Jonny Lang. I highly recommend him to all of you! He played last night at the Basillica Block Party and he was REALLY good. I really like his sound.
Another night at the block party proved to be so fun. I worked with the same people, at the same beer tent. We worked so well together the night before, that we decided to work together again, and I am so glad we did. We were able to get to know each other more and more. By the end of the night, I had blisters all over both of my hands from opening countless beer bottles. I REEKED of beer and wine, but it was so worth it. I know some people would have looked down on the fact that I "sold beer" on a "mission trip." But I choose to think that this is where Jesus would have been...with the people. None of the people I worked with were churched. They were intrigued as to what would bring me, a Texan, to volunteer at the Block Party. I was able to share with them why I am here, where my heart is, and who Christ is to me.
At the end of the night, one of the ladies I worked closely with pulled me aside and started to shower me with compliments....just telling me about how she saw my heart... and it inspired her..and never change..yadda yadda. I felt that in that moment, God was affirming my decision to work in a "beer tent."
Still struggling with the bus system...
and now for some pics..
Saturday, July 07, 2007
This whole bus thing...
... is a little more work that I expected. I walk twenty minutes to my bus stop, hop on, then get off and on another...then off and an on another..then an hour later, I arrive in Dinkytown.
Tonight was night one of the Basillica Block Party. I had another voyage on the bus, which was a little crazy, due to rush hour. After missing my stop and hiking BACK to the basillica, I check in with the raffle-sales people. Don't think I will be doing that again. That was a terrible two hours. No fun whatsoever. But then, the fun started. I went to the "beer tent," where I helped serve. No.... I opened bottle. Really, that was it, but I had a good time! I met some amazing people that were working alongside me. Once again, they were all older (I can't seem to really connect with anyone MY age this summer.....its all older people!) But it was so fun! And we were right in front of the stage, so I saw the entire Lifehouse and Amos Lee show, which were both amazing.
One problem with my night. The bus back to the apartment doesn't run after 6 PM. I was totally unsure of what to do. I hopped on a bus back to Dinkytown, frantically trying to figure something out. When I got off the bus, I decided that my only option would be get a taxi. Only problem, I had never ridden in a taxi before, and I wasn't sure how to get one, or hail one, or whatever it is. After shyly waving at FIVE taxis with none stopping, I finally jumped up and down and waved one over. Once this nice man pulled over and I got in, I realized another problem, I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE THE APARTMENT IS. After ten minutes of frustration, we figured it out and we were off.
It's been a crazy day, but a good one.
Tonight was night one of the Basillica Block Party. I had another voyage on the bus, which was a little crazy, due to rush hour. After missing my stop and hiking BACK to the basillica, I check in with the raffle-sales people. Don't think I will be doing that again. That was a terrible two hours. No fun whatsoever. But then, the fun started. I went to the "beer tent," where I helped serve. No.... I opened bottle. Really, that was it, but I had a good time! I met some amazing people that were working alongside me. Once again, they were all older (I can't seem to really connect with anyone MY age this summer.....its all older people!) But it was so fun! And we were right in front of the stage, so I saw the entire Lifehouse and Amos Lee show, which were both amazing.
One problem with my night. The bus back to the apartment doesn't run after 6 PM. I was totally unsure of what to do. I hopped on a bus back to Dinkytown, frantically trying to figure something out. When I got off the bus, I decided that my only option would be get a taxi. Only problem, I had never ridden in a taxi before, and I wasn't sure how to get one, or hail one, or whatever it is. After shyly waving at FIVE taxis with none stopping, I finally jumped up and down and waved one over. Once this nice man pulled over and I got in, I realized another problem, I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE THE APARTMENT IS. After ten minutes of frustration, we figured it out and we were off.
It's been a crazy day, but a good one.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
I have officially moved out of my closet of a room! YAY!! Now, I am living in an apartment with another girl, Becky. Katie, who went to Appleton with us, lives there too, but is gone for the most part! The apartment is in a suburb of the cities, Roseville. Therefore, I will be riding the bus to and from Dinkytown everyday. I may even get a bike to ride to my bus stop, because its kinda a long way off from the apt... I gotta say, I am excited about the possibility of a bike.
Nate, the guy whose house we have been living in, just got back. He's taken us out and about tonight, which is nice. Looks like he will be our "supervisor" now.
I am volunteering at the Basillica Block Party tomorrow night and Saturday night, which I am stoked about. I will be selling beer and raffle tickets. It should be an awesome opportunity to meet more people. So pray for that if you get a chance.
I am really liking Minneapolis... could I possibily live here one day? Maybe?! There is such a need up here. Only 5 % of CHURCHED people are evangelicals. Do you know how small that is?? REAL SMALL!! Church plants need to be popping up all over the place up here.
Nate, the guy whose house we have been living in, just got back. He's taken us out and about tonight, which is nice. Looks like he will be our "supervisor" now.
I am volunteering at the Basillica Block Party tomorrow night and Saturday night, which I am stoked about. I will be selling beer and raffle tickets. It should be an awesome opportunity to meet more people. So pray for that if you get a chance.
I am really liking Minneapolis... could I possibily live here one day? Maybe?! There is such a need up here. Only 5 % of CHURCHED people are evangelicals. Do you know how small that is?? REAL SMALL!! Church plants need to be popping up all over the place up here.
Monday, July 02, 2007
a little adventure
Well.. I got lost last night. I decided that once we got back to the house, I would go to Wal-Mart. Of course, this meant riding three different buses. So I wrote out my bus schedule and hopped on a bus. I get off at my first stop to transfer to another bus. Little did I know, I would have to cross the street to the other bus stop. So next thing I know, I miss my bus and my entire schedule is ruined. And there I was, in the middle of Minneapolis with not a clue where I was or how to get back. So I called EVERYONE back home, trying to find someone to get online to figure it out for me. Finally, I called good ol Lexie, who got me situated. Of course, this meant sitting at the bus stop for another hour waiting.
It was during my wait time that a man approached me, whom I am pretty sure was intoxicated. He hit on me... telling me that I was beautiful, because (and I quote) "my ears aren't too big and I don't have a big nose." Well if that doesn't woo a girl, I don't know what will! I finally got on a bus and got to Wal-Mart. But once I was there, I realized I didn't know how to get back. So I got on the first bus I found and rode it until it got somewhere that was familiar. I then got off, and decided to walk the rest of the way. Good times on the transit system.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
back to the cities
Our time in Appleton is complete. It was a nice, productive week. I have to admit, hanging out with another girl was nice too. But now it is back to the cities, and I have no idea what the next 5 weeks hold in store for me.
I do have two new friends though...well..kinda. I had already met them, but now, I consider them friends. It's the two Mormon missionaries. I see them all the time, as their assignment is here in Dinkytown. Now, instead of just a "hey.." and small talk, they pull up a chair to my table outside of Espresso Royale. I enjoy talking to them, which is good. So now my total of friends in Minneapolis is a whopping THREE...Tony, and the Mormons. Love it.
We set out on an urban adventure today. We hopped on a bus, got off at the wrong stop, wandered around downtown, and somehow found our way to the train station. Final destination...Mall of America. Holy Canoli... this mall is huge. It was extremely overwhelming. I hope to go back before we leave, simply because I didn't get to see it all. Heck, I realized after spending two hours in Old Navy (which was the biggest Old Navy I had ever been in, AND it was having the BIGGEST SALE EVER!!), that I was in the largest mall in America, what the heck am I doing spending all my time in one store? We spent over five hours in the mall, and I didnt see half of it. And we definitly didn't get to play in the amusement park.. so we BETTER go back.
I made a new "friend" in the mall though. His name is Soso. He's from Israel, getting his MBA here. He was a little creepy, I will admit. He was trying to sell me lotion or something, but was weird about me all sorts of compliments..even asking me out on a date and giving me his number. He's Jewish, which he claimed made him "perfect," but that he would "settle for my imperfections." Well, that relieves me, because I was worried. sheesh!
Don't know what this next week holds... but I am learning to laugh at the lack of a schedule and go with it.
I do have two new friends though...well..kinda. I had already met them, but now, I consider them friends. It's the two Mormon missionaries. I see them all the time, as their assignment is here in Dinkytown. Now, instead of just a "hey.." and small talk, they pull up a chair to my table outside of Espresso Royale. I enjoy talking to them, which is good. So now my total of friends in Minneapolis is a whopping THREE...Tony, and the Mormons. Love it.
We set out on an urban adventure today. We hopped on a bus, got off at the wrong stop, wandered around downtown, and somehow found our way to the train station. Final destination...Mall of America. Holy Canoli... this mall is huge. It was extremely overwhelming. I hope to go back before we leave, simply because I didn't get to see it all. Heck, I realized after spending two hours in Old Navy (which was the biggest Old Navy I had ever been in, AND it was having the BIGGEST SALE EVER!!), that I was in the largest mall in America, what the heck am I doing spending all my time in one store? We spent over five hours in the mall, and I didnt see half of it. And we definitly didn't get to play in the amusement park.. so we BETTER go back.
I made a new "friend" in the mall though. His name is Soso. He's from Israel, getting his MBA here. He was a little creepy, I will admit. He was trying to sell me lotion or something, but was weird about me all sorts of compliments..even asking me out on a date and giving me his number. He's Jewish, which he claimed made him "perfect," but that he would "settle for my imperfections." Well, that relieves me, because I was worried. sheesh!
Don't know what this next week holds... but I am learning to laugh at the lack of a schedule and go with it.
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