I have been working on this for a bit...and now... my running list of things to do before I die...
Wear out as many bibles as I can
Learn to play the piano
Spend some time in Uganda
Go to a catholic church on easter
Kiss in the rain
throw a dart at a map and travel wherever it lands
be on broadway in some form
walk hand-in-hand with someone in central park
meet clayton king
get a tattoo
ride a horse on the beach
dance in studio 54
read the bible cover to cover
witness the miracle of life
save a life
write me autobiography
help build a tree house
ride an elephant
take a hot air balloon ride
have a hobby room in my house
swim with the dolphins
go to a midnight mass on Christmas eve
go on a cruise
take singing lessons
experience zero gravity
go white water rafting
shower in a waterfall
drive a convertible with the top down and music blaring
learn to play the guitar
learn to bartend
go to confession at a catholic church
figure out how a way to enjoy coffee
be in the audience of the oprah show
sit under a tree reading a book at Harvard
be able to go day to day without taking meds
spend the night in a hammock
sit on a jury
record my family history
send a message in a bottle
walk on the great wall of china
drive across America on route 66
crowd surf
Spend a day visiting car dealerships and test drive highly expensive sports cars that I'll never be able to afford
Learn to surf
Go to a gay bar (weird..i know)
Fly first class
Ride in an 18-wheeler
Go to the fao Schwartz store in new york
Sleep under a tree with no bedding/tent
Have a friend in every continent